Проведення Agrobacterium-опосередкованої трансформації морфогенних калюсів нових перспективних генотипів озимої м’якої пшениці та отриманні генетично модифікованих рослин з частковою супресією гена проліндегідрогенази. Частота вбудовування цільового гена.
One of today’s catastrophic problems is the use of an unlimited amount of pesticides, using which agricultural producers treat the soil to obtain high yields. And due to its unique feature Ukrainian soils absorb significant amounts of these chemicals.
The interpretation of the agroecological characteristics of irrigated grass-gray soils. Agrochemical characteristics and the physicochemical paramete of irrigated grass-gray soils. Phosphorus and Potassium fertilizer is also very important for plants.
Increasing crop yields. Criteria for assessing deferrization and restorative potential of soils. Substantiation of the optimal doses of fertilizers to ensure balanced cycles of the circulation of substances in acidic light gray surface-charred soils.
Modeling a three-level vertically-oriented system for making investment decisions in the agro-industrial complex of the Russian economy. Automation of agricultural processes, increasing labor productivity. Formation of an optimal investment portfolio.
The purpose was to clarify the state of fishing and extracting aquatic living resources in the waters of the World Ocean, starting from 2010. Based on FAO data, an assessment of the state of extracting aquatic biological resources in the World Ocean.
Assessment of the state of fish resources and seafood in the world and Ukraine. Increase and improve the quality of valuable commercial fish products. Creating conditions for natural reproduction of aquaculture. Development of Lake and pond fish farming.
The architecture of the lymph nodes of one-humped camel, its differences from the classical structure of lymph nodes other mammals. General characteristics of the lymph nodes of the animal, their forms, constituents, lymphatic vessels and aging changes.
In the process of ripening, due to the chemical processes occurring in the composition of the berry. In the course of our research, we investigated the change in the organoleptic properties of grape varieties of medium and late ripening periods.
Theoretical substantiation and determination of the norms for the use of sodium humate in feeding agricultural animals. Determination of the economic efficiency of the use of different doses of sodium humate in the animal feeding are considered.
The results of the selected modes of operation of harvesting machines, by optimization of cut-to-length with application of methods of Queuing theory. Average cycle time for forest machines. The utilization ratio for different systems of forest machines.
Elucidation of the organization of the components of the hip joint zone in a dog, ligamentous, muscular structures and their fixed, movable attachments. Study of aspects of the innervation mode of approaching anatomical formations of the hip joint.
- 43. Aspergillous fruit rot of pomegranate bushes in the conditions of the western part of Azerbaijan
The results of 3-year field and laboratory research on the study of aspergillus fruit rot. During the years of the study the detection of aspergillus fruit rot on pomegranate was carried out in two ways: observations at stationary sites and route surveys.
Water resources assessment, irrigation and agricultural developments in Tajikistan. Food policy reforms for sustainable agricultural development in Uzbekistan. Crop evapotranspiration. Guidelines for computing crop water requirements in the country.
At the level of the system of gullen drainage areas of the river, the analysis is carried out of the impact of forecast and actual runoff costs on the development of erosion-hydrological processes. Ecological assessment of the structure of crop rotations.
The assessment of the socio-ecological and socio-economic efficiency of the organic land with the involvement of economic justification for the development of organic production in Western Polissia regions and its impact on the population health.
System for assessing the suitability of local raw materials for the manufacture of soil substrates makes it possible to quickly assess the suitability of the main types of substrate components and, if necessary, to adjust the basic parameters.
Assessment of the impact of different levels and types of nitrogen fertilizers on the agrochemical evolution of the surface soil horizon. Study of nitrate content in corn plants and leaves at different growth phases: 5 leaves, flowering, milky ripeness.
Analysis of the activity of cytoplasmic superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in rainbow trout cultivated in clay ponds with seawater. Evaluation of changes in internal organs of fish caused by the stress factor due to the presence of ammonia.
На основе архивных и опубликованных источников из России и США проведен анализ развития методов "сухого земледелия" для выращивания зерновых культур в регионах, таких как степи России и американские Великие равнины. Методы ведения сельского хозяйства.
Описание сорта винограда Артемис, созданного в результате греко-российского научного творческого сотрудничества и выведенного в Греции П. Заманиди и Л. Трошиным в 2003 году путем скрещивания греческого сорта Кондоклади с интродуцентом Траминером розовым.
The results of studies of bacterial root cancer of cherries in the conditions of the Ganja-Kazakh geographical zone during 2021—2023. Creating and development of a system of complex agrotechnical methods for combating bacterial root cancer of cherry.
Hordeyiniv studies of the varieties of spring barley. Create a directory to determine varietal purity parties grain varieties identification of genotypes. Research electrophoretic spectra hordeyiniv as an additional form of qualifying examination.
The hydraulic resistance of the stationary layer of wheat grain. Comparison of the values of heat-exchange coefficients for the dependences with the experimental results obtained using a pilot installation of drying. The definition of quality to families.
Cows with metabolic disorders characterized by phosphorus and endocrine malfunctions. The high possibility of placenta formation, placental function and fetal organogenesis slowdown. Microcirculatory disorders in fetus and maternal parts of the placenta.
Biochemical indicators of quails pharaoh and white texas during the time are kept under the shed with high temperature condit. In order to increase the stress resistance of the quails, acorn flour and Lybecrin preparation should be added to feed ration.
- 57. Breeding poultry
The domestication of poultry. Principles of maintenance, care and breeding chickens. Selecting breeds for breeding. Basic principles of culling birds at breeding. Breed Character. Detailed official colour standards. Guidelines for keeping cockerels.
Методы и технологические режимы обработки семян. Использование нанотехнологий в предпосевной подготовке. Определение доз опрыскивания вегетирующих растений. Анализ влияния фунгицидов и стимуляторов на генетическую структуру сельскохозяйственных культур.
Встановлення продуктивного, енергетичного та інтродукційного потенціалу форм і сортів Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz як перспективної сировинної рослини для виробництва біопалива. Одержання ліпідів із подрібненого насіння екстракцією петролейним ефіром.
Variety, production conditions and growing technology as the main factors of the soybean variety formation. Watering - one of the most important measures to provide high soybean yields under production conditions in the agrarian region of Xinjiang.