Аналіз науково-методичного та нормативно-правового забезпечення структурно-функціональної характеристики складових агросфери. Поняття сільська місцевість, її ознаки. Досвід західноєвропейської моделі використання та благоустрою сільських територій.
Аналіз інформативності методів діагностики. Порівняння їх інформативності. З’ясування клініко-біохімічного статусу молодняку великої рогатої худоби на відгодівлі. Вивчення поширення та етіології D-гіповітамінозу. Методика його терапії та профілактики.
The main purpose of this article is to establish the dependence of the production processes of red clover, as the main component of legume-grass agrophytocoenosis, on the use of lime, inoculant, growth enhancers, and phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.
The development and application of environmentally friendly pesticides with targeted and controlled release of active ingredients embedded in biodegradable polymer bases. Opportunities of providing long-term plant protection against pathogens and weeds.
We study the issues of target land use in Russia. It is determined that the Code regulates the earthly relations and focus on the rational use and protection of land, restoration of soil fertility, maintenance and improvement of the natural environment.
The aim of this work was to develop a system of identification of Salmonella and typing among them five serovars based on the polymerase chain reaction. Typing serovar of Salmonella gives an opportunity to get an answer about the source of infection.
Classification of medicinal and aromatic plants by their requirements to water supply. Classification of the territory of Ukraine based on the heat supply in the coldest winter month (January) and the hottest summer month (July). Heat supply zones.
- 98. Detoxication of pesticide and other toxic substance remains in soil with the help of nanomaterial's
The use of fertilizers and plant protection means from pests and diseases in modern agro-technologies. Soil intoxication with residual amounts of pesticides and agrochemicals. Description an integrated approach preparation of soil for further sowing.
Research of the biological characteristics of the pest, development periods of individual stages, the number of generations and hibernation on methods adopted in entomology in the laboratory and in natural conditions. Generations of apple fruit borer.
Results of the study of the activity periods of Eurygaster integriceps, a pest of grain farming in the Shamkir region - one of the grain regions of Azerbaijan, in 2022-2023. Review of the phenological calendar for measures to protect against this pest.
Importance of testing agricultural machinery in solving problems of modernization of agricultural production. Study of the shortcomings of the existing methodology of field testing of machines. Use of GLONASS / GPS technology in agricultural production.
Review of the activities of agricultural research institutions of Cherkasy at the beginning of the 20th century. Development and improvement of all branches of agricultural production in the Cherkasy region. Demonstration fields with rental stations.
The functioning of food industry enterprises in the territories of Northern Bukovyna and Khotyn region in the interwar period. Consideration of the food industry by enterprises of the flour milling, sugar, alcohol, milk and meat processing industries.
Retrospective analysis of directions, preconditions of institutionalization and development of land management in Ukraine. Analysis of priority tasks of land management science at different stages of its development. Defining tasks for the medium term.
Problems of breeding domestic quails in animal husbandry and production of eggs and quail meat. Research on the rapid reproducibility of production and cost recovery in the short term. Characteristics of annual production of quail eggs and meat.
Agriculture for Azerbaijan is a strategic multifunctional branch of the economy that performs important functions for the state and society. The importance of agriculture lies in the possibility of obtaining a synergistic effect from the development.
A method for the simultaneous identification of important nematode species of the genus Ditylenchus. Bioinformatics-assisted characterization of the segments of nuclear rRNA gene, and its exploitation in molecular diagnostics of crop-parasitic nematodes.
Study of chromatographic profiles of volatile compounds in fresh and dried mixed thermal white cabbage with the definition of differences in qualitative and quantitative composition. Feature of drying of raw cabbage by drying with mixed heat transfer.
Research results of seed diversity of quality, field germination and seedling height of sweet sorghum. Agronomic growing conditions. It is established that the plants which have been grown up from seeds of large and average fraction have high viability.
The study of the effect of feeding different amounts of triticale grain in the diet on digestibility of nutrients, body weight, average daily gain, carcass weight. It was established that the intake of nitrogen exceeded its excretion with faeces.
GM plants are plants into which foreign genes are inserted to develop resistance to herbicides and pesticides, to pests, to increase crop yields. Methods of obtaining them. The role of genetically modified plants in the development of agriculture.
Etiology and pathogenesis of acute postpartum metritis in cows and evaluating the complex treatment methods that are used at this pathology. Impact izatyzon, novocaine, ihtiola, estrofan, surfahon on biochemical and morphological parameters blood.
Investigation of the dynamics of labile organic compounds of light gray forest surface gleyed soil during the spring barley growing season. Establishing the dependence of dynamics on long-term use of different fertilizer systems and periodic liming.
Possibilities of harmonization of ecological and economic aspects of the functioning of models for the production of organic agricultural products in the natural and climatic conditions of crop farms. Development of typical models of crop rotations.
Relevance of ecologically safe production of animal products. Imbalance between main kinds of meat in the consumption structure. Preconditions of development of meat cattle breeding in the region on the basis of ecologically oriented technologies.
Carbon deposition, oxygen and phytoncide evolution by trees. Assessment of the ecological functions of forest stands. Dust settling, changing the wind regime. Silvicultural measures to increase the sustainability and productivity of forest stands.
Analysis of the results of a study devoted to the determination of botanical, morphological and economically valuable characteristics of clary sage. Prospects for growing the crop in the conditions of the South of Ukraine and using it in industry.
The use of ecological methods of farming with the use of renewable resources and the principle of rational nature management. Application of biological cycles and soil biological activity. Adaptation of agricultural ecosystems to regional conditions.
Determination of the features of economic efficiency and productivity of potato plants of the Kobza variety, depending on the elements of the technological process of growing under drip irrigation in the south of Ukraine. Drip irrigation methods.
Analysis production and consumption of livestock and poultry; import and export of meat products in Kazakhstan. The dynamics and structure of livestock in farms; of gross income of livestock production. Evaluate of efficiency of agricultural enterprises.