Investigation of productivity indicators of flax genotypes Linum usitatissimum L. at the Gemmiza agricultural research station (Egypt, El-Gharbiya governorate). Study of phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation for all technical traits.
Interdependence of events as a factor of transformations in established spheres of human life and everyday life as a way of existence of social existence, covering various types of human activity. Understanding everyday life as a form of social reality.
- 153. Examine the feasibility of a more productive walnut seedlings walnut for industrial plants south
Acquaintance with the possibilities of creating more productive walnut saplings for industrial plantations of the south of Russia. Consideration of the theoretical rationale for the introduction into culture of grafted planting material of walnut.
The model of experiment is built according to the field experimental studies, statistical processing of the results of which is implemented using Microsoft Excel. Graphic dependencies are built, allowing us to choose parameters of potato cleaners.
The goal is to study the export potential of the livestock industry of Ukraine on the basis of available resources and taking into account the productivity of fodder crops and farm animals. In the course of the study, general scientific methods were used.
Classification of grain crops grown in Ukraine. Rules of the commodity analysis of party grain. Determination of moisture, maturity and impurity content. Technology of photo separation by classes. Reduction of the time of grain intake at the granary.
The essence of the extracellular matrix of the liver. The influence of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome against the background of alcohol intoxication on the concentration of oxyproline, glycosaminoglycans and sialic acids in the liver of rat.
The study of the dynamic properties of soil organic matter. Determining the amount of easily mineralized soil substances under the influence of various factors. Study of soil samples from the surface of forest agricultural areas in different countries.
Distribution of average monthly temperatures during the springsummer growing season of winter rapeseed is a crop with an increased risk of cultivation. Increase in the area under crops of culture led to a rapid increase in the number of harmful organisms.
Peculiarities of drainage systems of the Western Polissya of Ukraine. Improving the efficiency of inter-farm and on-farm systems in the humid zone. State financing of the reconstruction of the net of irrigation and drainage systems in the Volyn region.
Presents information on feed crops of arid mountain lands of Nakhchivan. It is established that the most widespread group of feed grasses of the studied area includes Artemisia L., Salsola L., Kochia Roth, Atriplex L., Symphytum L., Astragalus L.
Poaching as the main reasons for the decrease in the number of sturgeon to the critical level. Basic conditions for the development of commodity sturgeon breeding: the restoration of commercial fish stocks, the formation of their repair broodstocks.
Установление диагностической ценности детекции антикоронавирусных антител методом иммуноферментного анализа. Результаты определения титров антител к коронавирусу в сыворотках крови кошек. Использование метода иммуноблоттинга для диагностики перитонита.
A review of research on climate change and its negative impact on crop production in regions of China. The need to develop heat-resistant and drought-resistant highly productive varieties and varieties that can ensure the country's food security.
Accurate forecasting techniques for specific agricultural commodities in sub-Saharan African countries. Forecasting prices of commonly consumed grains and legumes in Nigeria and traded worldwide, such as imported rice, local rice, beans, and maize.
Modernization of Ukrainian cooperative legislation in the aspect of European integration. Using the positive experience of Georgia in monitoring the activities of agricultural cooperatives in Ukraine. Ensuring equality of women and men in agribusiness.
The urgent problems that arose in the agrarian sector of Ukraine's economy and concern the efficient use of energy resources. Energy saving potential of agrarian enterprise. Potential possibilities of the enterprise for saving energy, resources.
- 168. Formation of bushiness of spring triticale varieties depending on the predecessor and fertilizer
Overview of triticale as an artificially bred agricultural crop. The influence of precursors and mineral fertilizers on the formation of productive bushiness of spring triticale of different varieties. Evaluation of indicators of the level of bushiness.
Consideration of managerial aspects of the formation and development of sales channels for the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. Analysis of problems and main influencing factors on a logistics system of promotion of national products to export markets.
The economic evaluation of land, separation and distribution, effective management of lease rights, minimization of natural and economic risks, elaboration of the principles of transition to sustainable land use is acute. Agriculture: land values.
Development of modern effective biocides for poultry farming, non-toxic for disinfection in the presence of birds with a prolonged effect. Monitoring of test cultures of micromycetes is the main indicator for determining the effectiveness of the drug.
It was found that under the influence of the enzyme "Rovabio" in birds increases the gross collection of eggs relative to control analogues. Recommended to use more crosses of domestic selection, as more adapted to local conditions of keping and feeding.
Impact of the consequences of widespread use of a genetic design product on the environment and the user. Possibilities of application of genetic technology in agriculture. The role of insurance companies in the agricultural and economic sector.
Historical range of a plant remote from its historical territory. Historical and geographical range of plants included in the genus Berberis L. Migration of the main genera and species of the family Berberidaceae from the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
Changing the hydromodule zoning of irrigated lands in the Khorezm oasis in case of water shortage. Distribution of irrigated lands in hydromodule areas and determination of scientific methods of irrigation for the main areas of the Khorezm region.
Визначення переваг GGE biplot аналізу у порівнянні з найбільше поширеними методиками для візуалізації та інтерпретації результатів екологічного сортовипробування за продуктивністю на прикладі семи сортів ячменю ярого. Тестери для оцінки генотипів.
Glaucoma as a cause of blindness in dogs. Analysis of the main forms of the disease: congenital, hereditary open-angle (primary angle closure) glaucoma. The effectiveness of the use of timolol as a method of reducing intraocular pressure in animals.
Применение GPS-навигационных систем в сельскохозяйственной отрасли. Вклад GPS-навигаторов в оптимизацию технологических процессов на полях. Переход АПК на развитие точного земледелия и получение прибыли при меньших затратах на семена, топливо, удобрения.
Green fertilizer as a plant material included in the soil to improve it. Legumes and nitrogen fixation. Organic matter replenishment. Conservation of nutrients. The benefits of using green fertilizers and the prevention of possible harmful effects.
Presentation of ideas regarding the processing of agro-ecological assessment of lands and the solution of actual agro-ecological problems of their use in agriculture for the greening of the development of the district. Assessment of soil quality.