Consideration of the peculiarities of cultivation and reproduction of Lavandula hybrida Rev. in closed soil conditions of the south of Ukraine for further use in urban greening and garden and park construction. Application of lavender in medicine.
Ensuring food security and economic development in the world. Analysis of the consequences of climate change. The search for ways to increase the yield of cereals and legumes. Global sorghum grain production, prospects for its cultivation in Ukraine.
Уточнення видового складу жуків родини Coccinellidae в агроценозах Правобережного Лісостепу. Домінуючі види сонечок, визначення частки Harmonia axyridis Pall. Співвідношення видів кокцинелід на посівах пшениці озимої та ячменю ярого, вівсі та люцерні.
Determine the level of heavy metals content in soils on the territory of rural settlements of Zhitomir. The main sources of pollution in the conditions of small farms. Assessment of environmental safety application the pesticides and agrochemicals.
Established that in the direction from the mountain to foothills and to the forest-steppe zone of the Carpathian region the content of ferrum, zinc, copper, cobalt, chromium, nickel, plumbum and cadmium in the arable soil layer and bee pollen increases.
Development of pig farming in Ukraine. Study of the influence of temperature and air humidity on the level of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the body of farrowing sows. Purposes of using the antioxidants Vikasol and Alkosel in the diet of animals.
The use of whole blood to determine hematological parameters using a hematological analyzer. The values of the number of circulating red blood cells, the concentration of hemoglobin and hematocrit. The process of adapting horses to physical activity.
The influence of blood and lineal affiliation of the Holstein breed on milk productivity, reproductive qualities and exterior of cows of the black and spotted breed. The effect of increasing the proportion of blood in Holsteins on milk productivity.
The aim of the research was to establish the patterns of histostructure of the thyroid gland inhypotrophic piglets and piglets after prenatal correction of hypotrophy considering their age. The study was performed on piglets of the large white breed.
Ways to restore the fertility of typical and podzolic chernozems with long-term use with minimal tillage and biologization of crop fertilization systems in short crop rotations are identified. The results of the conducted experiments are established.
Compliance with the quality requirements of grain crops in Ukraine for to become a leader from an export at the grain market. Execution the development of the system for express analysis of grain crops. Estimation the effectiveness of the work of system.
Creation of optimal conditions for the cultivation of winter wheat varieties in the conditions of the Moscow region on sod-podzolic soil, based on the study of the reaction of its varieties to the levels of mineral nutrition and plant protection systems.
Increasing the biological potential of chickpea plant culture at the initial stages of vegetation. Implementation of competitive growing technologies. Selection of varieties, herbicides and biological preparations adapted to soil and climatic conditions.
Priming of plants with natural agents as an alternative to chemical methods of protection in crop production. Relationship between grape priming by microorganisms and the action of antioxidant system elements in a protective response to mildew infection.
The article considers technologies of carrot cultivation of Shantene Korolevskaya hybrid under irrigation conditions on light chestnut soils of the Lower Volga region. In the article, the author studied modern methods of using water-soluble fertilizers.
Development of a method for the simultaneous determination of cyproconazole and propiconazole in fruits (apples, peaches, grapes) by gas-liquid chromatography. Optimal conditions for determination using the chemical-analytical monitoring algorithm.
Features sustainable agricultural land use. Aspects of functioning the cadastral system in the Ukraine. The essence of the state land cadastre. The main role of the agricultural accounting in the creation of effective the cadastral system in the Ukraine.
Research on the reproduction of dogwood - an extremely valuable fruit crop in Ukraine. Features of microclonal propagation in vitro. Improving the process of microclonal propagation of Cornus mas L. at the stage of introduction into aseptic culture.
Itegrated approach at the stages of planning technological operations and developing technical means. A technical solution for the adaptation of serial sprayers. The use of strip spraying with accurately add and redistribute the working solution.
The first varieties of typical winter durum wheat Michurinka and Novomichurinka were created by interspecies hybridization varieties of bread winter and durum spring wheat. Systematic improving of durum winter wheat has. Introgression of dwarf-genes.
Study of the features of the Dominant Greenshell cross. Performance indicators of chickens of different ages. The possibility of sorting chickens into roosters and hens by color and density of feathers at the age of one day. Factors affecting laying hens.
Finding effective methods for assessing the samples. Comparison of genetic variability and environmental correlations. Use of such indices as attractions, mikrorozpodilen Poltava and indirect selection index in the early stages of winter wheat breeding.
Strengthening the fight against phytodiseases of grain crops in Ukraine. Study of the influence of abiotic factors on the development of diseases and realization of the potential productivity of winter wheat in the conditions of the Western Forest Steppe.
Ensuring ecological cleanliness of harvested on chemically treated lands. Search for alternative methods of protecting agricultural crops. Analysis of the effect of the treatment with boron (B), molybdenum (Mo) and Rhizohumin on the yield vegetable pea.
Peas in Ukraine are mainly export-oriented crops, as the largest share of the crop is supplied to foreign markets, while domestic consumption, is stagnant. The review presents a analysis of data from literature sources on the characteristics of peas.
Elucidation of the effectiveness of rapid assessment of primary resistance of genotypes to high temperatures and cold. Similarity of seeds after exposure to heat shock, negative temperatures. Adaptive variability of the genetic nature of wheat genotypes.
- 207. Influence of cow body weight and condition score before delivery on calving course of hereford cows
Determination of the influence of body weight and assessment of the state of Hereford cows before calving. Analysis of the ratio of different courses of calving Hereford cows, depending on their body weight and condition immediately before calving.
Analysis of the features of building a transpiration intensity model based on multiple linear regression. Study of the close correlation between the intensity of transpiration of tomato plants by solar radiation, relative humidity and air temperature.
- 209. Influence of environmental fertilizer systems on yield formation and grain quality of winter wheat
The use of by-products as pea straw in combination with humus or microbiological fertilizer and treatment of plants with biostimulants increased the yield of winter wheat. Content heavy metals in winter wheat grain under ecological fertilizer systems.
To determine the influence of the system of mineral nutrition and care of winter wheat crops on the formation of grain yield in the Western Forest-Steppe. The data are given of results of researches in cultivation of winter wheat on intensive technology.