Natural multi-flower varieties of winter rye are valuable sources of flower ability with the highest number of flowers per ear, the smallest grain size and lowest indices of grain productivity. A genetic playground for enhancing grain number in cereals.
Features of further intensive distribution of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in Europe and Ukraine. Botanical characteristics of this plant. Identification of new locations of A. artemisiifolia in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine.
Determining the duration of raising animals using the genetic potential of their biological capabilities. Efficiency of bioconversion of protein and feed energy into meat products. Application of industrial crossbreeding to obtain high-quality beef.
Analysis of typology of integration interaction, types of vertical integration strategies in the agro-industrial complex. Summarizing of the conceptual framework and prerequisites of choice of strategies for integration in agrarian sector of the economy.
Contract farming, often referred to as out grower or supply chain farming, is a multifaceted agricultural system that plays a pivotal role in shaping the agricultural landscape of many countries worldwide. Elements of contract farming system.
- 66. Contribution of the Algerian water management strategy to the agricultural sector of Setif province
Ensuring food security in African countries. Creation of Algeria's water resources management strategy, desalination of sea water and construction of dams. Expansion of irrigated lands and increase the production of agricultural crops in Setif province.
Consideration of development of a comparative correlation model of the interconnections of ecological-trophic groups of soil microorganisms with agrophysical, physicochemical indicators, humus condition, the productivity of the degraded chernozem.
An estimation of agro-biological methods in crop rotation of dry-steppe zone of light chestnut soils of the Lower Volga region. The effectiveness of a grain-fallow four-field crop rotation. The balance of humus. A positive balance of organic matter.
- 69. Cultivation technology of clary sage in the south of Ukraine: a review of current scientific studies
The terms and methods of sowing of clary sage, soil tillage, plant care, varietal composition of the medicinal crop. General recommendations on crop cultivation in the south of Ukraine. The weak points in current plant agrotechnology are pointed out.
Analysis of literary sources on the problem of animal and human trichinellosis in Ukraine and the world. Study of the effect of trichinellosis on the immune response of animals and humans, which is the basis of specific prevention of the disease.
Характеристика методологии использования признаков анатомического строения стебля для целей селекции овса. Разработка анатомических параметров модели сорта овса посевного. Оценка эффективность проведения отбора у овса по признакам микроструктуры стебля.
Агротехнические требования к качеству выполнения полевых работ. Выбор сельскохозяйственной техники. Комплектование машинно-тракторных агрегатов. Подготовка поля и выбор способа движения агрегатов ДТ-75М и ЛДГ-10. Расчет экономического эффекта применения.
Засухи – бич сельского хозяйства Молдовы. Экономические и социальные преобразования в сельском хозяйстве страны. Оросительные системы Молдовы. Осуществление модернизации ирригационного оборудования совместными усилиями государства и землепользователей.
Ограниченность земельных наделов как проблема, приводящая к вынужденному бессменному возделыванию картофеля на одном месте. Разработка адаптивно-биологизированной технологии возделывания картофеля для приусадебных участков и мелкотоварных хозяйств.
Система показателей статистики животноводства. Динамика продуктивности скота и расхода кормов. Установление влияния факторов на эффективность производства продукции животноводства. Метод статистических группировок. Дисперсионный и корреляционный анализ.
Світове генетичне різноманіття пшениці. Добір селекційних джерел, вихідний матеріал для програм виведення високопродуктивних сортів озимої м’якої, ярої м’якої, ярої твердої пшениці в Лісостепі. Результати селекції миронівських пшениць за 1911-2006 роки.
Елітні генотипи, синтезація високопродуктивних гібридів кукурудзи. Прояви, мінливість елементів продуктивності гібридів F1. Схрещування контрастних за групами стиглості батьківських ліній. Добір за групами стиглості в генераціях самозапилення сімей S1–S5.
Аналіз науково-методичного та нормативно-правового забезпечення структурно-функціональної характеристики складових агросфери. Поняття сільська місцевість, її ознаки. Досвід західноєвропейської моделі використання та благоустрою сільських територій.
Аналіз інформативності методів діагностики. Порівняння їх інформативності. З’ясування клініко-біохімічного статусу молодняку великої рогатої худоби на відгодівлі. Вивчення поширення та етіології D-гіповітамінозу. Методика його терапії та профілактики.
The main purpose of this article is to establish the dependence of the production processes of red clover, as the main component of legume-grass agrophytocoenosis, on the use of lime, inoculant, growth enhancers, and phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.
The development and application of environmentally friendly pesticides with targeted and controlled release of active ingredients embedded in biodegradable polymer bases. Opportunities of providing long-term plant protection against pathogens and weeds.
We study the issues of target land use in Russia. It is determined that the Code regulates the earthly relations and focus on the rational use and protection of land, restoration of soil fertility, maintenance and improvement of the natural environment.
The aim of this work was to develop a system of identification of Salmonella and typing among them five serovars based on the polymerase chain reaction. Typing serovar of Salmonella gives an opportunity to get an answer about the source of infection.
Classification of medicinal and aromatic plants by their requirements to water supply. Classification of the territory of Ukraine based on the heat supply in the coldest winter month (January) and the hottest summer month (July). Heat supply zones.
- 85. Detoxication of pesticide and other toxic substance remains in soil with the help of nanomaterial's
The use of fertilizers and plant protection means from pests and diseases in modern agro-technologies. Soil intoxication with residual amounts of pesticides and agrochemicals. Description an integrated approach preparation of soil for further sowing.
Importance of testing agricultural machinery in solving problems of modernization of agricultural production. Study of the shortcomings of the existing methodology of field testing of machines. Use of GLONASS / GPS technology in agricultural production.
The functioning of food industry enterprises in the territories of Northern Bukovyna and Khotyn region in the interwar period. Consideration of the food industry by enterprises of the flour milling, sugar, alcohol, milk and meat processing industries.
Retrospective analysis of directions, preconditions of institutionalization and development of land management in Ukraine. Analysis of priority tasks of land management science at different stages of its development. Defining tasks for the medium term.
Problems of breeding domestic quails in animal husbandry and production of eggs and quail meat. Research on the rapid reproducibility of production and cost recovery in the short term. Characteristics of annual production of quail eggs and meat.
A method for the simultaneous identification of important nematode species of the genus Ditylenchus. Bioinformatics-assisted characterization of the segments of nuclear rRNA gene, and its exploitation in molecular diagnostics of crop-parasitic nematodes.