- 61. Cattle-breeding
Animal husbandry as a branch of agriculture. The main areas of modern animal husbandry. Main directions of use of agricultural products. The main crops used for fattening cattle. Study of the features of dairy cows and production of dairy products.
Taking into account the development of biotechnology in the world, this type of resource claims to be a new oil in the light of this, the Government of the Russian Federation set the task of doubling the export of agricultural products and raw materials.
Первичный гепатит как одно из диагностируемых паренхиматозных заболеваний печени у собак. Диагностическое исследование животных с гипербили-рубинемией. Циркуляционная гепатоцитная производная микроРНК как диагностический биомаркер желчнокаменной болезни.
Determination of the level of pathological changes in the vascular bed of fibrous formations of acropods in septic diseases of the fingers in cattle. An adaptive mechanism that prevents hemostasis. The process of compensatory hypertrophy of blood vessels.
Implementation of the policy of territorial development in its species diversity. Expected end results ensuring sustainability in the development of the agricultural sector of the economy. Investing in agriculture, organizing an agricultural holding.
Characteristics of sandy soils on moraine deposits. The content of nitrogen and humus in the soils of moist and fresh boron. Changes in the granulometric composition and nutrient content in sandy soils on morainic sediments in different forest conditions.
The scientific article presents data on the semi-desert type of vegetation of the Daridag massif. It has been established that the massif's territories at an altitude of 800-1200 m are characterized by plant species specific to semi-desert vegetation.
Information on the characteristics, ways of spreading and pathogenesis of the causative agent of malassezia in dogs. Study of clinical signs and course. Carrying out regular dispensation of dogs in order to detect the disease in its initial stages.
Study of bird migration for wetland management and development of conservation measures to preserve the main routes of their migration, stops for rest and food. Finding out the peculiarities of autumn migrations of birds by studying their behavior.
The detection technique and quantitative determination procedure of chlorinated pesticide, namely 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), in food raw material. The use of thin layer chromatography for quantitative determination of 2,4-D extracting.
Functional-parametric scheme for drying small seeds in a transporter-cascade plant, in order to preserve the high technological value of seeds. Biochemical changes in seed under the heat impact cause the necessity of the drying under milder conditions.
Influence of sowing dates on the chemical composition and nutritional value of a new non-traditional culture of chicken millet in the dry steppe zone of Central Kazakhstan. Strengthening the agrarian economy and social development in rural areas.
Natural multi-flower varieties of winter rye are valuable sources of flower ability with the highest number of flowers per ear, the smallest grain size and lowest indices of grain productivity. A genetic playground for enhancing grain number in cereals.
Features of further intensive distribution of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in Europe and Ukraine. Botanical characteristics of this plant. Identification of new locations of A. artemisiifolia in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine.
Determining the duration of raising animals using the genetic potential of their biological capabilities. Efficiency of bioconversion of protein and feed energy into meat products. Application of industrial crossbreeding to obtain high-quality beef.
Analysis of typology of integration interaction, types of vertical integration strategies in the agro-industrial complex. Summarizing of the conceptual framework and prerequisites of choice of strategies for integration in agrarian sector of the economy.
Contract farming, often referred to as out grower or supply chain farming, is a multifaceted agricultural system that plays a pivotal role in shaping the agricultural landscape of many countries worldwide. Elements of contract farming system.
- 78. Contribution of the Algerian water management strategy to the agricultural sector of Setif province
Ensuring food security in African countries. Creation of Algeria's water resources management strategy, desalination of sea water and construction of dams. Expansion of irrigated lands and increase the production of agricultural crops in Setif province.
Consideration of development of a comparative correlation model of the interconnections of ecological-trophic groups of soil microorganisms with agrophysical, physicochemical indicators, humus condition, the productivity of the degraded chernozem.
An estimation of agro-biological methods in crop rotation of dry-steppe zone of light chestnut soils of the Lower Volga region. The effectiveness of a grain-fallow four-field crop rotation. The balance of humus. A positive balance of organic matter.
Technologies of application of granulated fertilizers in cultivation of potatoes in farms of Gazakh-Touz economic region of Azerbaijan. Analysis of existing technical means used for the purpose of effective preparation of soil for cultivation of potatoes.
- 82. Cultivation technology of clary sage in the south of Ukraine: a review of current scientific studies
The terms and methods of sowing of clary sage, soil tillage, plant care, varietal composition of the medicinal crop. General recommendations on crop cultivation in the south of Ukraine. The weak points in current plant agrotechnology are pointed out.
Analysis of literary sources on the problem of animal and human trichinellosis in Ukraine and the world. Study of the effect of trichinellosis on the immune response of animals and humans, which is the basis of specific prevention of the disease.
Характеристика методологии использования признаков анатомического строения стебля для целей селекции овса. Разработка анатомических параметров модели сорта овса посевного. Оценка эффективность проведения отбора у овса по признакам микроструктуры стебля.
Агротехнические требования к качеству выполнения полевых работ. Выбор сельскохозяйственной техники. Комплектование машинно-тракторных агрегатов. Подготовка поля и выбор способа движения агрегатов ДТ-75М и ЛДГ-10. Расчет экономического эффекта применения.
Засухи – бич сельского хозяйства Молдовы. Экономические и социальные преобразования в сельском хозяйстве страны. Оросительные системы Молдовы. Осуществление модернизации ирригационного оборудования совместными усилиями государства и землепользователей.
Ограниченность земельных наделов как проблема, приводящая к вынужденному бессменному возделыванию картофеля на одном месте. Разработка адаптивно-биологизированной технологии возделывания картофеля для приусадебных участков и мелкотоварных хозяйств.
Система показателей статистики животноводства. Динамика продуктивности скота и расхода кормов. Установление влияния факторов на эффективность производства продукции животноводства. Метод статистических группировок. Дисперсионный и корреляционный анализ.
Світове генетичне різноманіття пшениці. Добір селекційних джерел, вихідний матеріал для програм виведення високопродуктивних сортів озимої м’якої, ярої м’якої, ярої твердої пшениці в Лісостепі. Результати селекції миронівських пшениць за 1911-2006 роки.
Елітні генотипи, синтезація високопродуктивних гібридів кукурудзи. Прояви, мінливість елементів продуктивності гібридів F1. Схрещування контрастних за групами стиглості батьківських ліній. Добір за групами стиглості в генераціях самозапилення сімей S1–S5.