For the first time, the method of bioclimatic modeling was used to determine the boundaries of the range of occurrence of a potential polemochoral species Avenella flexuosa (L.) Drejer. Maximum entropy modeling of species geographic Distributions.
Mechanisms for the identification of yeast cultures by polymerase chain reaction. Morphological and biochemical properties of the culture. The specificity of fermentation a carbohydrates and hydrogen sulfide formation from different grape varieties.
The history of the discovery in 1886 Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov the first in Russia bacteriological station. The study of comparative pathology of inflammation - one of the causes determining these scientists of the phenomenon of phagocytosis in 1882.
The aim of the research is to study the antagonistic activity of lactobacilli isolated from different sources of the Southern region of Ukraine. The experiments used 13 strains of bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus isolated from different sources.
- 65. Biological analysis of water bodies function of bioindicators in assessment of environment quality
Assigning water body (from which plankton sample was taken) to given saprobic zone. Focuses on possibility to use biota for monitoring of environment quality. Analysis and examine fields of view and counting individuals representing particular species.
Methods for assessing biological assets is somewhat problematic: lack of active market prices of similar assets on a certain date to determine fair value, providing of documents and recording of biological assets which are transferred from group to group.
The study highlights the issue of the state of productive capabilities of the local bream herd of the Dnieper-Buzka estuary region. The initial data for the performance of work tasks are the results of field research carried out during 2014-2018.
The study of the action of chlorella resinoids on the culture of ciliates Paramecium caudatum. Studies have shown that after adding of resinoids of chlorella Paramecium caudatum the culture was mainly located in the entire thickness, on medium surface.
- 69. Biologist
Biology as one of the natural sciences, the subject of which are living beings and their interaction with the environment. The work of the biologist. Breeders, geneticists, virologists and microbiologists. Personal qualities, professional skills, career.
Properties of cognitive processes characteristic of humans, their possible prerequisites for the example of other biological species. Human language as a species-specific ability of the brain, a means of communication, an important tool of cognition.
Study of polyhydroxyalkanoates, which are aliphatic polyesters. The process of synthesis and accumulation of aliphatic polyesters in bacterial cells. Obtaining a low molecular weight copolymer with a high content of monomers in bacterial cells.
Researching of the impact of biotoxines on humans and living organisms at all. Analysis of the results of the study of the inhibiting effect of Dibornol on the processes of lipid peroxidation. Defining of chemical substances that referred to as poison.
Определение BLAST как средства сравнения последовательностей, характеристика его этапов. Определение понятий "парное выравнивание последовательностей", "гомологи", "ортологи", "паралоги". Примеры поиска по последовательностям белков и нуклеиновых кислот.
Consideration of the process of operating with three-dimensional, polymodal images occurring in the center of the brain's thinking. The transformations that led to the formation of two different centers of thought interact harmoniously with each other.
ITSN1 is a scaffold protein implicated in synaptic functioning. The effect of Ca2 + on the EH domain binding properties. Schematic representation of structure of ITSN1 molecule. Positions of Ca2+-binding EF-hand motifs are highlighted by asterisk.
Description of the genus Carbonea. Descriptions of five species of Carbonea from the Carpathians and the Crimean Peninsula (C. aggregantula (Mull. Arg.) Diederich & Triebel, C. assimilis, C. vitellinaria and C. vorticosa), studies of herbarium specimen.
Carlina onopordifolia як рідкісний, реліктовий вид, занесений до Червоної книги. Вивчення природньої популяції C. onopordifolia, результати експедиційних виїздів, а також опрацювання гербарних зборів Інституту ботаніки та Національного ботанічного саду.
Obtaining glycophyte-derived salt tolerant forms (cell lines - regenerants - progeny ) via cell selection. Research and characterization of specific features of barium cation is appropriate agent for selection variants with higher tolerance to salinity.
Пыльцеголовник крупноцветковый – одна из наиболее редких орхидей на территории России. Дизъюнктивный европейско-средиземноморский лесной вид, занесенный в Красные книги Российской Федерации и Ростовской области. Численность популяций вида в России.
- 80. Changes in the fish egg strength dependent on the velocity with which the force is applied onto eggs
Information, that factors to toughness eggs shell of the pike, kumz and whitefish at instant of their breakup stright hang from speed of the growth of power of the mechanical pressure on shell of the roe. Stractces konformitions in membranes mikrostatis.
- 81. Chinese tiger
The Chinese tiger - subspecies of a tiger which is under the greatest threat of disappearance, and maybe, in the wild nature doesn't exist any more. The range of this subspecies in three isolated areas in south-central China. Physical data, lifestyle.
Изучение видового разнообразия автохтонных видов в морских акваториях. Систематика, флористика и оценка продукционных характеристик микрофитобентоса. Морфологические отличительные черты одиночных клеток, процесс размножения и экологические особенности.
- 83. Clarification of the terminology used for description of calcium transport in different cell types
Consideration of the scientific terms of general physiology, which studies the intracellular transport of calcium. Analysis of ambiguous definitions and clarification of some of the main terms that are used to describe the transport of calcium in cells.
- 84. Cloning human
Human reproductive cloning - suggests that an individual who was born as a result of cloning is named, civil rights, education, education - in short, life is the same as all the "normal" people. Therapeutic cloning human. Limited and problematic method.
Potential of living organisms. Stages of the formation of the biosphere in the context of closure and possible approaches to resolving the paradox. The effect of stoichiometric constraints on the formation of closed material flow in simple ecosystems.
Establishment that the excess of the fat component in women 30-49 years negatively affected the manifestation of speed, active flexibility of the spine, explosive power, strength dynamic endurance of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, lower extremities.
Gamma-butyrolactone autoregulators and receptor proteins in non-streptomyces actinomycetes producing important metabolites. Substrate induction and catabolite repression of the streptomyces coelicolor glycerol operon are mediated through the protein.
Comparison the changes of intestinal microbial composition of two models of dysbiosis induced by ceftriaxone or the mix of ampicillin and metronidazole. Evaluation of quantitative and qualitative changes of fecal microbiota after ceftriaxone withdrawal.
Two clean-up principles for the multi-determination of seven trichothecene toxins, deoxynivalenol in wheat extract are described. For clean-up of acetonitrile-water extract either gel permeation chromatography or solid-phase extraction were used.
Study of spores and pollen as a floral group used for dissection and correlation of sedimentary sections. The main tool for dismemberment and correlation of sediments based on palinological data. Palinozone Vestispora costata-Knoxisporites polygonalis.