The effects of contamination and prolonged warming. Molecular response to stress and toxicity of the environment in the bivalve mollusc Anodonta anatina. Indices of inter-seasonal variability for oxidized glutathione and metallothionein-sensitive thiols.
- 212. Monoraphidium (Selenastraceae, Chlorophyta) - перспективний продуцент біомаси для біоенергетики
Розгляд результатів дослідження нового регіонального штаму зеленої водорості Monoraphidium (Selenastraceae, Chlorophyceae) з метою оцінки його біотехнологічного потенціалу для виробництва біодизеля. Аналіз особливостей методу світлової мікроскопії.
Investigation of the influence and localization of cryopreserved ossified multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells with intravenous administration to animals with ovarian inflammation. Substantiation of reparative activation of ovarian tissue morphology.
Дослідження результатів іонізуючого випромінювання та аліментарних факторів, що призводить до зсуву прооксидантно-антиоксидантного балансу, зниження NADH-феррицианід редуктазної активності і цитохромів Р-450 печінки, перебудови мікросомальних мембран.
Моллюски наутилусы. их история, развитие, строение тел и особенности обитания. Жизненный цикл, питание, спаривание и нерест. Истребление моллюсков человеком. Внешнее и внутреннее строение раковин у императорских наутилусов, их размеры, окрас и строение.
The technique of hydrogen electrodes in physiology. Description of the apparatus for determining concentration of hydrogen ions in bacterial cultures and other liquids. Using a Michaelis potentiometer as modified method for determining H+ concentration.
The discovery of new localities of nine species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, and six regionally rare plant species during expeditionary research on the territory of Volyn region in 2013. The necessity for research phytodiversity Volyn region.
A new promising genotype of vegetable corn was obtained. The possibility of using bromuracil as a chemical mutagen on plants has been established. A new form of vegetable corn was obtained on the basis of cob branching, which is promising for research.
Field research of tinder fungi in the southeastern part of Belarus to identify rare species for the mycobiota of the republic. Clearing of the status of the rare species Physisporinus crocatus in the mycobiota in the light of the current nomenclature.
Тhe biological and chemical properties, production technology, and economic efficiency of a new promising variety of tobacco Berlei 46 with high resistance to biotic and abiotic factors and good quality of raw materials. General scientific and special.
Description vertebrae, referred to Mioproteus sp. and Mioproteus wezei, originating from the location of the Pliocene basin in Ukraine and the Early Pleistocene location Cismichioi in Moldova. Genus uniting river ancestors of modern cave Proteus.
Technology using video and acoustic equipment using various scenarios of interaction between a human and a dolphin beluga. The use of a sequence of packets of ultrashort broadband pulses of various durations. Acoustic characterization of animal signals.
Характеристика впливу надлишкової кількості оксиду азоту та пероксидного атероартеріосклерозу на окиснювальні процеси в крові та тканинах аорти хом’яків. Дослідження вмісту аденіннуклеотидів у аорті у динаміці хронічної інтоксикації нітратом натрію.
The description of the autoassociative's neural network natural's approach for NLPCA. Review several network architectures including the hierarchical, the circular, and the inverses models. Analisys result's, which are shown on example molecular biology.
Comparison of epileptiform activity of the hippocampus in in vitro models of nonsynaptic epilepsy. The role of cadmium ions in reducing the intracellular calcium concentration. Distribution of epileptiform activity in the regions of the hippocampus.
Research and factors affecting the consumption of calories an adult. Nutritional needs of women and men, the justification of the difference between them. Food for appetite limits, evaluation of its effectiveness. Eating Patterns, and its optimal value.
The efficiency of Phytoseiulus persimilis using for biological control of Tetranychus urticae. Feeding behavior and functional response of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis on developmental stages of two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae.
Hydrochloric acid is released in sufficient quantity when the body no longer needs it. As a result of the violation of the ratio of the output of hydrochloric acid or bile acids to the phases of food digestion. Perfect development of preventive medicine.
Местонахождения ужовника обыкновенного. Основные угрозы существования вида в таёжной зоне. Организация в местах наиболее крупных популяций O. vulgatum региональных "луговых" заказников или памятников природы. Мониторинг состояния известных популяций.
Investigation of the formation of physico-chemical degradation of gray forest soil under various anthropogenic loads in the grain crop rotation. Introduction of an annual dose of alkaline earth elements, taking into account physiological characteristics.
Study of the influence of nitrogen and carbon sources on the synthesis of enzymes. Carrying out a bifractor experiment to determine the optimum concentrations of ammonium sulfate and arabinose in a nutrient medium, which increase the elastolytic activity.
Characteristic of methodology based on the full factorial central composite design. Study in conditions in vitro of eight Lactobacillus strains procured from culture repositories. Analysis of their probiotic potential and extracellular tannase activity.
Vermicompost derived from a variety of organic wastes as a powerful growth promoter and plant protection product. Familiarity with the production methods of environmentally safe and healthy food products. Analysis of the features of organic farming.
Consideration of the composition of water, the isotopic structure of water in the process of the origin of life. Substantiation of the dependence of the maintenance of life on the physicochemical properties of water, its temperature, the hydrogen index.
The nature of institutions is nothing but their coming into being (nascimento) at certain times and in certain guises. Whenever the time and guise are thus and so, such and not otherwise are the institutions that come into being — Vico, The New Science.
Analysis the morphological, functional states of neuromuscular junctions of drosophila larvae expressing synuclein wild type, its mutant forms and induces morphological changes in NMJs, reducing the number of mitochondria in axon presynaptic terminals.
Risk factors of generation of oxidative stress. The main characteristics of oxidative stress in biological systems. The most known and usable non-enzymatic antioxidants. Correlation found between ROS, parameters of oxidative stress and pathology.
Встановлення біолого-морфологічних особливостей, біохімічного складу рослин, урожайності надземної маси і насіння. Визначення енергетичної цінності культури. Створення високопродуктивної форми із заданими параметрами урожайності, цукристості фітомаси.
- 239. Paracamelus minor (Camelidae, Tylopoda) – a New Camelid Species from the Middle Pliocene of Ukraine
Description of a new species Paracamelus minor location of Odessa catacombs (rustsiny) in the northern Black Sea coast of Ukraine. Features of the structure of a species: small size, moderate swelling of the body of the mandible, a significant reduction.
Endocrine glands and the hormones secreted. Anatomical peculiarities of endocrine system in children. Methodics of endocrine glands investigation. Semiotics of hypo- and hyperfunction of some endocrine glands and diseases of the endocrine system.