Theory of translation (english and russian)

General issues, history, grammar (finite verb forms, causative constructions etc.), semantic (translating realia and terms) and pragmatic (functional styles, etc) problems of translation. Russian-English and Russian-English-Chinese Transliteration Chart.

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Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

The shift in the negative element position usually takes place in compound sentences. Russians tend to express negation in the informative main part of the sentence, which is a postpositional subordinate clause: Думаю, что это не так. In English the sentence sounds less categorical due to expressing negation in the principal clause, which precedes the subordinate clause and informationally is similar to a parenthetical phrase: I don't think it is so.


Antonymic translation may be caused by a lack of a regular one-word equivalent in the target language. For example, the word

inferiority is equivalent to the explicatory translation `более низкое качество, положение'. But this phrase is very awkward in some translations, so translators have to apply the antonymic translation: The adoption of the defensive does not necessarily mean the weakness or inferiority of our troops. - Переход к обороне не обязательно означает слабость наших войск или превосходство сил противника.

Besides vocabulary reasons, the antonymic translation may occur for pragmatic reasons. English speaking people tend to be less categorical in speech than Russians. Therefore, ignoring differences in the negative and positive structures leads to “pragmatic accent” apprehensible in a foreign speech. A foreigner may speak with his grammar absolutely correct; however, his speech will be recognized as foreign.



For a correct translation, one must know, besides the precise meaning of a word, the way the word is combined with other words in the sentence, also called the collocation. To analyze a word collocation, it is necessary to consult both bilingual dictionaries and special combinatory dictionaries, for example, The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English,1180 Б е н с о н М., Б е н с о н Э., И л с о н Р. Комбинаторный словарь английского языка. - М.: Русский язык, 1990. - 286 с.80 which gives the most typical grammatical and lexical collocations in English.

At least three reasons for the lack of collocation convergence in English and Russian may be singled out:

semantic reasons (different semantic structures, different denoted situations);

language varieties (British, American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand English);

different typological tendencies characteristic of Russian and English.

The difference in word semantic structures is of a linguistic nature. The meanings of the source language and target language words do not coincide. Even one meaning in reference to different objects is verbalized by different words. For example, the word heavy implies a great amount or quantity of something and, depending on what the `something' is, it corresponds to different Russian words:

heavy books - тяжелые книги;

heavy crop - богатый урожай;

heavy sky - затянутое небо;

heavy traffic - большое движение;

heavy rain - сильный дождь;

heavy sea - бурное море;

heavy penalty - суровое наказание.

Different situations can be named similarly in one language and differently in another language: провести операцию - to perform an operation (in a hospital); to carry out / conduct an operation (on the battlefield).

Varieties of English predetermine different collocations: in British English, people say they have a bath; whereas Americans take a bath. The British take a decision, Canadians and Americans make a decision. In Russian, it is принимать ванну и принимать решение respectively.

Typologically, English and Russian are opposites as far as their tendencies towards meaning generalization / specification and implicit / explicit expression are concerned.

The English language tends to express more general, abstract meanings than does Russian, whose words are more specific, having an additional seme. Therefore, in translating from English into Russian, we often employ a transformation of specification: Old birds are not to be caught with chaff. - Старого воробья на мякине не проведешь. The specified subject is typical of a corresponding Russian proverb. He went to the shop to get some milk. - Он пошел в магазин купить молока. In this sentence, the verb to get corresponds to the Russian получать, with a seme added (получать за деньги = покупать). Sometimes a translator has to offer two specified words: (Waiter) Would you like to take anything? - Не хотите ли чего-нибудь выпить или закусить?

Another contrast is manifested by the tendencies towards implicit and explicit expression. English tends to be implicit and laconic, which means it verbalizes less than Russian. On the other hand, the Russian language is more explicit than English, since it tends to express overtly all the elements of the situation named. Therefore, Russian translations are usually of greater volume than their English source texts. Examples, both of texts and separate sentences and phrases, can be numerous, one instance being the Russian phrase контроль за ходом проекта that corresponds to a very compressive English phrase the Project Control.

The so called “adverbial verbs” is another example of semantic compression in the English language.


Adverbial verbs are verbs of complex semantics: they express simultaneously two meanings - that of an action and that of its characteristics. For example, to stare - смотреть пристально; to shrill - пронзительно кричать. A translation equivalent is usually represented in the dictionary either by a verb and adverb or by a simple verb of complex semantics (to stare - уставиться), or by a verb and prepositional phrase: to rumble - ехать с грохотом.

Some verbs become adverbial only in context. For example, the verb to roar by itself denotes making a long and loud noise and is equal to реветь, громыхать. In the sentence Tanks roared into the city,1181 Ш в е й ц е р А. Д. Перевод и лингвистика. - М.: Воениздат, 1973. - С.126.81 the verb indicates not only producing a loud noise, but also moving. So the sentence corresponds to the Russian Танки с грохотом въехали в город. The seme of movement is easily recognized by the preposition into. The same role is performed by a postpositional element of a phrasal verb: The old jalopy clanked up the hill. - Старый драндулет с лязгом поднимался в гору.1182 Там же.82

Semantically, adverbial verbs can be classified into the following groups:1183 Л е в и ц к а я Т. Р., Ф и т е р м а н А. М. Пособие по переводу с английского языка на русский. - М.: Высшая школа, 1973. - С.104.83

verbs expressing movement accompanied by some sound: to jingle - мчаться, звеня бубенцами; to creak - двигаться со скрипом; to bang - с хлопком, etc. These verbs are usually translated with the help of an adverbial participle (деепричастие) or a prepositional and nominal group.

Verbs expressing a shift from one place into another: He danced her out into a quiet corridor. - Танцуя с ней, он увел ее в пустой коридор. The servant bowed the guests out as they left. - Слуга с поклонами проводил гостей. So in this case, either an adverbial participle or a prepositional phrase is used. When it has a metaphoric meaning, the verb can be translated with a simile: He stormed out of the restaurant. - Он, как ураган, вылетел из ресторана.

verbs expressing transition from one state to another: The train slid to a halt. - Поезд плавно остановился. The adverbial feature is rendered in Russian by an adverb.

causative verbs: The slaves were whipped into work. - Рабов заставили работать с помощью кнута. (translation with a prepositional phrase). The threat angered him into activity. - Эта угроза пробудила его гнев и заставила действовать. (translated with parallel verbs). He refused to be blackmailed into silence. - Он отказался молчать, несмотря на шантаж. (translated through substituting parts of speech). He teased her out of making a scene. - Он подтрунивал над ней, чтобы она не устроила ему сцены. (translated with a subordinate clause).

verbs expressing cause and effect: Quietly she sang herself that night into fame. - Она так пела, что незаметно для себя в тот вечер стала знаменитой певицей. (translated through a sentence partitioning). Mary Bignall is long-jumping her way to victory.1184Там же. - С.106.84 - В состязаниях по прыжкам в длину Мэри Бигнал выходит на первое место. (in translation the sentence is restructured).

Being a compressive means of expressing a meaning, adverbial verbs are widely used in modern English, especially in newspapers and fiction. Some of them have become set phrases: to cry oneself to sleep; to struggle into one's coat; to bang out of the room, etc.

Many adverbial verbs form a structural pattern and, therefore, are easily recognized in the sentence, though their contextual meanings may not be found in the dictionary: The Tatar cavalry burned its way through Eastern Europe. - Сжигая все на своем пути, татарская конница пронеслась по Восточной Европе. The pattern to elbow one's way, to push one's way, to bribe one's way (to, through) has been very frequent recently.

Another pattern is the structure to talk (laugh, joke, tease, etc.) somebody into (out of) something: I've talked her into coming camping with us. - Я уговорил ее поехать с нами отдыхать на природу.


There are rare cases when English proves to be more wordy than Russian. One of these cases is synonym condensation,1185 М и н а е в а Л. В. Слово в языке и речи. - М.: Высшая школа, 1986. - С.107.85 or usage of a number of parallel synonyms which are very close in meaning: The government resorted to force and violence. In Russian linguistics, this phenomenon is called «парная синонимия».

One of these synonyms is usually of Romance origin, the other is Germanic: Elvis Presley denied being lewd and obscene, with lewd being a Germanic word, and obscene a Latin borrowing . Элвис Пресли не признавал себя непристойным.

As is seen in this example, a translator into Russian normally reduces the synonyms to a single one: the very first sentence in this paragraph might be translated as Правительство прибегло к насилию.

If the synonym condensation is used in an oratorical register, to make speech more emphatic and expressive, it is compensated by intensifiers: I have been open and sincere … - Я абсолютно искренен… I am safe and sound. - Я жив-здоров. (This is, probably, the only case of synonym reduplication in Russian)


One of the formal differences between the English and Russian languages causing semantic difficulties in understanding the text is dissimilarity in word building tendencies. To begin with, English words are apt to be mono-morphemic, whereas Russian has a majority of two- and more morpheme words.

There is a disparity between various types of word building processes in English and Russian. Let us discuss the most important of them.


A compound is a unit of vocabulary which consists of more than one lexical stem functioning as a single item, with its own meaning and grammar.1186 C r y s t a l D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English language. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. - P.129.86 For example, secondhand, waterbike; солнцестояние, водонепроницаемый.

Compounds exist in both English and Russian, but they are comparatively predominant in English, where compounds are found not only among nouns and adjectives, but also among verbs (to ill-use) and adverbs (crosslegs).

English compounds are formed mostly in the agglutinative way, that is by joining directly two or more stems: two-year-old, chewing-gum, doorknob, widespread, earthquake. Unfortunately, orthography is not a foolproof criterion to signal a compound. The parts of a word may be linked by a hyphen (fire-light), written without a space (moonlight), or stand separately (candle light)1187 Т р у е в ц е в а О. Н. Английский язык: особенности номинации. - Л.: Наука, 1986. - С.21.87. Note that American English uses fewer hyphens than does British English:1188 C r y s t a l D. Op. cit. - P.12988 cell yell (loud talking into a cellular telephone), ego wall (wall with framed awards, diplomas, and pictures of a person with famous people).

In Russian compounds, stems are mostly joined by a linking vowel, -e- or -o-: пароход, дикорастущий, землемер, кораблестроение. An English compound may also have (though not very often) a linking element, mostly the consonant -s- (sportsman, statesman, spokesman), and occasionally vowels -o-, --a-, -i- (washomat, sportsarama, pluridimensional)1189 Ibid. - P.129.89 - though the cases with the linking vowel belong rather to stem reduction than to stem composition.

It is typical of English to make a compound out of a phrase, with subordinate links between the elements: son-in-law, jack-of-all-trades, day-to-day (rare in Russian: сумасшедший); coordinate links: hide-and-seek (not as usual in English as in Russian; e.g., научно-технический, scientific and technological). The tendency towards compounds is so strong in English that it is not infrequent that we come across compounds formed out of clauses: They say that what's-his-name fellow has been staying at her house ever since he came to town. (Caldwell).

A lot of compounds used in speech are occasional coinages, not fixed by dictionaries. For example, this sentence from U. Sinclair: The baby was eight months old, and he was at the crawling stage and the looking-about stage and the putting-things-into-his-mouth stage.

To translate a new compound, especially one not included in the dictionary, it is necessary to analyze syntactic relations between the compound elements and their meanings. These relations may be as follows:

predicate relations, i.e. subject to verb: earthquake (the earth quakes), headache; землетрясение, снегопад;

object relations, i.e. verb to object: scarecrow (scares crows), sightseeing; водомер, бракодел;

attribute relations: goldfish, postman; чернозём, голубоглазый;

adverbial relations: much-improved (improved a lot), night-flying (flying at night); вышеупомянутый, долгоиграющий.

When the meaning and grammatical relations of the compound elements are clear, it is possible to look for a proper means of translation. It may be

another compound: tax-payer - налогоплательщик; law-abiding - законопослушный;

analogue: hangman - палач; homesick - ностальгический; childcare - детский сад; air-headed - ветер в голове;

calque: waterbike - водный мотоцикл; breathtaking - захватывающий дыхание. Compounds with object and adverbial relations between the elements are often translated in the reverted linear order: tax-free - свободный от налогов; far-advanced - продвинутый вперед; home-grown vegetables - овощи, выращенные дома;

half-calque: pop-star - поп-звезда; surfspeak - язык серфистов;

transcription or transliteration: popcorn - попкорн; videobusiness - видеобизнес; audioplayer - аудиоплейер. This technique is normally employed when a word, denoting a piece of realia, is borrowed into the target language;

explication and extension: flypaper - липкая лента от мух; gravity-challenged - не способный прыгнуть высоко;

substitution of one or both of the components: popcorn - воздушная кукуруза; blackboard - классная доска; пылесос - vacuum cleaner. It is important that a translator not invent a new word, but use a standard word, fixed in the dictionary (it is of particular significance in translating terms).


Conversion is transferring a word from one part of speech to another without the use of an affix.

This way of building new words is most typical of English as compared with Russian.

There may be various directions of conversion:

a verb may come from a noun: to word, to bicycle, to gangster;

a noun may come from a verb: a try, a drive, a drive-in; that's a must;

an adjective may be converted to a noun: a round, a monthly, the bitter;

an adjective may be changed to a verb: to empty, to better, to calm down;

adverb to noun: Yesterday was my birthday;

a structural word may be converted to a noun: too many ifs and buts;

affix to noun: “ologies” and “isms”;

grammatical word to verb: to down tools; to up and do it.1190 Ibid. - P.129.90

Compound words and phrases may also be converted: to dog's-ear - загибать уголки страниц; a would-be president - будущий президент; free-for-all - соревнования, дискуссия и т. п., в которых может участвовать любой; situps - приседания.

Root conversion takes place in Russian too, but it is not as characteristic there as it is in English, and is usually accompanied by other word building processes. For example, круглый (adj) - круг (n) - кругом (adv) - вокруг (prep) - округлять (v). In this case conversion is used along with stem reduction and affixation. Mostly, conversion in Russian is a process of changing noun to adverb: утром, шагом, осенью; adjective to noun (based on ellipsis): столовая, рабочий, учащиеся; participle to noun: раненный - раненый; noun to grammatical word: в связи с, в заключение, etc.

It should be kept in mind that not all the meanings of a word are carried through into the derivative form. Therefore, a translator should be careful about the equivalent. For example, the noun paper has several equivalents: бумага, газета, научная работа. However, the verb to paper refers only to the first of these, which is manifested in its collocation. Lecturers and editors may paper their rooms. - Преподаватели и редакторы могут оклеивать свои комнаты обоями. But they cannot *paper their audiences and readers.1191 Ibid. - P.129.91 The verb to paper has no equivalent correlating with the second and third meanings of the noun.

Converted words are often very expressive and metaphorical: Sweat beads her upper lip. (F. King) - Капельки пота выступают у нее на верхней губе. Therefore, this form of coinage is often used in conversation, fiction and journalism.

The converted words with metaphorical meaning may be translated with the help of a simile: What can you do with a woman who sits and sponges all day long? - Что поделаешь с женщиной, которая весь день только и сидит, напиваясь, как сапожник. Enjoy your food. Don't just wolf it down.- Наслаждайся пищей. Не набрасывайся на нее, как волк.

Translating converted coinages requires addition and extension of the sentence elements which are able to explain the meaning of the English word: For the first ten years of their marriage, the Bacons had holidayed in Bournemouth, because Arnold's parents had always done so. (J. Archer) - Первые десять лет совместной жизни супруги Бэйкон проводили отпуск в Борнмуте, поскольку там всегда раньше отдыхали родители Арнольда.

Substituting parts of speech and restructuring of the sentence are often typical of utterances with converted words: e.g., For those who still prefer the traditional `at home' office party, there are a number of dos and don'ts. - Для тех, кто до сих пор предпочитает устраивать торжествапо-домашнемуна рабочем месте, следует напомнить несколько правил о том, что можно и чего нельзя делать.


There are two major types of word-building affixes in English and Russian:

prefixes, that is, affixes which occur before the root of a word: re-team, miscommunication, hypermarket; влёт, прилиз, пропутинский;

suffixes, which occur after the root: rankler, ranklee, shopin, donkey-philes, собачище, мамонтёнок.

A third possible type of affix, infix, occurring within the root, is not used frequently either in English or in Russian. In the Russian language, linguists also single out postfixes, such as affixes after the ending, e.g., -ся (разрастаются).1192 Р у с с к и й я з ы к: Энциклопедия. / Гл. ред. Ю.Н.Караулов - Изд. 2-е, перераб. и доп. - М.: Большая Российская энциклопедия, Дрофа, 1997. - С.43.92

English does not have affixes in large numbers - only about 50 common prefixes [including international ones, like a- (amoral), pro- (prosocialist), auto- (autobiography), non- (nonfan), etc.], and somewhat fewer suffixes.1193 C r y s t a l D. Op. cit. - P.128.93 In Russian, affixation is a predominant way of making new words.

Russian prefixes are most typical of verbs,1194 Р у с с к и й я з ы к : Энциклопедия…- С.381.94 as they help to specify an aspect modification of the action: вмять, измять, намять, помять, подмять, примять, размять. In English, these verbs mean respectively to dent, rumple, beat, muss, crush, trample down, mash.

Russian suffixes, on the other hand, prevail with nouns and adjectives.1195 Там же.- С.547.95 New words in Russian are most frequently formed with the help of suffixes.1196 Э н ц и к л о п е д и я д л я д е т е й : Я з ы к о з н а н и е . Р у с с к и й я з ы к . - М.: Аванта+, 1998. - С.142. 96 The most productive are expressive suffixes of subjective estimate1197 З е м с к а я Е. А. Словообразование как деятельность. - М.: Наука, 1992. - С.68.97: diminutive (домик), pejorative (домишко), and exaggerative (домище).

Since English words are not regularly formed with expressive suffixes, these words are not normally given in the dictionary. To find an equivalent to a word, it is necessary to look up a derivative's stem (лебедушка > лебед- > лебедь). In the text translated into English, the expressive meaning of the suffix is often lost, since its preservation may have an odd impact on the English-speaking receptor, who is unaccustomed to such an abundance of expressive suffixes. We can illustrate this with a short extract from V. Arsenyev: День склонялся к вечеру. По небу медленно ползли легкие розовые облачка. - Evening was near, and light pink clouds crept slowly across the sky. (Transl. by V. Shneerson)

If a word with a subjective suffix, in fact, has a connotative meaning, which should be rendered in translation, this meaning is compensated by an expressive adjective: И до фронта ведь не дошла лошаденка-то…- Never got as far as the front, poor thing. Людей тут скоро без разбору, а он над лошаденкой… - They'll soon be slaughtering us, all and sundry, out there and he sits crying over a bloody horse! (Ю.Бондарев. Transl. by S. Vasilyev) When a Russian suffix bears an expressive connotation, it may also be compensated by other expressive means, such as synonymous condensation (Добренькими хотите быть? - Do you want to be kind and gentle?) or any other.

In translating from English into Russian a translator should be aware of the possible usage of words with diminutive suffixes. In Russian, they are proper when depicting discourse with a child, when showing the small size of an object, when expressing a friendly relation towards an interlocutor.

An extract from Milne's Winnie-the-Poor can serve as an example: …Piglet looked up and said in his squeaky voice, “What about me?” “My dear Piglet,” I said, the whole book is about you.” In the English text, the author, telling the story to a kid, uses the diminutive suffix only in the name of the character (Piglet). In the Russian translation, the translators T. Vorogushina and L. Lisitskaya, used two more suffixed words, quite to the point: Пятачок посмотрел и проговорил своим писклявым голоском: “А как же Я?” “Мой дорогой Пятачок, - сказал я, - вся книжка о тебе.”

A collocation of a noun and the adjective little can also point to the need of a diminutive or pejorative suffix: First they went to a little restaurant near some railroad tracks. (J.Oats) - Сперва они пошли в ресторанчик возле железной дороги. (Tr. by N. Gal and R. Oblonskaya); On a porch two withered little women watched them. - С одного крыльца на них смотрели две маленькие старушонки. The attribute withered shows an attitude of disrespect toward the two women, which is emphasized in Russian by the suffix - онк-.


Abbreviation, or shortening a word, is one of the most noticeable features of the English language, and it is used both in formal and informal registers.

Based on the level of their usage, abbreviations can be divided into three groups:

Graphical abbreviations, used only in writing, and, therefore, pronounced and translated in its full form. These abbreviations are widely employed in faxes: e.g., agst = against, f/b = feedback, ETA = expected date of arrival, ETD = expected date of departure, etc. However, though rarely, some of these abbreviations enter the common stock of vocabulary and, pronounced in a shortened way, they become new words of the language: asap = as soon as possible, AGAP = As Gorgeous As Possible.

Phonetic abbreviations, or a non-standard way of writing some common words based on their pronunciation; typical of advertising. For example, u = you, thru = through. Of the same type is the word OK (all correct). Normally, in translation this type of abbreviation is lost.

Lexical abbreviations, including initialisms, spoken as individual letters (BBC, MP, USA); acronyms, pronounced as single words (NATO, UNESCO, AIDS; WAP = Wireless Application Protocol); clippings, or parts of words which serve for the whole (ad, phone, sci-fi = science fiction; m-commerce = mobile-commerce, business conducted over a mobile telephone system; e-bucks = electronic money); blends, or words made out of the shortened forms of two other words (brunch= breakfast + lunch, smog = smoke + fog, Eurovision = Europe + television; anetsitized = anesthetized + net + sit = numb from spending many consecutive hours on the Internet).

Initialisms and acronyms may be rendered through transcription (BBC - Би-Би-Си, IBM - Ай-Би-Эм, IREX - АЙРЕКС), transliteration (NATO - НАТО, USIS - ЮСИС, UNESCO - ЮНЕСКО), or their full form can be translated with a calque and then abbreviated (USA - США, AIDS - СПИД, CIA - ЦРУ). To make the word clearer to the receptor, an abbreviation may be deciphered and/or explained: USIS - Информационная служба США, TESOL - международная ассоциация преподавателей английского языка как иностранного. To translate words of this type, it is necessary to consult a special dictionary of abbreviations, both monolingual (e.g., J. Rosenberg, McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Wall Street Acronyms, Initials & Abbreviations. - New York a.o.: McGraw-Hill, 1992; Дюжикова Е.А. Словарь сокращений современного английского языка. - Владивосток: Изд-во Дальневост. Ун-та, 1991) and bilingual (e.g., Волкова Н.О., Никанорова И.А. Англо-русский словарь наиболее употребительных сокращений. - М.: Русский язык, 1993).

A standard form of a translation, if it exists, should be used by a translator. It must be kept in mind that sometimes a standard form can require some shifts, for instance, a change of letters in the initialism: PRC (People's Republic of China) - КНР (Китайская Народная Республика).

Clippings usually have a regular equivalent in the dictionary (ad - объявление, phone - телефон, sci-fi - научная фантастика).

Blends are either transferred into the target language (through transcription / transliteration (smog - смог), explained (brunch - плотный поздний завтрак; coffee-zilla < coffee + Godzilla - очень крепкий кофе), or substituted by an analog (physed - физкультура).

When translating abbreviations, one should pay attention to the style of the text. Whereas in English abbreviations are mostly neutral and can be used both in formal and informal speech, in Russian abbreviations are strongly separated by styles. For example, clippings are typical of very formal style: тяжмашстрой, совнархоз, универсам ; these require explanatory translation, which is sometimes combined with transcription. In informal speech, abbreviations with affixes are widely used: телик, видик, велик. As often as not, similar words exist in English: telly, bike. For видик, there is a shortened form, video (from video set).

Before suggesting a TL equivalent, it is important to find out the precise meaning of the word. Care should be taken of words that differ in various varieties of English, like the informal adjective dinky< which in British English means “small and attractive”: a dinky little bag, while in American English it has the antonymous meaning oftoo small and often not very nice”: It was a really dinky hotel room.




Semiotics as a sign study posits that each sign, including a language one, be viewed in three perspectives: syntactic, i.e. the relations of signs; semantic, i.e. the relation between a sign and a real situation; and pragmatic, i.e. the relations of the sign and its users.

Each utterance in a speech act is aimed at somebody. Combined together, words make up a syntactic scheme of the sentence. They refer to specific events, persons or objects, acquiring, thus, a sense.

There are two types of language sign users: an addresser (author) and an addressee (receptor). When speaking, an addresser has a communicative intention, or purpose of the speech act. An utterance has a communicative effect on the receptor: it can inform a receptor of something, or cause some feelings, etc. A communicative effect is virtual: e.g., an advertising text may persuade a receptor to buy something but the receptor may remain indifferent to the promotion. The potential effect of the utterance is its functional force. The communicative effect may override both literal sense and functional force and add further consequences depending on the situation. For example, Shut the door is imperative in a sense. Its communicative intention may be to carry the force of a request, but the communicative effect could be to annoy the receiver.1198 H a t i m B. Pragmatics and Translation. // Routeledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London and New York: Routeledge, 1998.98

Communicative intention does not always coincide with the communicative effect. A vulgar anecdote, told to make the audience laugh, may have a contrary effect of disgusting the listeners.

In terms of linguistic pragmatics, developed by J. Austen, the three types of relations are locution (reference and the utterance sense), illocution (communicative intention and functional force), and perlocution (communicative effect).1199 A u s t i n J. How to do Things with Words. - Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1962; Новое в зарубежной лингвистике: Теория речевых актов. - Вып. 17. - М.:, 1986; Новое в зарубежной лингвистике: Лингвистическая прагматика. - Вып. 16. - М., 1985.99

The adequate translation is the one whose communicative effect is close to that of the source text; at best, its communicative effect coincides with the author's communicative intention. Regarding this principle, P. Newmark introduced two types of translation - communicative translation, which attempts to produce on its receptors an effect as close as possible to that produced on the readers of the original, and semantic translation, which attempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original.2200 N e w m a r k P. Approaches to Translation. - New York a.o.: Prentice Hall, 1988. - P.39.00 Taking these concepts into consideration, the sentence Beware of the dog! could be rendered as Осторожно, злая собака! (communicative translation) or Опасайтесь собаки! (semantic translation).

Close to translation adequacy is the concept of translation acceptability, developed by Israeli theorist of translation studies Gideon Toury.2201 T o u r y G. “Translation of Literary texts” vs. “Literary Translation”: A Distinction Reconsidered. // Recent Trends in Empirical Translation Research / Tirkkonen-Condit S. and J.Laffling (eds.) - Joensuu: Iniversity of Joensuu, 1993. - P.10-24.01A translation is considered acceptable when the end-product is admitted into the target system. In other words, an acceptable translation is the text with language use in the natural situation.

In summary, translation pragmatics is a multi-aspect approach. Its analysis requires discussing the role of each of the translation situation components.


The communicative effect of the source and target text upon the receptor should be similar. A lot depends on the functional style (register), genre, language and speech norms. Neither of them can be changed in translation because, ultimately, they make up the functional force of the text, so important from the point of view of pragmatics.

Disregard of the style or register produces a strange impact upon the receptor. Imagine a person declaring love in a businesslike manner - he will not be esteemed in the proper way.

Very often genre requirements of the text are so strict that they cannot but be met in translation, or the target text may be spoiled. For instance, when translating patents, one should observe all the elements of the structure and the necessary formulas and set phrases.

Shifting a set of language units leads to changes in text perception. For example, a scientific text is characterized by impersonal constructions, such as passive voice and indefinite structures. If a text is abundant in personal pronouns, interjections and other expressive means, it will never be considered as belonging to the scientific register.

Incorrect choice of words may result in comic consequences contrary to the expectations of the text author. A. Chuzhakin in his practicum-book “Мир перевода-2” quotes a number of signs and notices discovered in different countries. They are funny because of the violation of speech and English language norms (incorrect meanings and collocations). A notice in a Bucharest hotel lobby: The lift is being fixed for the next day. During that time we regret that you will be unbearable. An ad in a Greek tailor shop: Order your summer suit. Because is big rush we execute customers in strict rotation.2202 Ч у ж а к и н А. Мир перевода-2. Pracricum. - М.: Валент, 1997. - С. 170-171.02

Thus, a translator should have a good command not only of the target language but also of the style and genre requirements, in particular of style and genre distinctive features in the two languages.

Sometimes the translator faces the contradiction between a text form and its function. In this case, the function predominates. It is the text function that should be kept in translation first and foremost, not the form. For example, the phatic function of formal greeting in English normally has the form of the interrogative sentence: How do you do? In Russian translation, the form is shifted by the imperative Здравствуйте to preserve the function.

In non-literal texts, it is necessary to distinguish between the functions of the source text and those of the translated texts. The reasons for commissioning or initiating a translation are independent of the reasons for the creation of any particular source text.2203 R o u t l e d g e E n c y c l o p e d i a o f T r a n s l a t i o n S t u d i e s /Ed. By M.Baker. - London and New York: Routledge, 1998. - P.32.03 This idea brought to life the so called Skopos theory developed in Germany in the late 1970s.2204 V e r m e e r H. Ein Rahmen fщr eine allgemeine Translationstheorie // Lebende Sprachen, 1978, #23 (3) - S.99-102 .04 The Greek word skopos is used as the technical term for the purpose of a translation. Hans Vermeer, the founder of the theory, postulates that it is the intended purpose of the target text that determines translation methods and strategies. The initiator's, or client's needs determine the skopos of the target text. The skopos of the target text should be specified before the translation process begins.2205 R o u t l e d g e E n c y c l o p e d i a… - P.235-238.05

Depending on the skopos, the translation can be full or partial (restricted). This classification, in terms of the extent of translation, belongs to J. Catford.2206 C a t f o r d J. A Linguistic Theory of Translation: An Essay in Applied Linguistics. - London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1965. - P.21.06 In full translation, every part of the source text is replaced by the target language text material. In partial translation, some part or parts of the source language text are left untranslated.

According to the commissioner's needs, translation can be adapted (that is, adjusted to the target language culture), free, literal or it can be a faithful imitation of the source text.


A translator should be aware of the author's purpose of introducing this or that element into the text. Some problems are associated with this requirement:

Rendering regional dialect;

Rendering social dialect;

Rendering foreigners' speech;

Rendering substandard speech.

Why did the author use these elements, challenging the translation? To answer the question is to find a clue to the problem.

A regional dialect may be introduced into the text either as a means of the author's narration or as a means of a character's speech characteristics. When used as a means of the author's narration (e.g., V. Astafyev's novels are written in Siberian dialect), the regional dialect is neutralized in translation,2207 К о м и с с а р о в В. Н. Теория перевода. - М.: Высшая школа, 1990. - С.21707 since it is inappropriate and misleading to substitute a Russian (say, Siberian) dialect with an English one (for example, Southern American). Of course, this can lead to the loss of local coloring in translation, but the miss can be compensated by using realia belonging to the region.

A regional dialect used as a means of a character's traits is normally compensated by a social dialect (sociolect). Dialectal words are colloquialisms, or slang, that is they evoke certain social associations. In “Pygmalion” by B. Shaw, London cockney spoken by Eliza Doolittle reveals a low-class girl. Cossacks from “Тихий Дон” (“Quiet Flows the Don”) by M. Sholokhov speak the dialect recognized as the speech of Southern Russia's peasants. To translate this type of vocabulary, it is necessary to compensate it with stylistically marked, expressive colloquial words and structures, which lack a local ring.

Sociolect is used in the text for the stratifying characteristics of a character, that is, to show social class the person belongs to.

A translator is free to manipulate these locally and socially colored elements. S/he can make the compensation in some other part of the text. S/he can compensate phonetic peculiarities of speech with phraseological or syntactical units, etc. For example, in the beginning of the play, Eliza Doolittle speaks the following way: Nah then, Freddy: look wh' y' gowin', deah. <…> Theres menners f' yer! Te-oo banches o voylets trod into the mad. <…> Ow, eez ye-ooa son, is e? Wal, fewd dan y' de-ooty bawmz a mather should, eed now bettern to spawl a pore gel's flahrzn than ran awy athaht pyin. Will ye-oo py me f' them?2208 S h a w B. Pygmalion. - Voscow: Higher School Publishing House, 1972. - P.11-12.08 [which means Now then, Freddy: look where you are going, dear. There's manners for you. Two bunches of violets trodden into the mud. <…> Oh, he's your son, isn't he? Well, if you'd done your duty by him as a mother should, he'd know better than to spoil a poor girl's flowers and then run away without paying. Will you pay me for them?] In her translation Y. Kalashnikova focused on depicting the sociolect through low colloquial words and phrases: Куда прешь, Фредди? Возьми глаза в руки! <…> А еще образованный! Все фиалочки в грязь затоптал. <…> А, так это ваш сын? Нечего сказать, хорошо вы его воспитали…Разве это дело? Раскидал у бедной девушки все цветы и смылся, как миленький! Теперь вот платите, мамаша!2209 Ш о у Б. Пигмалион / Пер. Е.Калашниковой. - М.: Худож. литер., 1969. - С.329-330.09

When rendering a foreigner's speech, it is necessary to take into account contrastive typology of the languages under consideration and traditions of the target language literature.

Regarding typology, a translator must know the contrastive features that differ one language from another and reveal a foreigner at once. For example, a typological mistake made by a foreigner speaking Russian is the usage of the verb aspect form. A German or English-speaking person tends to use analytical forms of the verb, since their mother tongue is analytical, unlike synthetic Russian. Therefore, it is typical for a German to say in Russian Я буду уходить. instead of Я пойду.

Traditionally, German speech in Russian is marked by voiceless consonants. It is vividly shown in Pushkin's «Капитанская дочка»: …в его речи сильно отзывался немецкий выговор. <…> «Поже мой! - сказал он. - Тавно ли, кажется, Андрей Петрович был еще твоих лет, а теперь вот уш какой у него молотец! Ах, фремя, фремя2210 П у ш к и н А. С. Капитанская дочка. - Собр. соч. - т. 8 - М.: Худож. лит., 1970. - С.90.10


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