The problem of fuzzy multicriterial analysis of local energy conversion systems. Construction of training samples for artificial neural networks. Application of multiagent calculating models. Transition from vectorial criterion to a scalar combination.
Approaches to optimization and the development of the model given the parameters and constraints of the subject area to improve the efficiency of product quality. Modules of adaptation and realization of adaptation functions and testing system components.
Consideration of lightweight aggregate that obtained from the raw material modified by clay minerals, zeolites. Protection the environment from petroleum substances. Modification of the lightweight aggregate with the use of spent zeolite sorbents.
Выбор и анализ методов обработки мужской демисезонной куртки, обеспечивающих повышение производительности труда и снижение затрат времени на изготовление. Оценка эффективности методов обработки и сборки. Инструкционно-технологическая карта обработки узла.
The conductive nanocomposite films based on functional reactive copolymers and bifunctional alcohols. Creation multiwall carbon nanotubes. Dependence properties of the nanocomposites from the specific composite composition and obtaining conditions.
Analysis a lot of problems which constrain the transfer of diesel engines on "ecological" fuel and showing opportunities of manufacturing this fuel on Ukrainian enterprises. Evaluation of innovation taking in consideration environmental protection.
A new concept of Artificial Neural Networks in estimating speed and controlling a separately excited DC motor. A three-layer feed forward neural network with sigmoid activation functions in the input and hidden layers and purelin in the output layer.
Представлено характеристики азбесту як мінералу. Азбест – назва шести змієвидних волокнистих мінералів і амфіболів. Описано процеси видалення азбестовмісної продукції, що створює високий ризик викиду азбестових волокон, шкідливих для здоров’я людини.
These developments are devoted to the use of sol-gel processes in various branches of science and technology. Based on inorganic ion-exchange materials, a technology was developed to extract lithium from natural brines, which are poor in lithium content.
Extraction of lithium using highly selective inorganic ion exchangers. Composite matrix-isolated flocculants-coagulants. Matrix isolation method is one of the directions of nanotechnology. The technology of application functional nanocomposite materials.
The main factors of physical phenomena that accompany the process of power explosive effect for the development of new processes of metal processing. Industrial testing of facing technology by explosion of artificial surfaces of complex configuration.
Geometry enhancements, general beam section calculator, body diagrams and grid point force balances, graphics enhancements, scripting language and polygon and freehand selection, their application in the development of parts. Results viewing enhancements.
Peculiarities of application of mathematical apparatus for the calculation of point Baluba-Naidysh to develop the technology for scanning of the light openings of different configurations. Method of determining point equations for parabolic window.
Joint with interference fit as third in total connections in engineering after a gap of cylindrical and threaded. The inductor for locomotive wheelset disassembly - one of the typical representatives of the induction coil for heating intricate parts.
The developing of the numerical model of viscoelastic material using finite element method. The comparison of the obtained results with use of FEM software with experimental data. The calculation of the stress and strain state of the asphalt specimen.
Исследование поверхностного пластического деформирования как метода упрочнения деталей пожарных насосов. Рассмотрение плазменных и детонационных технологий напыления самых различных порошковых материалов. Коррозионная защита стали пожарных насосов.
Nonaxisymmetric boundary value problem of elasticity theory for multiconnected body with cylindrical boundaries. Boundary conditions by the generalized Fourier method. The numerical analysis of stresses in the areas of their greatest concentration.
The development of a new functional proposition, which uses the Poisson and Weibull distribution components, to simulate a functional U-shaped function. Estimating the effectiveness of the developed functional representation by numerical examples.
Obtaining complex fertilizers by oxidation of Angren brown coal with a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids and decomposition of oxidation products with a mineralized mass and slime phosphorite of the Central Kyzyl Kum. Fertilizers' commercial properties.
The model of spatially distributed curing process of epoxy matrix polymeric composite. The model using the projections of Pareto points set on the 8-dimensional space of design variables. Сontrol synthesis for the closed mould curing of composite spar.
Оцeнкa пoтpeбитeльcких cвoйcтв пoлуфaбpикaтoв c иcпoльзoвaниeм pыбнoгo и pacтитeльнoгo cыpья. Разработка рецептуры экстрактов. Изучение влияния CO2-шpoтa плoдoв oблeпихи нa физикo-химичecкиe и opгaнoлeптичecкиe пoкaзaтeли pыбopacтитeльных пoлуфaбpикaтoв.
The regularities of macromolecules behavior in the flow with longitudinal velocity gradient and manifested in this case effects of elastic deformations have importance in understanding the mechanism of anomalously high cutting power of water-polymer jet.
Digital technologies are a modern challenge that has changed global economic processes, infrastructure and business environment. Studying the features of the digital business environment in Georgia and identifying opportunities for its improvement.
The deals with the consideration of the peculiarities of the translation of English phraseological units on the basis of media discourse. It was found that phraseological combinations are stable, where one of the components has an independent meaning.
Information about the general state of technologies for the utilization of secondary energy resources and environmental resources. The essence of phase transitions in food production technologies. The possibility of creating energy-material circuits.
The paper presents the design of experimental cells, a description of materials for construction and construction process, and preliminary results. The objective of the work is proving which of the MBT fractions function better for methane degradation.
Analysis of the aspects of the specifications and drawings of plastics that are specific to this family of materials and processes and that are related to the realities that need to be taken into account. Cavity identification and rough indication.
The study of structural changes during hot deformation metal during controlled rolling. The influence of preheating temperature and deformation degree on the size and shape of austenite grains. The definition of the polygonal structure of the austenite.
Nanocomposites comprising ray in a polymer. The reflection mechanical properties material. Increasing the polymer properties by forming the interphase. Obtaining curves of stress-strain states of macroscopic samples irradiated polymer materials.
History of the appearance of ceramics. Ceramic products, types of ceramics. Features of technology of production of ceramic products. Ceramics of the Urals. The Perm State Arts Gallery is big Museums in the Ural region. Changes to the "Willow Pattern".