The methodical approach that is aimed at the efficient use of existing fixed assets and technological innovations introduction. Technical and technological components of the technological machine-building enterprise "Turbomash Ltd" development.
Technology of iron-concrete products. Optimization of experiment in chemistry and chemical technology. Blocks from rocks for facing, architectural-construction, memorial and other products. Methods of determining water absorption and frost resistance.
- 213. Principles of calculation of piezoelectric elements with surfaces partial covering by electrodes
Description of stress-strain state and transfer characteristics of piezoelectric elements with partial surfaces electrogalvanism. The power method of the analysis of the physical condition of the piezoelectric elements in the mode of forced oscillations.
Definitions and models of control in water supply and sanitation industry. Concession model of control sanitation industry in international practice. Condition of networks and evolution of model. Research limitations and future research directions.
The place of interdisciplinary educational technology in the system of engineering training. The role of the course of theoretical mechanics in the system of engineering disciplines. Presentation of scientific and subject knowledge of the discipline.
Study of structure and properties of aluminum alloys treated with nanodispersed modifiers. Consideration of the classical theory of modification of melts. Creation of fine-grained structure of castings. Analysis of existing aluminum alloy modifiers.
Results of research for increase in an output of target paraffins during of deparaffinisation mineral oil are resulted by a spirit-water solution of a carbamide. The variant removal of paraffins which output normal alkanes from the potential maintenance.
Environmental biotechnology study the use of living organisms for a wide range of applications in hazardous waste treatment and pollution control. The use of biotechnology in the dairy industry. Methods for producing whey. Security staff activity.
Properties and structure of hydrocarbons. Types and communication aromatics. The nature of the relationship between the carbon atoms. The methods of extraction and processing of oil. The use of the rectification columns for fractionating of raw materials.
Image processing of assembly parts at specified automated line from FESTO company to automate monitoring and evaluating of obtained data together with supporting of educational activities for field: "automation and control of machines and processes".
Deployment of two-arm robots in different plants. Designing of an educational workplace for assembly, equipped with a two-arm robot. Using of Schunk electric grippers to adjust the range of movement and clamping force. Design a robotic workplace.
Character of force of friction is investigated and set in nominally-immobile connections on the stage of nominal adhesion and to passing to skidding. The capacity of connections are given by the method of coating on the basis of fusible to the alloy.
There is considered contrariety of Pareto situations and Nash equilibrium situations in dyadic games. Their players’ payoffs are constrained by normal and uniform laws. Solving games in pure strategies there is the advantageousness in Pareto situations.
Рассмотрение проблемы привлечения новейших прогрессивных технологий добычи и бурения, при которых максимальная скорость бурения, а также минимальное количество спуско-подъемных операций являются одним из критериев выбора винтового забойного двигателя.
- 225. Rad Технології
Основні засади та поняття Rapid Application Development як концепції створення коштів розробки програмних продуктів, що дозволяє програмісту якомога швидше створювати комп'ютерні програми. Історія та середовища розробки, де використовують принципи RAD.
The key advantages of applying ultrasonic technology at the collection dairy. The general principles of measurement of liquids' properties by Ultrasonic standing wave resonator. The monitoring of the milk quality. The benefits of using cylindrical waves.
Test the tribological properties of lubricants as the main stage of assessing their suitability for use in friction. The scheme of the "cone - three ball" with the use of objects of simple geometric shapes to test different construction materials.
The study of the influence of the surface hardness of the auger on its wear during dehydration of solid waste in the garbage truck. Usage of the method of regression analysis, the logarithmic dependencies of auger wear depending on the hardness.
Comparison of thermal insulation properties of Sakhabult products with products of other manufacturers. Manufacturing of a dummy for monitoring the temperature difference inside sleeping bags and outerwear from natural fur of fur animals, deer and horses.
Using and improvement of qualities of products of oil processing. The process of obtain a water-soluble colloidal sulfur with seating stability, good solubility in water, high biological activity. Selection of conditions to receiving polymeric products.
The investigation is focused on the evaluation of residual stresses resulting from cold deformation and welding in candidate target structural materials such as martensitic Alloys EP-823 and HT-9, and also an austenitic Type 304L stainless steel.
- 232. RFID-технологии
Физические принципы работы систем радиочастотной идентификации, информация по действующим в этой области стандартам и основным областям практического применения RFID-систем. Функционирования СВЧ и микроволновых систем, электронных иммобилайзеров.
Rheology of high-viscosity marine fuel, temperature conditions of fuel preparation in ship power plant. The relationship between objects, environment and fuel quality of the fuel spray. Influence of variable electric fields for high-viscosity marine fuel.
Consideration of the characteristics of semantic modeling. Analysis of passivity-based switching control for stabilization of wheeled mobile robots. Features optimal kinodynamic motion planning for 2D reconfiguration of self-reconfigurable robots.
Применение метода ядерного магнитного резонанса для неинвазивного изучения свойств углеводородных систем. Методика одновременного определения физико-химических свойств нефти, таких как вязкость, плотность в градусах API и относительный водородный индекс.
Характеристика SCADA-системы как инструмента проектирования автоматизированных систем управления технологическими процессами. Изучение стадий технологического процесса анодного оксидирования. Анализ особенностей построения мнемосхем и отчетов в программе.
Geometry, FE analys, optimization, mechanisms, plastics and MSC/ARIES positioning for design detail. Full function ACIS based modeler, constraints, region operator to sub-divide geometry. Pre release solids shelling, per face (uniform) thickness control.
- 238. Simplification and verification of dynamic equations of movement of an autonomous underwater vehicle
Autonomous underwater vehicles. The dynamic equations for describing the movement of a general AUV in a fluid with nonnegligible viscous properties and the possible simplification of this equation in regard to a specific construction of a real world AUV.
Square Lead-Rubber Bearings with four lead plugs to round Lead-Rubber Bearings with one lead plugs and shorten the analysis time. Comparison of load-deformation relationship. Comparison of the change in the outer edge temperature of the laminated rubber.
The main advantages and disadvantages of well-known spiral drills with a multi-stage blade. It is described that the bridge, together with the steps adjacent to the grooves, is a small centering drill, performs centering and drilling during the process.