The operation and development prospects of the Union for the Mediterranean in the light of current events. The history of the organization, its priorities, the position of European leaders on the need for cooperation with the Mediterranean countries.
- 692. US elections
The history, mechanisms behind the Electoral College. A study of its possible effects on the allocation of campaign resources. Model that allows us to analyze the scope of the impact of the electoral college for the presidential campaigns in the US.
The Middle East as one of the most geopolitically unstable and tense regions in the world. Analysis of the reasons for the shifts in US policy in the Middle East. Features of comparisons between the administrations of Presidents B. Obama and D. Trump.
- 694. US-India Nexus & Chinese Appraisal: Triangular Exertions in Central & East Asia (Brief Description)
The place of modern Asia in the center of world politics, the rapprochement of the United States and India. The foreign policy vectors of "India versus China" in the context of the economic race, past rivalries, border issues. Countering a rising China.
Analysis of discourse formed by the ordinary citizens discussing news on the Internet social networks. Studies of political discourse emerging on Runet, with the aim of identifying the determinants of variation. Interpretation activity of the addressees.
Practice of usage of special ways which favour the realization of the political discourse functions. Investigation of the speech ways of the realization of a manipulative effect in the discourse of the Republicans about the Russian-Ukrainian war.
Study of the substantive essence and defining components of V. Lypinsky's concept of political power. Comparing the theory with the characteristics of political power in modern political science. Mechanisms of implementation of the legitimacy of power.
The degree of integration of virtual states as a subject of research into Russian political science and social sciences, the formation of a research field, direction and school. The Russian segment of world science in the study of virtual states.
Features of the second stage of the phenomenon of "the state in spite of" and Euromaidan, their influence on the course of historical events in Ukraine after the displacement of Yanukovych. The trend of Ukrainian nationalism of Russian-speaking origin.
Justification of the stability of authoritarianism in the countries of the Persian Gulf. The influence of cultural and Islamic values of countries on the strengthening of authoritarianism. Identification of long-term threats to the security of countries.
Demographics and the economy - the important processes for understanding the persistence of authoritarianism in the arabian countries. External support-funding, media coverage - the factors of the success of mobilization to topple a political regime.
Look to the Ukraine-Russia crisis Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine from five different angles (Russia apologists, geopolitics, Russian empire building, nature of Vladimir Putin’s regime and national identity). Ukrainian national identity.
This article analyses why the promises made by the leaders of the Orange Revolution regarding reforms in Ukraine were not realized. The influence of the relations in the triangle EU – UA – RU, but the main factors appeared to be the domestic ones.
A strong division of power - one of the reasons that define the American presidential system of government. The inability of parliamentarians to function in the executive branch like example of the strong separation of powers in the United States.
Regime-military relations,the intertwining of the behavior of both subjects, the government, the army. Two scenarios that reveal the endogenous dynamics between the troops and the coup established by the authorities of sub-Saharan Africa in 1960-2012.
The entry of Jorg Haider’s Freedom Party into a coalition government in Austria. The negative common denominator of the entire established political spectrum. A bi-polar system as the consensual form of politics in our time. The Postmodern politics.
Необхідність теоретичного осмислення проблеми публічності політичної інформації та обмеження свободи доступу до інформації як проблеми сучасної демократії. Вплив ресурсу WikiLeaks на трансформацію сучасного розуміння публічності політичної влади.
The beginning of the participation of Jordanian women in the country's public policy. A new law on political parties that provided women with the right to participate in political parties. Challenges hindering women's political participation in Jordan.
- 709. Wordplay in wartime twitter communication: a case study of Ukrainian politicians’ humorous tweets
Twitter as a powerful tool for crisis communication and a space for producing, functioning and sharing humor. The use of puns in humorous tweets of certain Ukrainian politicians. Identification and study of linguistic features of the author's humor.
Структура политической доктрины партии "Нур Отан" Республики Казахстан: "О миссии партии", "О ценностях", "О взаимодействии гражданина и государства". Изменения в политическом совете партии. Краткая характеристика стратегии развития Казахстана.
The article attempts to conduct a comparative analysis of youth parties in the EU. Investigate theoretical approaches to understanding the concept of "political party" - as well as to highlight the main features and characteristics of youth parties.
The article attempts to conduct a comparative analysis of youth parties in the EU. Investigate theoretical approaches to understanding the concept of "political party" - as well as to highlight the main features and characteristics of youth parties.
The paradigm shifts in political theory and justify the relevance of the dialogical paradigm of power. The formation and development of the information and communication society significantly reduces the possibility of using tough power strategies.
Возникновение в современную эпоху становления многополярного мира цивилизационных моделей политического участия масс в жизни общества и в развитии политической демократии. А. Грамши о гражданском обществе. Цветные революции и теория культурной гегемонии.
День назначения Совет Народных Комиссаров. Краткий очерк деятельности А.В. Луначарского, его вступление в партию большевиков. Установление контактов с творческой интеллигенцией. Особенности его работы в Совнаркоме и Наркомпросе, ее критика В.И. Лениным.
Обзор причин абсентеизма, как одной из форм политического поведения, означающего добровольное, осознанное уклонение от выборов. Роль средства массовой информации в повышении активности избирателей на выборах должны сыграть средства массовой информации.
Ознайомлення з результатами порівняльного аналізу рівня явки на виборах до Європейського парламенту. Визначення й характеристика основних методів підвищення статусу Європейського парламенту і виборів до нього, що призвело б до зниження рівня абсентеїзму.
Абсентеїзм як байдуже ставлення людей до своїх громадсько-політичних прав. Основні соціальні причини свідомого ухилення виборців від участі у голосуванні. Специфіка концепції "обмеженої електоральної участі" в політичній системі Російської Федерації.
- 719. Абсолютизм в России
Абсолютизм как форма правления, при которой верховная власть в государстве полностью и безраздельно принадлежит монарху. Знакомство с особенностями развития самодержавия в XVIII-ХIХ веках. Рассмотрение социальных преобразований, проведенных Петром I.
Исследование политической деятельности выдающегося мусульманского теолога и мыслителя Абу Ала Маудуди как создателя партии Джама`ти Ислами. Описание идей выдвигаемых партией Джама`ти Ислами и оценка их роли в политической деятельности Индии и Пакистана.