Study of professional training of teachers for the use of technologies in psychological and pedagogical theory and practice. Approaches affecting education and formation of students. Directions of education of students in a higher education institution.
Occupational self-determination of adolescent school students. Correlation between indicators of realistic personality type and internal individually significant motives. Indicators of social personality type and motive of social significance of a job.
Psychological regularities of the educator's activities and ways of implementing the social order through the preschool education institution and the preschool education system. The importance of the nature of communication in pedagogical activity.
The paper is to outline some ways of psychological assistance in defining and reducing foreign language anxiety in university students. In this context the analysis focuses on a theoretical study of language anxiety in the psychological literature.
Analysis of the influence of relationships within the family, the role of parents in the family in raising the child on the development of the emotional-volitional sphere of the child. The study of the factors of emotional disorders in children.
The psychological foundations of readaptation of disadapted behavior of adolescents with a delay in mental development. The main place in the readaptation was occupied by the level of personal growth of adolescents with a delay in mental development.
The study of the characteristics of the influence of emotional reactions on deviant behavior in adolescents. The stages of the influence of emotional states on behavior and the structure of adolescent personality from a socio-psychological point of view.
Psychological characteristics of views about the dangers of student's youth with different levels of anxiety. Responses when meeting with a dangerous situation. Solutions to self-organization and self-control during the passage of a situation of danger.
Define characteristics of emotional burnout syndrome manifestation among freelancers. Differences of burnout phases formation among full-time employees and freelancers have been determined. Analysis of the indicator of symptom of emotional alienation.
Search for new research techniques and methods, accumulation of scientific knowledge, deepening ideas about the nature of social protection. Determination differences in both the level of formation of burnout phases in full-time workers and freelancers.
The study of narrative discourse on the example of English literature. Use of visual images to ensure accuracy of perception of transition moments in space. Psycholinguistic aspects of narrative discourse. The meaning of contrasting visual phrases.
The connection between the individual psychological characteristics of the representatives of the group of professions "man-technician" and their effectiveness in the example of repair mechanics is analyzed. Characteristics of the job satisfaction.
The role of the psychological climate in the formation of an individual's personality. The psychological climate is scrutinized as a pivotal determinant influencing the trajectory of the educational process and the configuration of one's personality.
Study of the key role and importance of the psychological climate in the formation of personality, which affects the trajectory of the educational process. Analysis of cases of coercion in educational institutions, their impact on adolescent psychology.
A fundamental difference in facilities of the analysis of presentations. Analyze the understanding paying attention to the usage of derived abstract nouns in "The Adventures of Oliver Twist". Abstraction as an important part of quasi-communication.
Analysis of the concept of "Machiavellianism" and psychological peculiarities of specialness. Radicalization of special behavior at various stages of professional development. Investigation of gender specificity to manipulative behavior in young students.
Difficulties of communication between children migrants and children non-migrants in different situations of interaction. Psychological help programs to children migrants for getting through communication difficulties and socio-psychological adaptation.
The importance of developing a favorable teacher is implying in pupil’s relationships. It is also expressed by us. So, we’ll state, that teachers should encourage pupils’ engagement in academic tasks, which can be done by using group management methods.
Psycholinguistic presupposition in the case of communication or quasi-communication by a person in an environment characterized by shared experience, a thesaurus. Creating a zone of intersection of the cognitive spaces of communication participants.
- 620. Psychological features and the program of emotional intelligence development in early adolescence
The article is devoted to the analysis of the psychological features of the development of the emotional intelligence of a person of youthful age. The results of empirical research and emotional intelligence of high school students are presented.
The formation of personality in adolescence, which causes a special sensitivity to emotional manifestations and relationships with others. The development of certain behavior patterns that may be the result of emotional disturbances and conflicts.
The correlation between conflict and the emotional sphere of adolescents is diagnosed. Necessity of correction of conflict behaviour of adolescents through the use of social and psychological training aimed at improving the skills of conflict management.
Theoretical analysis of the problem of development of the emotional culture of future psychologists. The use by the subject of his own emotional intelligence for the purpose of emotional self-regulation. Analysis of the components of emotional culture.
Definition of labor migration as a socio-psychological category. Revealing features of the psychological adaptation of male labor migrants working for more than a year in the Southern Federal District and having various ethnoconfessional belonging.
Studies of different forms of avoidance of the military service. Empirical research among military men, deserted from troop command. Psychological features, decreasing the efficiency of interpersonal interaction. Regular educational work with soldiers.
Description long military campaigns on the territory of the Chechen republic. Support for increasing a level of comfort of teachers working in comprehensive schools of post-conflict region. Psychological features of teachers from the Chechen republict.
The characteristics of the SKA managers and their rating position were determined. dentification and description of the main psychological features of the personality of a modern SKA manager, which have a positive impact on his professional activity.
The study data of social support for people with different levels of social adaptation. The major types of social support for all groups of the studied. The index of social integration of the subjects with a destructive degree of social maladaptation.
Development of effective scientific methods of professional diagnostics in the process of educational activity. Substantiation of the connection of role competence with cognitive, emotional and individual psychological features of students' personality.
Sychological features of successfully self-realized managers on sales coping-behavior. Psychological approaches coping behavior, taking into account specificity of managers on sales professional work. Analys empirical indicators of coping behavior.