Theoretical foundations of the concept of maturity by Zdzislaw Khlevinskii. Self-education to maturity in the light of Z. Khlevinsky's criteria. Development of qualities of human authenticity and humanity in relation to others as signs of maturity.
The analysis of aspiration level and self-assessment of professional competencies in interns, conducted by the Dembo-Rubinstein method. Outsized ambitions and self-evaluation towards competences among most of first year internship doctors are identified.
The article discusses different definitions of self-regulation. The article presents ideas about self-regulation that have developed within the framework of foreign and domestic psychology. General key components: motivation; standards of behavior.
Theory of sense and sense-creation that to the greatest extent comes nearer to disclosing those which allow a person to choose from multivariate reality something certain as a personal value. Technologies of forming of civil values of young generation.
Erotic imagination is a normal and necessary aspect of human sexuality, but its content is not ethically neutral. The main methodological flaw in psychological studies of sexuality is that they are cut off from the general psychological theories.
Research and economic substantiation of the possibility improving the economic condition of enterprises in the transport and foreign transport (commercial) sector due to the formation and improvement of a new motivational paradigm in modern conditions.
Value of social and biological definition of mental life as a problem of psychology. The method of monozygotic twins and an assessment of the effectiveness of its use. Detection of influence of genotype, environment on investigated psychological quality.
Types of personal crises and exit strategies. Research of professional mobility as a psychological phenomenon. Search for ways of professional-personal adaptation of the subject in a changing environment. Successful adaptation of personality in society.
A person’s visible behavior as a result of a variety of influencing factors. The promotion of mutually beneficial cooperation in close human relationships - the purpose of interpersonal competencies. The main components of intrapersonal intelligence.
The relationship of socio-psychological and physiological indicators of adaptation of children to the conditions of study in primary schools. The level of adaptation in elementary school students by factors of Phillips School Anxiety Questionnaire.
Social intelligence as a person's ability to understand and predict the behavior of other people, to be able to recognize feelings, intentions and emotions regarding their qualities. Its features in persons with different levels of emotional stability.
A comprehensive examination of the features of social intelligence in persons with different levels of emotional stability. A personality property that ensures the stability of emotions and emotional arousal under the influence of various stressors.
The worked out the structure of the teacher social intelligence, identified and substantiated psychological determinants for the development of personal qualities of teachers, the peculiarities of using by the teachers cognitive styles of the activities.
Subject of cross-cultural psychology. The ethical problems of data collection. Ethnocentric or egocentric perception. The differences of cross-cultural psychology and cultural psychology. The psychological implications of intercultural communication.
The main problems of conflicting couples, including the analysis of the main barriers to social support for HIV-positive clients and their sexual partners. Correction of partners' behavior taking into account the possibilities of mutual support.
Socio-psychological adaptation of students of higher education in the first year of higher education institutions. The influence of environmental conditions and the mental world of an individual on the success of adaptation and interaction with society.
Expression of social and psychological needs, parameters of relations with other people, constituent attitude to the city of the inhabitants of the metropolis, large and small cities. Relationship with people and attitude towards the city of inhabitants.
The importance of psychological reserves of the individual for professional activity in conditions of modern socio-economic instability. Understanding the directions of professional activity and prospects for realizing personal professional growth.
The consumer’s personal individual-psychological characteristics. Multifactorial personality questionnaire of R. Kettle. Research results of psychological types behavior according to the methodology of O.S. Posypanova "Psychological profile of customer".
The article defines the role, psychological profile and factors of socially responsible personality development. Rapid development of society needs the intensive formation of a socially responsible personality at colleges and universities around a world.
Review of the problem of sociocultural conditioning of the practice of providing psychological assistance. An empirical study of the features of the representation of this phenomenon in the professional consciousness of practicing psychologists.
Prevention of spiritual alienation by increasing the activity of the individual in society. Classification of the main methods that are used to prevent mental alienation of people and to educate them in a spirit of mutual respect and religious tolerance.
Analysis of the motivational structure of the individual, the role of emotional regulators of behavior, stability of cognitive functions. Efficiency of information processing, individual methods of compensation, overcoming of crisis situations in adults.
A study on the adaptation of workers in small and informal subgroups. The relationship between adaptation, socio-psychological, substantive and activity efficiency of groups and subgroups perceived by employees of structural units of various profiles.
The role of socio-psychological characteristics of interpersonal relationships in adolescents in the prevention of spiritual alienation. Psychological features of the influence of peers, in addition to the family, on the socialization of adolescents.
Study of social and psychological components of the success of a person's life choices. Program for optimization of the process of life choice of an individual in the period of early adulthood. Application of existential, cognitive, behavioral correction.
Socio-psychological features of meaningful life orientations of young people. The image of a successful person and its adaptation to management. The influence of meaningful life orientations on the choice of strategy and tactics of self-realization.
Elements of the social and psychological basis of individual. The socially determined purpose of activity, social statuses, positions and performance of social roles are determined by the status and expectations of roles, norms and values (culture).
We analyzed over 3,000 anonymous surveys of interns who studied the Emergency medicine course this year and 10 years ago. their psychological features and social behavior in dynamics. The characteristics of representatives of generation Y in medicine.
An analysis of the principles of the construction and functioning of an integrated socio-psychological program supporting the subjective well-being of an individual in marriage. Methods of psychological help: role play, psycho-technical exercises.