Definition and specificity of successive stages, which comprise the process of rehabilitation of the person affected by the consequences of military trauma. The essence and features of the personal vector aimed at restoring personal integrity and balance.
The present article aims at investigating whether such demographic and psychological variables as age, place of residence (rural or urban), level of education, number of years of marriage, number of sons, etc. can predict marital adjustment in wives.
To study the features of clinical phenomenology of depressive disorders at the present stage, taking into account gender and age factors. Study of forms of depression, taking into account the leading syndrome, the predominance of anergic components.
Conceptualization of the definition of space as a semantic unit of linguistic consciousness. Compositional features of the fractalization process. Correction of the actual affective dynamics of the observer, the principle of the semantic fractal.
The phenomenon of loneliness, describes the types of loneliness (dissociated, diffuse and alienating). The presence of a positive correlation between personal characteristics and the depth of loneliness, types and level of subjective loneliness.
Hierarchy of social institutions of a person. The importance of modern information sources to people. The behavioral deviations and asocialisation. The information mechanism of socialization of personality. Process of communication, exchanging of data.
Determining the structure of value orientations of the selected types of teacher. The main requirements of modern education, its humanistic sense-forming orientation. The development of the value-semantic sphere of the personality of the teacher.
Features of indirect memorization of words (familiar or unfamiliar) that denote concepts in adult active Internet users. The essence is to check the correctness of the memory and its order. Influence of active Internet practices on indirect memorization.
The psychoprophylaxis and corrections to overcome the phenomena of compassion fatigue of volunteers during the war in working with victims in the context of post-traumatic growth. The principles of psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis of this phenomena.
The perception of the effectiveness of school mediation services by adolescents with deviant behaviour. Analysis of perception of the effectiveness of mediation practices by a group directly involved in the implementation of mediation practices.
- 761. Speech personality: communicative-pragmatic aspect (the case of speech behaviour of Sherlock Holmes)
Communicative and pragmatic aspect of the speech personality of Sherlock Holmes. Analysis of the characteristics, his speech behavior according to the pragmatic function. Speech intentions, which he applies at the level of interpersonal communication.
Analysis the phenomenon of stammering from various perspectives: linguistic, physical and social. A lot of attention is paid to the reason why people stammer, classification of stammering as well as experimental research and approaches to treatment.
Statistics in Psychology: Data, Models. Graphical Methods of Displaying Data. Simple Linear Regression and Multiple Regression Analysis. Distribution-Free and Computationally Intensive Methods. Analysis of Categorical Data I Contingency Tables.
The inclusion of the noetic dimension in the understanding of human ontology against the background of military events in Ukraine. The principles of dimensional ontology as the theoretical basis of logotherapy in the context of scientific education.
- 765. Stereotype content across ethnicity and socio-economic status: a case of ethnic groups in Russia
The interaction between target’s ethnicity and their socio-economic status in forming stereotypes and aims. Stereotype content model and status. Multiple categorization, non-algebraic models. Consent form and instructions for pre-test and main part.
Види сторітеллінга або розповідання історій – широковживаної на Заході техніки переконання. Елементи впливової історії. Смисл, закладений і переданий в ній, як правило, передбачаючий "дію у відповідь". Комерційний сторітеллінг як маркетинговий інструмент.
Conducting a brief analysis of the problem of life feelings in the context of professional self-determination of the individual. Identification of certain psychological differences in the system of life sensations of students of different specialties.
Examination stress among college students. Correlation between examination stress and anxiety of college students. Comparing stress and anxiety among students of different streams. Comparative analysis of exam stress from students and postgraduates.
Definition of stress as a subjective experience of tension, pressure, distress, fear or negative emotions arising from a perceived threat to a person's mental or physical well-being. Means of measuring stress, assessment of its impact on health.
Analysis of to the problem of contemporary factors of stress in modern Japan. Study of stress forms, its impact on individuals, and its reasons after the post-Bubble era. Characteristic of mechanisms of coping with stress in modern Japanese culture.
Stress research as an important area in medical sociology. The relationship between stress and health status. a set of relationships between socio-economic status, the process of stress, its consequences for health, the consequences of chronic diseases.
- 772. Stress resistance and post-traumatic syndrome of children with hearing impairment in war conditions
Formation of psychological assistance to families. Creation of protocols for further work with stress and post-traumatic syndrome for psychologists with the category of children with special educational needs, in particular with hearing impairments.
Study of the factor structure of intelligence based on the results of testing a sample of Polish children. Using of Wechsler intelligence tests for children in intercultural conditions. Improving the effectiveness of education of individual children.
Study of the psychological state and physical overload of a musician-performer in a concert stage. Formation of emotional stability of children's music school students. Analysis of intellectual, emotional and volitional components of stress resistance.
- 775. Structural-level analysis of the experience of organization of consultative work with adolescents
Peculiarities of psychological counseling and treatment of youth of Ukraine. Identifying opportunities to use international medical assistance for teenagers living in rural areas. Using telemedicine tools to support children with mental disorders.
The variants of the reflexive processes correlation. The young people with high level of the system reflection and average level of introspection and quasireflection are characterized by the most structure coherence of defense and coping behavior.
Coping and protection mechanisms as integral components of the socio-emotional functioning of adults. The structure of protective and controlling behavior of youth with different severity. Study of three variants of the ratio of reflexive processes.
The concept of social attitudes and social stereotypes, which are described in the context of ethnic relations of society. The role of the media in shaping the worldview of modern youth. Study of social distance and ethnic and religious stereotypes.
The issue and theoretical concept of students’ psychological readiness for different conditions of social interaction . The subjective concept of readiness for social interaction and its psychological model in the context of the subject-system approach.
The study of the text as a creative act, regardless of the level of its novelty and social utility. Description of the process of creating text for students with a compilation. Transformation of intellectual and cognitive problems into an emotional state.