Features dispositions as semantic dispositions in the theory of meaning, approaches to them. The structure, role and features of professional disposition as a form of semantic disposition. Organization of professional strategy through sensual guidance.
The research program we have created for this issue. Further studies see in working out the general methodological characteristics of the professional mobility in the process of individualization of students' training at higher educational institutions.
Professional self-determination as one of the steps in the life of a person, as it enables you to harmonize your relations with society, determine your role in it. Basic principles of preparing the individual for future professional self-determination.
The consolidates the theoretical and methodological analysis of stress determinants that affect employees of the National Police of Ukraine in the procedure of performance of their official duties; includes methodological substantiation of methods.
- 575. Professional Sustainability of Personality: Analysis of Volunteering Activity in Modern Conditions
Volunteer work is difficult to characterize as easy, as it requires people to take a lot of responsibility, emotional inclusion in situations of increased complexity. There is a growing need to study the characteristics of volunteers' sustainability.
Conducting of the theoretical and methodological analysis research of the phenomenon of professional well-being, its contemporary and classic models and factors. The main approaches to determining the content and structure of the professional well-being.
Professionally significant features of managers and administrators in education, their most characteristic dynamic characteristics as components of semantic life strategies aimed at creating a safe educational environment. Features of success manager.
Analysis of the influence of psychological and emotional aspects on a child's health. The study of the psychological characteristics of children aged 5-7years in comparison to episodically ill peers and their correlation with local immunity indicators.
Low motivation to study the subject at a technical college as one of the reasons for a rather low level of foreign language skills for future. The value of internal and broad social motives in shaping the positive motivation of learning.
The use of psychoanalytic tools, methods and techniques of interpreting psychoanalytic-centric works in artistic representation of dreams and pathological visions. Formation of codes of psychoanalytic interpretation of the main psychoanalytic category.
Analysis of psychoanalytic ideas. The evolution of psychoanalytic theory. The problem of the genesis of malignant aggression. Cause of sadism. The desire for unlimited nothingness domination. The leading role in shaping the ascetic outlook sadomasochism.
Study of the conditions that cause military traumatic stress. A sharp change in the conditions of peaceful civilian life to combat conditions, to which it is necessary to quickly adapt. Increased vigilance regarding the occurrence of extreme factors.
The realm of psychological assistance psychological correction measures. The efficacy of parents in influencing the physical and mental well-being of their offspring hinges on both their inherent capabilities and their degree of preparedness.
Consideration of some psycholinguistic mechanisms of the formation of an individual system of meanings. Acquaintance with the peculiarities of psychocorrection in case of emotional disorders in servicemen with neurotic and psychosomatic disorders.
The impact of socio-natural habitat in the form of ecological vital functions on the homeostats of the internal human environment that violate the parameters of the psychological, mental health of adolescents Disturbance of development of individuality.
Psychodynamic concepts of intrapersonal conflicts. External causes of intrapersonal conflict, caused by the situation of the individual in society, associated with the macrosystem and rooted in the nature of social structure, social structure of society.
Pathological attraction to gambling, as a variant of non-chemical dependence, and smoking, as one of the types of chemical addiction, is a pressing problem today both in Ukraine and in foreign countries, where the gambling business has been legalized.
Psycholinguistic study of negative deep beliefs of a person. Analysis of the relationship between conscious and unconscious personality experiences: lack of love versus rejection, helplessness and low achievements, lack of control and helplessness.
Definition of psycholinguistic aspects of narrative discourse on the example of graphic novels. The analysis of the material presented in the form of comics, where the person (character) who is watching is only a visualization object, not its subject.
Constitutional and dialogic characteristics of the text - models of the communicative activity of the author and reader, focus on a dialogue. The features of the novel: coherence, integrity, completeness, structuralness, componentity and informativeness.
Research of the problem of realization of psycholinguistic resources of the acmeological potential of life scenarios of Ukrainian writers and scientists in a foreign cultural environment. Indicators of resources and adaptation of Ukrainian emigrants.
Trends in the semantic field of the concept of "war". Analysis of the semantic compatibility of signs of the concept of " war " in the media. The involvement of techniques and tools aimed at achieving victory in the confrontation not by force of arms.
Defining approaches to defining the concepts of ethnic tolerance, identity, prejudices and stereotypes. Relationship between tolerance and the level of personal identity development. Determining the social distance from the group representative.
The condition of psychological support of mentally retarded children issue study was analyzed. The necessity of support for parents was reasoned. The psychological approaches to the study of children with abnormal development adaptation were analyzed.
Essence of intrapersonal conflict, analysis of foreign and domestic literature on this problem. The necessity to develop social psychological training as one of the methods of neutralization of intrapersonal conflict and re-cut of data is substantiated.
A theoretical analysis of motivational and volitional personal factors that are the driving force behind the psychological mechanisms of children's predisposition to theft, and to clarify the main directions of its psychological prevention/correction.
The main problems of psycho-emotional state faced by officers of corrections officers and the factors influencing psychological stability and the consequences of not overcoming them in the performance of official. The norms of professional ethics.
Indicators of presence of computer addiction among adolescents, which are distinguished in clinical, psychological and socio- psychological aspects. criteria of addiction: dominance, tolerance, compulsiveness, "withdrawal" syndrome, social maladaptation.
- 599. Psychological approaches to the organization of facilitative interaction at the lessons of English
The essence of facilitative interaction based on psychological approaches. Study of the teacher's work by functional purpose as a psychotherapist who helps the student to find positive in himself, which already has a certain level of development.
- 600. Psychological approaches to the organization of facilitative interaction at the lessons of English
Psychological approaches on which facilitative interaction is based. Personal qualities that should be inherent in a teacher. Isolation and research of the main guidelines of the teacher-facilitator. Ways of implementation of facilitative guidance.