Identify differences in symbolization among the deaf in the period of adolescence. The way of symbolization is a property of the individual consciousness of the deaf. Development of didactic technologies for the development of symbolic function.
Aticle examines the concepts of stress resistance, intolerance to uncertainty, anxiety and depressive manifestations. The available data on their interrelationships and the studies on the specifics of military youth stress resistance i were reviewed.
The didactic and methodologic assessment provisions. The process of selection and design of translation competence assessment procedures and tools. Ways to form and maintain intrinsic motivation to translation performance in the process of assessment.
Sociocultural approach in the process of education at high school at the English lessons. Presenting of cultural context, which influences the development of sociocultural competence of students. The ways of developing of sociocultural competence.
The study of psychological immunity of the individual in conditions of adaptation to new socio-cultural surroundings. Scenario decisions of migrants - unconscious, irrational mind sets for adapting to life as mechanisms of acquired psychological immunity.
Consideration of the psychological causes of the influence of aggressive behavior on interpersonal relationships of young people in the modern period. Formation of aggressive behavior, research of inadequate family relations, disregard for the interests.
The essence and mechanisms of one of the psychological phenomena - the experience of "deja vu". Hypotheses of the nature of the phenomenon of "deja vu", analysis of their shortcomings. The concept of psychological mechanisms underlying this phen
Define the style of the novel as complex and multi-layered process, and to propose psychological mechanisms of understanding contemporary texts of American writers. Psychological mechanisms of understanding contemporary texts of American writers.
The main psychological models that explain the mechanisms of eating disorders that cause an increase in overweight and obesity. Data from foreign and domestic studies of the effects of diets, stress, personality, family factors on overeating, obesity.
Creativity is a productive human activity, capable of generating qualitatively new material and spiritual values of social significance. Creative self-realization as the main quality, an indispensable characteristic of a mentally healthy person.
The impact of professional context on the person in the period of additional qualification. Analysis of the assimilation of information, competencies and knowledge of various groups of office workers. The impact of higher education on this process.
The role of the media as an important component of civil society in the conditions of the modern information society. The importance of media in building the worldview of the younger generation, in particular the social reality in its various aspects.
This article is devoted to the main problem of studying the psychological characteristics of the personality of civil servants (on the example of law enforcement officers), which are characteristic of the manifestation of emotional burnout syndrome.
Results of the study and analysis of the influence of ethnolinguistic identity on the formation of the image of the language. Factors of psychological well-being and personal health of Ukrainian-speaking and Russian-speaking Ukrainian migrants in Poland.
The psychological pecularities of the personal sphere of people with disabling diseases, to characterize the psychological aspect of working with people with disabilities due to a disabling disease. Methodology of I.Yu. Kulagina and L.V. Senkevich
The peculiarity of restoring proper breathing. Formation of the basis of motor actions. Learning the elements of basic motor actions. Characteristics of the development of psycho-emotional tension, which led to the appearance of signs of fatigue.
Study of conversational and emotional characteristics of Internet users. Defining predictors of journalistic discourse. Conducting factor analysis of Internet texts, assessment of their stylistic expressiveness and psychological understanding by students.
The actualization of communicative behavior of people from English-speaking countries by recipients takes place in a conditional space close to a real life. A related variable is the time it takes to react to a stimulus, called "latency of response".
Determination of the psychological features of understanding the communicative behavior of people from English-speaking countries. Updating the perception and understanding of people's communicative behavior. Isolation of the speech image of the carrier.
Analysys of the psychological foundations of creative thinking as a prerequisite for musical creativity. The problems of musical talent and creative thinking. The psychological foundations of the creative process and principles of creative thinking.
Research of psychology of creativity, problems of musical talent, creative thinking. Creation of new spiritually valuable works. Systematization of psychological bases of creative process. Study of the essence of modern creativity and musical activity.
Mechanisms of internal design of oral translation activity. Mechanisms that implement the sequence of actions of the translator within the phases of oral translation activity. Identification of prerequisites for improving the oral translation activity.
Development of the criteria for the formation of a communicative competence of the socionic professions that are of another language as an important component of professional activity. Formation of a communicative culture in a foreign language course.
The main factors for the development of professional deformation of teachers working in preschool educational institutions. The mechanism of professional deformation on the example of consideration of strategies used for psychological protection.
Approaches to the whole man-machine system optimization. The consideration of psychological factors in the development of new technical means of activity and modernization of the available ones. The man-machine system development and exploitation.
The concept of psychologically-somatic stress, description of types of military stress, to show the principles of use the method of Positive Psychotherapy for psychological rehabilitation of combatants with mental disorders. Main stages of therapy.
Consideration of the concept of psychologically somatic stress, describing of types of military stress, showing the main principles of use the method of positive psychotherapy for psychological rehabilitation of combatants with mental disorders.
Tto investigate the level of the development of creative potential of students – future foreign language teachers, to apply the program of group activity developed by us in order to develop the creativity of respondents, to analyze its effectiveness.
Determination of psychological resources in the self-realization of the individual. Existential and professional configurations of self-realization. Influence of creativity, coherence, mercy, manifestation of emotions on self-actualization of personality.
Consideration of the changing structure of the brain and the psychological status of women in menopause, depending on the presence of a metabolic syndrome, and the need for preventative treatment. The study of depressive symptoms for this category.