Study of problems in modern psychological science of the phenomenon "language personality". Definition of psychological conditions and psychodactical methods of development of the language personality of the preschool child in the process of listening.
- 422. Leadership and efficiency of communication of the manager from the perspective of psychosynergetics
Leadership and effectiveness of communication of the head from point of view of psychosynergetics. Interaction of own tendencies of development of head taking into account the factors of social environment promoting personal growth and self-actualization.
Losing your mind: the function of brain cells. The anatomy of the brain. The lanes less traveled: instructional strategies for episodic, procedural, automatic and emotional memory. Producing the evidence: assessment that mirrors instructional strategies.
The role of language in the structuring and existence of man. Synthesis of cognition and meaning in the architecture of individual consciousness. Synchronization of acceptance of didactic values of educational material by the student as a semiotic text.
Modern childhood and the ways of their solution. The empirical study of the relation of draftees to the main categories of being, service in armed forces, their understanding of value bases of military activities and their role in the modern world.
Разработка специальных комплектов LEGO для учебных целей. Развитие элементов логического мышления в процессе работы с конструктором. LEGO-технология и ее значение в коррекции развития детей с нарушениями зрения. Сенсорное развитие чувств у дошкольников.
- 427. Level of development of psychophysiological indicators of female students of 1-4 years of study
The questions of changing the peculiarities of the quickness of simple and complicated reaction on the irritant, static and dynamic tremor before and after the loads of the students. The research of indicators to optimize the education of students.
The results of research on the interaction between the life orientation and the benefits of meta-values in women with anorexia and bulimia. Conducting questionnaire of vital orientation (SOC-29) Antonovsky and questionnaire of values of Schwartz (PVQ-R2).
Research of manipulation as an effective means of capturing, retaining, using, legitimizing power. Analysis of the main types of metaphors used by US presidential candidates in 2008. Creating certain associations and assigning them to a specific object.
Various forms of humor manifestation, in accordance with our proposed regulatory-level model, reflect the dominance of a certain level of regulation - biological, social, reflexive and personality. Cognitive and affective components of humor in norm.
Assessment of the role and importance of social relations for a person. The reasons for the physical or emotional isolation of people. Development of measures to prevent the effects of loneliness. Using the University of California Scale in psychology.
The specificity of emotional changes in adolescence. Transformation of the main components of emotional intelligence in connection with personal characteristics inherent in teenagers. The transition from a closed way of life to openness to society.
Psychological and pedagogical features of emotional intelligence in adolescence. The specificity of emotional changes at this age, the transformation of the components of emotional intelligence in connection with the personal characteristics of teenagers.
The analysis features of the manifestation and structure of the phenomenon of emotional intelligence in adolescents, as well as peculiarities of the transformation of emotional intelligence of adolescents given their personality characteristics.
Lymphocytic chalone and immune homeostasis. Classes of stress responses. Adaptive responses that are aimed at supporting constant internal environment. The impact of stress changes on protective systems of the body. Using a model of antigen load.
Main aspets of ethnocentrism as a mechanism to save cultural identity. Ethnocentrism is perceived as a negative phenomenon. After conductiong the research, come to the conclusion that ethnocentrism the best ways preserve and maintain etnic identity.
The between the individual typological properties of the nervous system of extreme occupational workers and the efficiency of their activities are revealed. The strength of the nervous system through its endurance with the help of the "tapping tes".
Special focus is to physical aggression in the walls of an educational organization, and namely the prevalence of fights on school grounds, the adolescents about their teacher’s reactions to fights between their students. Teenagers in social networks.
Индикатор типов личности Майерс-Бриггс (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI). Основные шкалы предрасположенностей. Концепция типов личности и взаимоотношений между ними, основанная на типологии Юнга и теории информационного метаболизма А. Кемпинского.
Intellect as a mental construction of intellectual behavior, giftedness as its attribute. The concept of intellectual behavior as a theoretical basis for measuring giftedness, based on the proposed principles. Principles of development and evaluation.
Personal development technologies that are used in modern psychology to improve stress tolerance. A overcome personal and professional crises affecting teachers and representatives of other professions who are in the area of psychological risk.
The Lacanian big Other designates not merely the explicit symbolic rules regulating social interaction but also the intricate cobweb of unwritten, implicit rules. The relationship between mourning and melancholy. The successful acceptance of a loss.
The article is devoted to the manipulative possibilities of memes in the process of Internet communication, which develops due to the fast and uncontrolled growth of social networks. Manipulative methods of using memes and the impact they have on users.
Study of neurological bases of psychological cognitive processes. Determination of nature of emotions and analysis of features of human perception. Language, thought, consciousness and philosophy of intellection as basic elements of psychical processes.
The study was to test the following hypothesis: the higher the level of satisfaction of three basic psychological needs and the level of subjective vitality, the higher the level of productivity of metacognitive regulation of intellectual performance.
Verbal reaction to an object as an aggregate product of a person's culture, including his values, knowledge, actions / tools. Analysis of the attitude of society to the social group of entrepreneurs and determination of the modality of this image.
The concept of "professional-role communication" in the aspect of the activity of a day-time teacher of the cob school. The establishment of professional roles of the teacher of the post-school school for the theory of "role structure of specialty".
Application of the concept of visible thinking as innovative teaching of students majoring in "Social Work". Content, forms and methods of professional training of specialists in the social sphere. Use of modern information and communication technologies.
The problem of constructing a methodology for the study of conflicts in the education system. Consideration of the conflict from the point of view of the movement and development of the subjects. The significance of the personal characteristics.
- 450. Microgroup theory
Informal subgroup as a collective subject of group activity. Motivation and socio-perceptual processes in forming informal subgroup. Integration and disintegration processes. Contributions of psychodynamic theories to understanding small groups.