Development of the problem of stuttering in the psychological aspect to reveal its genesis, to understand the behavior of stuttering people in the process of communication, to identify characteristics. Changes in neurovegetative response in children.
The purpose is to characterize the method of dialogical analysis of the case for description of inner speech of the person, to show it use on practice during the providing of statement experiment. Shown, that human feelings act as an experience of "Me".
The study of a cognitive component of the competitive strategy of waiters. The main purposes of the competition of waiters (quality of activity, salary, tip, leadership, a better place of employment, and demonstration of an individual style of activity).
Social competence, which is expressed by the ability and willingness of the individual to establish and maintain contacts with other people. Social competence the most condition for human adaptation to new circumstances of life and professional activity.
The reason for the emergence of man as an important thesis in philosophy. The emergence of various concepts of self-consciousness or the human Ego, which sought answers to practical questions, such as the treatment of mental illnesses, psychotherapy.
Analys precedent phenomena in the framework of sociocultural and linguo-cultural studies. Current approaches to the concept under review to define precedent phenomena, their role in the build-up of social consciousness of a linguo-cultural community.
Optimizing the behavior of the individual and society in the conditions of the pandemic. Psychological tools for overcoming personal distress. Analysis of the relationship between types of human temperament and types of stress and somatic diseases.
Procedure for the main purpose of life and the work of man, his importance in modern society and the way of achievement. The influence of popular culture on human consciousness. The influence of fears and taboos prevalent in a particular society.
The questions concerning problems of definition of the criminal situation concept and its psychological estimation. Criminal actions of the criminal at various stages. Correlation of situational and personal determinants of the criminal situation.
Features of a psychological concept of critical individualism developed by E.A. Bobrov in the spirit of the doctrine of Leibniz on a monad as "individual being". The problem in the person’s mind. A concept of the external world which is outside of soul.
Resilience as the ability to recover from stress or injury by adopting healthy coping strategies for trauma. Learning - an activity that requires a child to have differentiated perception, arbitrary attention, generalization of cognitive processes.
The concept of professional maturity as a mechanism of decent formation of the personality of specialists in socio-occupational professions. The constant aspiration for self-development, which brings and consolidates success in professional activity.
Transformation of the process of setting goals in connection with building up the professional experience of the psychotherapist. Revealing the peculiarities of the client's problem representation among psychotherapists of varying degrees of competence.
Characteristics of autonomous behavior of university students. Defining the student as a subject of learning, which allows us to suggest ways of forming behavior by stimulating the development of structural components of social intelligence of students.
Principles of autonomous behavior of students as a subject of learning. The essence of social intelligence. Ways of cultivating autonomous behavior of a person by stimulating the development of the structural components of students' social intelligence.
E.G. Abakarova’s new method of projective testing, the Bird Test, has a wide range of potential applications. Its stages: drawing and description of the bird; patient description of his medical history from birth to the present. Decoding of test results.
A common ground between mental health and judicial-legal domains. The discursive peculiarities of a specific socio-cultural context and genre. The discursive construction of the "social dangerousness" of the "mentally-ill". Focus on word "Psychiatric".
Open systems and rational goal as two quadrants of organizational climate that influence on an employee’s identification with organization. Positive impact of employee identification with the leader on integration and involvement workers to perform tasks.
Concept and symptoms of the depression - a common chronic disease. Research on the effectiveness of music in her treating. Enhancing overall quality of life across various age demographics and health conditions. Evaluations of music as a therapeutic tool.
The study of the mental qualities of the leaders of higher educational institutions, their connection with the professional creativity of the individual. Concepts of leadership behavior of managers, its correlation with the level of intelligence.
The formation of a complex image of the expert of modern psychiatric service. View of personal, professional, moral and ethical and other features of the person. Increase of the professional competence of the expert of modern psychiatric service.
The structure of cognitive activity of pupils at secondary schools. Personality organization in cognitive controls and intellectual abilities. Cognitive psychology the following attributes of the person are shown: his consciousness and activity.
Devoted to the topic of correlation of creativity indicators of a graphic designer and the prospects for innovativeness of the result of his applied work. Identify the need to create structural guidelines for the realization of creative potential.
Adolescence is a period of crises and transformations, changes in behavioural patterns, emotional and cognitive spheres. The course of adolescence largely determines the quality of subsequent life. The psychological characteristics of this age period.
Sense-creating sphere of education. Development of analytical, logic thinking of children to the detriment of figurativeness, intention. The modern theory of sense in the educational system. The teenagers’ sense-creation in the process of art creativity.
General description of the main problems of perception of a person from a photograph on the material of sites targeted at a youth audience. Features of the translation of information related to terrorist or anti-terrorist information propaganda.
Сonsiders and characteristic the essence of the concept of the student-translator's professional image within a humanization of higher education. Familiarization with the features the process of vocational training of students of a technical university.
The aim of the article is to propose some techniques and group activities to promote autonomy in the classroom to provide the translational activity of students. In such a way we distinguish four stages of the translational development of the person.
Detailed characterization of a wide range of mental disorders, their clinical presentation and symptoms. Approaches to diagnosis of these diseases and their treatments. Experience of leading scientists of our time in this area, his analysis, evaluation.
Comprehensive study of stable individual-typological characteristics of personality in the presence of hypochondriac disorders. Marking the trend of indications for the parameters of the differential approach to the types of symptoms of the disease.