Development of methods for heat engineering tests of hydrodynamic pumps. Processes which occur in activator with water thermal hydrodynamic pump. Water flow speeds in a system. Gas bubbles are the product of centrifugal force effecting on carrier flow.
Features of developing a methodology for implementing the content of technological education in a gymnasium. Definition of the content of technological education in the gymnasium, which is important for the formation of design, technological competence.
Procedures for collecting information. The difference between qualitative and quantitative information. Technical characteristics of reliability and validity. Reduction or averaging of non-systematic fluctuations in appraisers, objects and tools.
The process of scientific investigation. Linguistic generalization is to be followed. The methods of investigation. Attempt to find out similarities and differences in both related and non-related languages. The problems of communication engineering.
The theory and practice of compiling dictionaries. Define the term lexicography. The types of dictionaries. The studies and appreciation of the problem under analysis the term lexicography in English language. Some basic problems of dictionary-compiling.
Analysis of the methods of legal regulation of security of a person, society, state in the information sphere. Legal regulation of information security relations. Prevention of real and potential threats to critical information infrastructure facilities.
The division of the subject of legal regulation of the security of a person, society, state into three aspects: information security, classified information security and cybersecurity. Legal regulation of information security relations is aimed.
- 608. Methods of linear ordering in estimation of potential of polish market of agricultural property
Use of taxonomic classification when assessing the Polish market of agricultural property described using factors of development. Bold investment areas and areas with significant deviations from the model that need more attention from local governments.
Econometric approaches to modeling censored demand - a tool that is used to obtain consistent and unbiased parameter estimates. The neglect of censored data when building a forecast - a significant lack of demand analysis by machine learning methods.
The peculiarity of studying the value of the protein-hydrogen index in the technology of milk production. Colorimetric and potentiometric methods of measuring pH in chemical and biological systems. Determination of basic acidity of dairy products.
The two main methods of mechanical assembly of plastic parts. Requirements for reliable mechanically bonded plastic joints. Special consideration for composites. The main advantages and disadvantages of adhesive bonding (gluing or glue bonding).
The peculiarity of changing the shape, size and quality of metals and alloys. Characteristics of metal forming. Stages of the technological process of foundry. Analysis of individual and small-scale production of the mold. The main methods of welding.
Radiocarbon analysis as the most widely used method for dating rock art monuments. The characteristic of the interweaving of fine art in the life of an ancient person with religious and mythological ideas, which allows us to talk about his syncretism.
The application of methods of optimization during designing decorating architectural objects. The historical review of becoming of the theory of optimization as sciences from sources up to modern methods on the basis of author’s schemes is resulted.
Techniques that the teacher uses in the lesson to teach speaking. Two forms of speaking: monologue and dialogue. Students' skills and abilities to make statements and combine them in a logical sequence. Visual perception of the subject to be talked about.
The method of using physical rehabilitation tools to restore the motor function of patients with ischemic stroke in the area of the internal carotid artery, taking into account the patient's psychological state. Review of compensatory personality changes.
Devoted to the methods of professional foreign language training according to NATO standard Stanag. It is noted that servicemen and employees of the Armed Forces of Ukraine take foreign language courses held in higher military educational institutions.
At the present stage of education development in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Education» (1996), the National Doctrine of Education (2012) Development the main task of higher education is to increase the level of professional training.
Analysis of issues related to teaching foreign citizens communicative activities. Research as a type of reading preparation work, its use and evaluation of effectiveness. The role of professional texts that have significance for foreign students.
Identification and describing of the means of transmitting emotionally expressive information in translation. Investigation of the problem of stylistically coloured lexical units rendering in translation process of the story "Matilda" by Roald Dahl.
Development of a risk assessment methodology in the context of information uncertainty. Application of methods for determining the level of risk of the bank in the lending market. The coordinate system of the relationship of the bank and its customers.
The risk assessment method in information uncertainty, its place in the system of credit risk management of banks that lend to enterprises in various sectors of the economy. Determination of the level of riskiness of Bank activity in the lending market.
Carrying out a review of transport management systems on various grounds. The characteristic of the GIS system is presented. Identified advantages of routing systems. The role of the routing system as part of the supply chain monitoring system is defined.
Using a communicative approach in learning foreign languages. Development of creative thinking among students of higher education. Formation of "soft skills" and foreign language competence of future law enforcement officers and military personnel.
- 625. Methods of soviet propaganda dissemination within displaced camps in Western Europe (1944-1948)
Isolating and detailing the role of the ideological component in the activities of the Soviet repatriation bodies during the Second World War and the post-war years. Object, directions, forms and methods of propaganda. Peculiarities of Soviet propaganda.
The concept of suggestopedia as a pedagogical system of techniques and methods of training in which create the most favorable conditions for accelerated learning. Used in it methods and techniques, history of development and modern achievements.
Methods of foreign teaching as a science. The content of teaching pronunciation. English grammar structure. Writing in a secondary school. The importance of listening comprehension. How to teach reading. Stages in the development of writing proficiency.
Drawbacks of using the classical teaching methods in English language learning. Some interactive methods for teaching foreign languages are shown. Some interactive methods for teaching foreign languages are also shown. Communicative language teaching.
The analysis of the basic methods for teaching foreign languages at non-classical secondary schools of the latter half of the XIX - early XX centuries. Domestic educational theory and practice. The content and forms of teaching organization.
Teaching students of mathematical fields of training to inverse problems. Implementation of the scientific, educational potential of teaching university students inverse problems for differential equations. Computational methods of mathematical physics.