Результаты исследования рутила из кварцевых жил и метасоматитов по габбро-долеритам золоторудного месторождения Каральвеем. Возможность использования минерала как индикатора условий образования в шлиховых исследованиях для поисков месторождений золота.
Особенности функционирования двигателя с наклонным (V-образным) расположением цилиндров, выполненного по принципу соленоида. Реализация поршневого механизма с помощью однотипных электромагнитных элементов с целью уменьшения затрат электроэнергии.
Aim article - to study the etiological structure of pathogens of infectious processes of the urogenital tract. The study involved 298 women aged 16 to 64 years who turned to a gynecologist for a preventive examination or for pregravid preparation.
The spread of Christianity and monasticism in the North of Russia with the help of the Valaam Monastery. Drawing up the initial charter of Sarov in 1706. Hospice building for poor Finns. Study of the glory of the high spiritual life of the monastery.
Depiction of Bryusov's "Earth" as an outstanding work of scientific poetry. The play went beyond the framework of symbolist drama. The eschatological character Teotl and the humanist Teopikski. Creation of a cognitive methodology for scientific poetry.
Testing of approaches to determination of specificity/selectivity during validation of UV-spectrophotometric methods of quantitative determination in forensic and Toxicological analysis, for example quantitative determination of doxylamine in blood.
Consideration of the results of theoretical study of teacher's self-regulation value as a psychological mechanism for the development of social justice. Analysis of the process of manifestation and development of the personal formation of social justice.
The importance of the interdisciplinary paradigm of thinking in the context of information policy and globalization processes, information technologies in the modern sociocultural space. Formation of a multicultural model of human self-development.
The essence, structure, psychological and pedagogical factors and conditions for of forming the culture of pedagogical interaction of subjects of educational process of higher education institutions in the system of professional and ethical values.
Peculiarity of studying the theoretical aspects of Ukraine's strategic partnership. Research on the assessment of parity of foreign trade relations between countries using branding as a tool for managing the competitiveness of the national economy.
Clarification of the concept of the efficiency of accounting work of consultants and possible ways of assessing progress. One of the essential factors that allow increasing the efficiency of the activities of these specialists nowadays is the use of ICT.
The place of Russia in the oil export market. Infrastructure of the pipeline oil transport. The demand of Europe for crude oil. The oil transit system through the territory of Belarus. The model, analytical framework of analyzing the bypass investment.
Use of the procedure of functional and cost analysis in the implementation of design work on the railway transport. Mathematical description of the total cost price. Developing methods for assessing the safety margin of bearing structures of freight cars.
The idea of transcendental analysis: Kant, Marburg Neo-Kantianism. The philosophy of culture as a separate field of research arises on the basis of the juxtaposition of nature and value. The uniqueness of objectivity of human being are existence.
The potential loss in value of a risky asset or portfolio over a defined period for a given confidence interval. Historical and Monte Carlo Simulation. Value at Risk as a risk assessment tool at banks and other financial service firms in the last decade.
Measurement of potential losses in the value of the asset VaR. Approaches that are used to compute Value at Risk: the variance-covariance approach, the historical and the Monte Carlo simulations. Risk assessment value at risk as a qualitative tool.
Analysis of key elements of the value chain of the housing sector considering its the life cycle in post-war Ukraine recommendations for their reconstruction and restoration. The current situation is described, challenges and bottlenecks are identified.
Study of the characteristics of value determinants of the modern system of legal education. Justice as one of the value determinants. The subject's conscious desire for justice in social and individual dimensions as one of the tasks of legal education.
- 19. Value determination of personal self-fulfillment of gifted youth students at a teaching university
The problem of personal self-realization of gifted youth in the conditions of European integration of higher education, value determination. The development of a person's abilities, thanks to which he achieves success in the chosen field of activity.
The impact of the financial crisis on the Republic of Kazakhstan. The effect of capital ratios on the stability of the financial system as a whole. The concept of harmonization of domestic and international approaches to equity capital in Kazakhstan.
The relationship between the value of innovation and the dialectics of the development of ERP-systems. Increasing their accessibility for small businesses. Effective use of ERP systems associated with the formation of the value of innovative products.
The study of Internet technologies to analyze financial and monetary markets, evaluation of investment projects. Assessment of level of innovative potential and profit, engagement of the economy, the development of an algorithm for investment management.
There are groups of the reasons which lead to injuries and diseases at athletes. Measures of prevention of traumatism in sport. Рsychological escort of athletes during the post-traumatic period and value of sport for development of their personality.
Literature review of the importance of pyridoxine hydrochloride and copper in the prevention of atherosclerosis. Fixed combinations of copper and pyridoxine in diseases associated with atherosclerosis, and their prevention provide effective results.
This article presents the results of the analysis of musical folklore from the perspective of cultural knowledge. The purpose of the analysis was related to the definition of value orientations in understanding the phenomenon of musical folklore.
The educational environment as space initiating personal development of the pupil. Connection with studying of psychological phenomenon among students - the section of comprehension of the specificity of value-sense barriers in pedagogical process.
Overcoming of value-sense barriers - an important factor of pedagogical management of processes of modernization of the modern education system. Analysis of the methods of introduction by the teacher-manager of innovations in educational process.
The essence of the pedagogical doctrine of S. Gessen, based on the philosophy of neo-Kantianism. Its importance for the education. The importance of an values as an instrument of personal development, their influence of a universal human culture.
Model of social cohesion and methods of its measurement. The features of European values, trust, social cohesion in the socio-cultural space of Ukrainian society. Manifestation of trust as a factor of social cohesion in the modern socio-cultural space.
The determination of the nature of existing legislation and scientific developments, content, legal principles of protection of cultural heritage. The evidence-based proposals to fight vandalism. Effective efforts of prevention of crimes in this sphere.