The development of the Ukrainian music and drama theater in the context of the national creative process of the XIX-XX century. Analysis of the activities of outstanding Ukrainian theater figures, their influence on the formation of national identity.
Modern Ukrainian circus art. Ukraine has a very powerful circus school, represented by highly professional specialists in all the leading genres of circus art. The problem of the traditional circus’s existence is actualized in the face of the challenges.
Native language as a powerful integration factor. The significance of the musical component of radio programs of Ukrainian emigration. Acquaintance with the original Ukrainian culture of listeners of Canada, the USA and Germany by means of song and dance.
Consideration of international and national aspects of the legal regime of underwater cultural heritage and description of the jurisdiction of states in relation to underwater archaeological values. Legal regime of underwater cultural heritage sites.
The Star-Spangled Banner - the national anthem of the United States of America. Text taken from the poem "Defence of Fort McHenry". Thanksgiving was originally a holiday express gratitude and appreciation to God, exactly as the family and friends.
Common features of the Turkic worldview in the work of the Azerbaijani artist Sattar Bahlulzade. The use of symbolic elements, mythological characters and traditional themes. The influence of the cultural heritage of the Turkic world on contemporary art.
Анализ "Земного и небесного странствия Симоне Мартини" (1994) - произведения крупнейшего итальянского поэта XX в. Марио Луци. Устремленность творческого взора к небесному, вглядываемость в мир sub specie aeternitatis - то, что роднит поэта и художника.
Analysis of works and museum stock collections. Determining the regional and local features of sewn and printed ornaments in the form of applications or individual details for the decoration of folk clothing of Ukrainians of all subregions of Podillya.
- 909. Vasil Sternberg
The studying biography Vasily Sternberg famous artist. The history of friendship with Taras Shevchenko. Russian painter, genre painter and master of landscape. Invitation of patron Tarnovskys. The author of Little Russian and Italian landscape scenes.
Reassessment of Venetian Cinquecento Painting in France in the 1820s. Study of works of art, analysis of the influence of Venetian art on the formation of a new artistic language in France. Analysis of a number of French publications on Venetian art.
Characteristics of the concept of video design production, analysis of the stages of video design production and identification of their main components. Consideration of video design production and its stages as a hierarchically subordinate integrity.
Distribution, features of modern handmade products made of bamboo and rattan. Development of traditional crafts to protect the environment with handmade products made from various natural materials. Specifics of traditional technology and design trends.
Relationship of theatrical art and virtual reality of the Internet space. Sociological analysis of the interaction of theatrical and Internet technologies in a virtual reality. The study of the interaction in the subsystem "theatrical-virtual reality".
Analysis of museum practices, visual technologies, their significance in Ukrainian museology. Peculiarities of museum modeling and the task of interpreting visual structures. Sociocultural possibilities of the visual construct, its impact on the visitor.
Familiarity with the features of visualization and virtualization of art. "Visual turn" in art as a specificity of civilized development of modern society. Characteristics of the social management system. The essence of the concept of "communication".
Focused on the phenomenon of the early Ukrainian decadent cinema, in particular, in relation to filmings of Volodymyr Vynnychenko’s dramaturgy. V. Vyskovsky's film "The Lament" of 1918 as the most significant work of the Ukrainian cinema decadence.
The role of literacy in the evolution of the world. Analysis of the causes of aggressive behavior in relation to the book. A study of the phenomena of book genocide, biblioclasm and libricide. Manifestations of "national enmity" towards cultural heritage.
Analysis of woodworking methods used by artists to realize works of land art. Varieties of materials for creating installations. Modern woodworking techniques and their characteristics introduced in the objects of land art, their practical significance.
A comprehensive study of land art objects created from wood using various techniques used by artists. Determination of types of materials for creating installations. Study of the impact of woodworking industries on the creativity of land art artists.
Vladimir - one of the political, economic and cultural centre of the ancient Russia. St Demetrius Cathedral - a single-domed four-pillar church. The icon of the Holy Virgin of Vladimir, a masterpiece of the Byzantine art - the greatest Russian relic.
World Museum as a large museum in Liverpool, which has extensive collections covering archaeology, physical sciences. Extensive refurbishment in order to double the size of the display spaces, making even more of the collections accessible for visitors.
In Changshu County, Jiangsu Province in China, cults of local deities were widely spread, many of which date back to the Song and Yuan dynasties. A comparative analysis of various written materials related to the cult of this deity is carried out.
Гуманітаристика України і зарубіжжя. Вагомі здобутки Петербурзької школи шевченкознавства. Презентація виставки, присвяченої 200-річчю Шевченка. Велич українського генія, оточення Т. Шевченка і Санкт-Петербург, світоглядний аспект творчості Кобзаря.
A study of the Ottoman society's own dress traditions. The combination of cultural values of the East and the West by Turkey. Characteristic elements of Mughal clothing and ornaments of the national women's costume. Making arahchins from sakaga and kabar.
Исследование источников и духовных причин явления меценатства и его традиций. Семейные династии меценатов Владимирской губернии Никитиных и Муравкиных. Нравственные традиции меценатства на примере деятельности А.Л. Лосева, Гончаровых, Люлиных, Рахмановых.
Особливості філософії, релігії та літератури XVII ст. Специфіка автобіографізму в романі Ж.-Ж. Руссо "Сповідь". Ренесансний реалізм у літературі XVII століття. Розгляд бароко та його філософських основ. Вивчення основних аспектів прояву класицизму.
Аналіз загальних мистецьких тенденцій та суспільних змін у XVII столітті. Розгляд розвитку лімозької розписної емалі та відомих династій емальєрів у XVII столітті. Обґрунтування змін в асортименті та стилістиці творів під впливом зовнішніх чинників.
Розглянуто новий етап в історії американської космічної кінофантастики, який розпочався з ХХІ ст. та задав жанру нові напрями розвитку. Виявлено ключові напрями розвитку жанру на цьому етапі на прикладах стрічок "Марсіанин", "Месники", "Інтерстеллар".
Розгляд нового етапу в історії американської космічної кінофантастики, який розпочався з ХХІ століття та задав жанру нові напрями розвитку. Напрями розвитку жанру на цьому етапі на прикладах стрічок "Марсіанин", "Вартові Галактики", "Інтерстеллар".
Determination of the reasons that contributed to the formation of a cultural and economic center in Yangzhou. Consideration of the role of the emergence of wealthy social groups and patrons in creating new opportunities for the artistic community.