• Features of the tax system in Japan, its main differences from the United States, European countries. Description of the main taxes and fees. Classifying them according to various criteria. Direct taxes on income of physical persons and legal entities.

    реферат (19,9 K)
  • Analysis of the use of European experience in shaping China's regional financial policy. Features of the development of the banking system in a planned economy. The history of the National bank. The importance of investment in business development.

    статья (10,2 K)
  • Innovative development of economy is the chance for Ukraine to ensure a breakthrough in creating competitive products and a income. The features of the concept and operation of the venture business. The concept of a venture fund in the legislation.

    статья (218,3 K)
  • Major problems of corporate finance in the telecommunications sector and the creation of modern economic thinking. Characteristics of deep and complex understanding of economic issues and financial performance management sectors of the Ukrainian economy.

    учебное пособие (772,9 K)
  • Substantiation of necessity of financial analysis, on the example of a commercial firm. The role of analysis for raising capital in the company. Development of recommendations to improve the external and internal financing and increase your profits.

    контрольная работа (471,2 K)
  • Economic analysis as a method involving division of economical processes into individual components in order to examine the relationship between them. Characteristics of the main indicators of liquidity and solvency of the banking sector in Poland.

    статья (255,7 K)
  • Positive and negative trends in financial and credit support of agricultural production. The basic solutions to these problems. The stimulate long-term loans, to encourage financial decentralization in rural areas and to increase the flow of investmen.

    статья (63,1 K)
  • The differences from traditional forms of crowdfunding to raise funds to finance the projects. The basis of types of crowdfunding goal developers projects and reward features of social investors. Trends of crowdfunding in today’s business environment.

    статья (77,9 K)
  • Accounting - a basic tool for tracking the status and movement of all assets and liabilities of an organization. Financial management of public finances - a set of activities that the state administration has at its disposal to achieve its liquidity.

    статья (185,7 K)
  • Concept and types of financial investments, classification. Definition of criteria and ways of risk analysis. World experience of attracting investments. Ways of improvement of the mechanism of attracting investments into the economy of Kazakhstan.

    курсовая работа (451,3 K)
  • Financial market and its structure. Composition of Financial market. Participants and issuers in KR securities market. Financial Instruments. Classification of Securities. Professional participants. Trade on Stock Exchange. Analyze of Financial Market.

    презентация (1,1 M)
  • Analysis of financial mechanisms for optimizing the organization's logistics flows. Determination of parameters based on functional cycles, a system for managing the movement of goods in supply chains. Decision-making process in the logistics system.

    статья (21,7 K)
  • Ensuring the effective functioning of the financial system of Ukraine. Disclosure of the lending behavior of the population, improvement of financial literacy of citizens. Study of the strategy of conducting investment activities by domestic households.

    статья (606,2 K)
  • The essence of the concept of "financial resources", in particular, existing approaches to its interpretation. The systematization of financial resources according to the classification criteria is carried out. Sources of financial resources formation.

    статья (79,9 K)
  • Overview of the problem of financial support for digitalization of human capital. Concepts, mechanisms for ensuring this issue. Justification of the concept of financial support for the digitalization of human capital, the content of the main categories.

    статья (204,3 K)
  • The theoretical aspects of Netflix functioning. Netflix business model, financial structure and earnings and investment statistics, organizational structure are analyzed. Comprehensive analysis of the company's work was performed using different methods.

    курсовая работа (1,2 M)
  • The peculiarities of functioning of the financial system of Greece. Analysis of the relationship between the level of economic well-being of the country and the level of development of the financial system of the country. Financial development Greece.

    статья (19,3 K)
  • Analysis of the state of the Russian financial system by assessing its concept, viewing the current structure, identifying problems and prospects for future development. Functions of the fiscal concept. The formation, redistribution and use of funds.

    статья (191,4 K)
  • Assessment of influence of financial risks on the stability of the financial system of Ukraine (FSU) in the framework of vector autoregressive modeling. Liquidity risks and currency risks, measures to mitigate and ensure the sustainability of the FSU.

    статья (185,3 K)
  • Small business - an incubator for innovations and employment growth in recent years. The main instruments of financing small and medium enterprises in order to promote innovation. High risk involved - the characteristic of classic venture capital.

    статья (396,6 K)
  • Дослідження тенденцій, проблем цифрової трансформації фінансового ринку та банків. Напрями впливу FinTech-технологій та цифрових сервісів на розвиток фінансового ринку. Механізми цифрової трансформації фінансового ринку, ключові тренди FinTech-технологій.

    статья (2,5 M)
  • Інституціональний підхід до розуміння фінансової системи. Дизруптивні технологічні інновації як рушійна сила розвитку фінансових систем сучасного етапу. FinТech-індустрія - цифровізації надання фінансових послуг. Характеристика напрямів FinTech.

    статья (1,1 M)
  • Забезпечення прозорості української урядової політики в умовах євроінтеграції. Посилення боротьби з корупцією та "відмиванням" грошей. Дослідження впливу FinTech на фінансову систему України. Підвищення якості надання фінансових посередницьких послуг.

    статья (603,7 K)
  • Дослідження сутності FinTech-послуг. Аналіз FinTech-послуг, які належать до кредитних, депозитних, послуг зі збільшення капіталу, платіжних, клірингових послуг, послуг з управління активами. Визначення ролі і значення FinTech-послуг в економіці країни.

    статья (519,3 K)
  • Оцінка стану сучасного світового ринку FinTech, аналіз рівня проникнення FinTech на ринках зарубіжних країн. Виявлення тенденцій сучасного глобального інвестування у фінтех-компанії. Вирішення проблеми залучення капіталу із зовнішніх джерел фінансування.

    статья (117,3 K)
  • The system of forming funds for the budget according to the Tax Code of Ukraine. Financial relations of subsoil users before the state for extraction of minerals, exploitation of underground space. The need to introduce payments for fiscal obligations.

    статья (39,5 K)
  • Theoretical principals of fiscal policy and budget planning taking into account scientific approaches to defining essence and interconnection of these concepts. Main tasks of fiscal policy on a local level and factors influencing its implementation.

    статья (230,7 K)
  • The fiscal regulation as one of the main instruments of state regulation of the economy. The specificity and stage of the reforming fiscal policy of Ukraine in the transformation of economic institutions. Historical, economic aspects of fiscal regulation.

    статья (20,7 K)
  • Понятие и виды валютных рынков. Общая характеристика мирового валютного рынка FOREX, его участники. Современное состояние рынка Форекс в Российской Федерации, анализ проведения валютных операций на рынке. Тенденции развития валютного рынка в России.

    курсовая работа (263,8 K)
  • История появления FOREX. Роль становления мировой финансовой системы, создание Бреттон-Вудских соглашений. Рассмотрение участников FOREX. Сущность инвестирования как процесса накопления денежных средств, либо создание активов, которые приносят прибыль.

    курсовая работа (111,6 K)