Results of a comparative empirical study of native and second language literacy in first-graders of Roma and non-Romani children living in Bulgaria and Slovakia. Research of the main oral speech skills of Roma children acquired in the home environment.
- 1532. Literal and metaphorical meanings of the particle "down" in the English phrasal verb "go down"
Semantics of the particle "down" on the example of the English phrasal verb "go down". Investigation of the literal and metaphorical meanings of the particle "down" were revealed and their contribution into the general meaning of phrasal verb "go down".
Translation is a complex process which drawing upon other disciplines related to language and culture. Literal translation used when there is a need to observe the rules of the source language and to present them in their integrity to the target culture.
Theoretical aspects of the narrative, the definition of the narrativity of the text. Determine the temporal structure of the narrative as a configuration of a set of elements, events, and situations. Integrity of presentation, complication and resolution.
The highlights of literary translation from the perspective of its social impact on the ideological environment of society focusing on Ukrainian "voice" in translation under the conditions of linguicide and unremitting national language suppression.
- 1536. Literary translation universals: a psycholinguistic study of the novice translators’ common choices
The study of "T-universals" is viewed as one which offers prospects for further research in the field of translation and applied psycholinguistics. Global coherence in conversation. Assembling bilingual electronic corpora of English and Ukrainian fiction.
А comprehensive understanding of the theory of translingualism. Demonstrating how the mechanism of intercultural and translational interaction of linguistic and extralinguistic elements works in each individual case. The cycle of the humanities.
- 1538. Literary works and language as a source to tailor and enhance ESP courses for economic universities
The role of literary arts aimed at improving student’s language competences, vocabulary and terminology by providing them with opportunity to acquire language and business skills through exploring fictional situations and future profession-related topics.
Disclosure of the concept of accent in English, the definition of its classification. Consideration of the Liverpool accent and identification of its features. Analysis of differences in the pronunciation norm of the Liverpool and British accents.
English language in England: dialects, regional, glottal stop. Pronunciation Varieties of British English. The Northern Regional and the Scottish Type of English Pronunciation. Peculiarities of American and British English and their differences.
The ways to localize or internationalize verbal content of news sites. Analysis of original and secondary texts media discourse. The translation techniques ensuring localization and internationalization of media texts for a foreign target audience.
Actual problems associated with semantic, grammatical, stylistic and technical difficulties of machine translation. Comparison of the main methods of such translation, their advantages and disadvantages: based on rules, text corpora, neural, hybrid.
- 1543. L’influence des emprunts sur la modification de la structure du français dans le discours moderne
La question des emprunts dans la langue des éléments d'autres systèmes linguistiques attire l'attention des linguistes modernes pour analyser les particularités et les causes des contacts linguistiques. L'étude des emprunts dans l
The search for general patterns of formation and functioning of dialogical entity. Analysis of the interaction of speech-thinking tactics and communication strategies. The study of speech messages, taking into account their impact on the addressee.
Study of the interaction of speech thinking tactics, actions and communication strategies. The use of a differentiated approach in the search for regularities in the functioning of dialogical unity. The choice of an expression option when communicating.
Written and spoken forms of British and American English. Main lexical and grammatical divergences. The differences in lexis or vocabulary between British and American English. Words and phrases with different meanings. Social and cultural differences.
Urgency of control and creation of new directions of biological preparations providing high production and ecological characteristics of cattle breeding. Use of the most widely used antibiotics in soil and water. Transformation of drugs on food canals.
Characteristics of the impact of training on the management of personnel diversity on the approaches of managers. The peculiarity of the questioning of directors of Czech corporations. The gender issue is the most popular aspect of civilian diversity.
Вивчення особливостей ціннісних орієнтирів сприйняття чоловічої статі у фразеологічній картині світу сучасної німецької мови з метою оптимізації міжкультурного простору. Національна специфіка німецької фразеології крізь призму асоціативного сприйняття.
Characteristics of the language design of a scientific text translated into a foreign language, on the example of a scientific article. Identify the main translation decisions to achieve pragmatic equivalence of the original and translated texts.
Margaret Thatcher as the first female prime minister of Great Britain. "Iron Lady" as one of the dominant political figures of the 20th century. The main peculiarity of the study of close national and personal relationship with the US president.
The essence of determining the location of the product offered to the client. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the bank in analyzing each element of the marketing mix. Improving the activity of an enterprise using the life cycle model.
- 1553. Mass Media
Important role of the mass media in our life. British people - the greatest newspaper readers in the world. Advertising as a kind of link between the public and the media. Two main companies on the British Isles, which broadcasting over the country.
The terminological features translation while translating a special English text. Exploring the efficiency of translation on the basis of the texts in Industrial and Civil Engineering terminology in translation- oriented terminology courses for students.
The peculiarity of the intersection of lexicography and pragmatics, which can help clarify the list of illocutionary verbs. A formal method for expressing the meaning and functions of formulas. Characteristics of the study of the theory "Meaning - Text".
Consideration of the emergence of auxiliary parts of speech associated with the emergence of abstractions, greater motivation of language material in the further development of language, where auxiliary parts of speech act form grammatical meanings.
Semantic fields and lexico-semantic groups. The individual terms are called hyponyms, they contain the meanings which distinguish them from each other. Antonyms and synonyms: general concept and specific classification. Synonymy viewed diachronically.
Studying the problem of linguistic and paralinguistic means of creating some psychological techniques in marketing communication. Consideration of the advertising text as a complex linguo-visual phenomenon, represented by verbal and non-verbal parts.
Review of Theoretical and Practical Studying of Modality in English. The Notion of Modality. The Category of Modality. Modal Words as Means of Expressing the Truth. Syntactic Functions of Modal Words. Comparison and General Characteristics of Modal Words.
The essence of modality as a category of linguistic meaning, its objective and subjective types. The concept of Sh. Ballie for modality in the West-European linguistics. Modal values having different means of expression according to the A.V. Bondarko.