Communication theory. The role of argumentation in political discourse. Intercultural aspects of argumentation based on Russian and American national cultures. Research methodology and analysis of public speeches of American and Russian presidents.
Globalization and modern technological advances as the factor of interaction between people of different nationalities and cultures. Features monochronal and polychronic cultures. Conditions for successful project management in mixed international teams.
Types of challenge to intercultural communicators arising during communication between people with different levels of intercultural competence. Skills of successful communication with a person attached to the communicative style of their language.
The Multifaceted Notion of Culture from Different Perspectives. Academic Environment as a Network System. Intercultural Conflicts at "Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication" educational programme. Understanding Conflict: Typologies and Sources.
Analysis of the paradigm of cognitive linguistics. A cognitive linguistic theory that explains fundamental concepts: embodiment, metaphor, image schemas. The role of categorization between cognition and language. Information about cognitive grammar.
Comparative acoustic analysis of diction by women and men. Identification of differences in pitch frequency, duration and dynamism of sound between the sexes. Evaluation of articulatory deviations observed in the pronunciation of German vowel phonemes.
Determination of differences in the financial performance, calculated according to International Financial Reporting Standards and national accounting regulations. Analysis of the dividends, profitability, and market and book value of fixed assets.
General principles of constructing international rules relations. The analysis of existing theories and philosophies. The principles of apply them to achieve that goal. Highlighting the main variables and instruments of influence on world politics.
- 1359. International trade
Trade and globalization. International trade in history (differences of international trade today from economic exchange conducted centuries ago in its speed, volume, geographic reach and diversity). Efforts to manipulate trade international.
The centuries-old communication of peoples, cultural, political and economic ties presuppose the exchange of not only experience, values, any resources, but also their vocabulary. The formation of any language as a multi-level, complex, endless process.
Determination of the primary source of borrowings, and their lexical meaning development. Nucleus and periphery components in the internationalism lexical meaning when used in the economics discourse. Istributional characteristics of internationalisms.
Development of Internet linguistics and computer technologies. Description of innovative processes in the communicative space. Collective term "keyboard (voice) to-screen communication". Internet linguistics as a modern discipline in institution.
The Internet memes as creolized comic texts. The modern world, memes are not only the means of storing and transmitting information in virtually any sphere of life but, first of all, are the source of entertaining the audience of the Internet.
Considering the opportunities of the global network and the areas of effective use of e-marketing. Review of the most famous sites of the Internet network and statistics of its use in Ukraine and in the world. Recommendations for website design.
Analyse des Begriffs "Kommunikation" und Definition von Blogs als eine der Methoden der modernen Internetkommunikation. Charakteristische Merkmale von Blogs aus der Position der Linguistik sowie der Richtung ihres Studiums in der modernen Germanistik.
The use of verbal interaction between English pragmatic idioms as means of achieving understanding. Analysis of the use of interpersonal idioms in different life situations. Differences between figurative idiomatic expressions and pragmatic idioms.
Understanding the importance of freedom in translation work to achieve a high degree of translation accuracy. Determination of the reliability of translation of poetry and titles of literary works. Realization of the creative potential of the translator.
The phenomenon of language as a "word game" in terms of the philosophy of logical positivism and linguistic analysis. The meaning of the plurality of meanings of words and linguistic expressions, the dependence of their task on the context of use.
На основе современной теории интерпретации описаны отношения между двумя частями сложных прилагательных с компонентом - зоонимом. Исследование образования вторичного значения зоонимов. В работе представлены различные примеры их текстового употребления.
The purpose is to show the evolutionary semiotic row, which represents both Christian and pagan symbolism. Initially, the cross appears as a motivated view. Then the terms of the denotative plan appear, devoid of pagan connotations of the tree-cross type.
"Literalism" and "liberty" as the main opposition translation. Interpretation of the text as one of the causes of the variability of transfer. Positions associated with the orientation of the transmitting transfer culture, neutralization of sense.
Comparing the ways of receiving Chaucer’s text by today’s English and Ukrainian readers by assessing the possibilities of rendering the poetic techniques applied in Prioress’s Prologue, presents translation gains, losses and challenges which translators.
Interrogative sentences are considered in this article based on the material of dialogues from modern Danish serials. The most polite of all conventional requests are questions with vil-ville, which can be used in formal settings and correspondence.
- 1374. Intertextual transformation of chivalric images in postmodern prose: linguistic and cultural aspect
Characteristics of the main approaches to the study of intertextual relations. Intertextuality as a key concept of postmodern literature. Postmodernist interpretation of chivalry. Desacralization knight image on verbal and cognitive-verbal levels.
Evaluation of translation quality has always been a topical issue for both theorists and practitioners of translation. A quality translation is considered to be a translation (oral, written, machine, etc.) that has a high degree of adequacy/ equivalence
An effort to scrutinize significant developments in the field of interfaces between intertextuality and translation, as well as to provide the general outline of approaches towards intertextuality research within the framework of translation studies
The article is focused on the pragmatic potential of intertextuality in news headlines on the Russian-Ukrainian war in Ukrainian religious media, based on the materials of the websites "Religious Information Service of Ukraine", "Catholic Observer".
The pragmatic potential of intertextuality in news headlines about the Russian-Ukrainian war in the Ukrainian religious media space is analyzed based on the materials of the websites "Religious Information Service of Ukraine", "Catholic Observer".
Intertextuality and openness of reference a factor influencing the selection of texts for translation. Characteristics of the issue of translation of intertextual markers in literature, with a special emphasis on Polish poetry in English renditions.
A review of the intertextuality of Pratchett's "Discoworld" - a cycle of fantasy - parodies of detective, scientific, mythological texts. Identification of different types, subtypes, functions of intertextuality, verbal means of its manifestation.