Find out intertextuality properties as representatives among seven standards of textuality within the perfume and cosmetic goods names. Intertextuality in names investigated is recognized according to the text nature of perfume and cosmetic names.
The method of constructing a conversation with his grandparents, the main questions put to them. Favorite drinks grandparents, favorite musical artists, food, entertainment and hobbies, sports games, toys. The analysis of the responses received.
Characteristics of the intonations of the English and Kyrgyz languages, as well as their main functions. Stress as a component of intonation. The study of the intonational units: the voice melody (the basic tone of the voice), rhythm, pause and tempo.
The description of the results of the auditory analysis of the texts belonging to a judicial discourse. Identification of the peculiarities of the intonation organization of the oral English court speeches. Institutional discourse of persuasive type.
Theoretical basis for interdisciplinary research focused on the identification of systemic universals in linguistic phenomena, mental, physical, cultural plans. M-logic - a set of provisions that determine the choice of research tools and procedures.
Explore the role of knowledge of the mechanisms of courtesy used in various social and cultural contexts that promote mutual understanding in communication. Analysis of the development of the theory of impoliteness, extension of the methodology.
The concept of ambiguity in terms of its intentional vs unintentional usage with reference to phonology, grammar and lexis, presenting the corresponding reasons and consequences in everyday communication. Studied ambiguity as a linguistic phenomenon.
Analysis of the methods of humorology tasks. Study of the linguistic mechanism and functional features of laughter. Using humor in English classes. Increasing the level of mutual understanding between the teacher and students using humorous techniques.
The ludic competence - a system of inner resources to which a person turns in order to balance their personality against external conditions of the social environment. Characteristics of the main psycholinguistic meanings of the concept "flirting".
The purpose of the study is to describe the semantic components of the verbalized concept of "ease" as a component of game competence in the language consciousness of Russian-speaking residents of Eastern Ukraine. General features of the verbal.
There are many studies that investigate the process of speech perception. The quality characteristics of the food and perception of stop consonants. Types of hampered conditions. Type of challenging condition (solid food and soft food or liquid).
The calculation method for determining exposure conditions internals VVER-440 reactors of power block of Rovno Nuclear Power Plant - baffle, basket and barrel. Distributions of neutron flux functionals at surfaces of these internals at both reactors.
Discusses the concepts of ipsocentrism and alterocentrism as the psychological attitudes to one's own and foreign linguocultures. Focuses on the psychological concept of linguocultural transfer, considering it in terms of the different oppositions.
Irony as a function of constructing a text style that can be implemented at different levels of a language, from a single word to a holistic text in a mandatory contextual environment. The value of the context for decoding irony, its weight in art.
Irony as a stylistic trait that can be implemented at different language levels, from a single word, utterance to a complete text in a mandatory contextual environment. Citation and repetition - the fecund means of actualization of associative irony.
These translations are full of literalisms that do not take into account the context; they contain errors in understanding the author’s text and are unnecessarily difficult to understand. This is why there is a need for a new, modern Russian version.
Trial of the teaching profession as severe emotional social sphere. Feature predisposition syndrome educators to mental exhaustion. The impact of emotional burnout of teachers in the people with whom they are in contact at work and in personal life.
The study of violent constitutional change. Characteristic core values of democracy. Violation of political rights and freedoms of people. The study of the revolution that occurred in Ukraine in 2014. Creation of the organization "Right Sector" in 2013.
The main characteristic of the status of the Ukrainian economy in comparison with the economy of the member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Analysis of the study of adaptation of the Ukrainian economic system.
Identification of common linguistic and translation problems of scientific and technical documentation. The need for good linguistic training, relevant translation skills and deep knowledge of the subject. Use of technical means, online dictionaries.
- 1401. Issues related to business-academic communication and language strategy in the Azerbaijani language
Speech culture, being the most important part of the general culture of people. In addition to the culture of speech, writing is included in this concept alongside culture. A person who acquires such a high quality is a social member of the society.
Improving the quality of education in Ukraine. Analysis of the European experience of training interpreters and translators. Application of computer technologies in the process of foreign language training and formation of students' digital competencies.
The reasons for the use of slang units are determined and peculiarities of their applications in the Ukrainian language are identified. Slang units borrowed from English in the process of their use are proved to assimilate with the Ukrainian language.
A. Sova’s monograph as a significant work in the Ukrainian biography. A number of gaps in his reception concerning I. Boberskyi’s image. The relations with the clergy, the last period of the teacher’s life in Slovenia. The social activity of a teacher.
Місце англійської мови у загальній мовній системі світу, особливості її нормативності. Зв’язок англійської мови з французькою. Заміщення латинської мови англійськими еквівалентами. Запозичення в англійській мові, що прийшли протягом XVII-XVIII століття.
John Galsworthy – an English novelist and playwright, Nobel prize laureate in Literature "for his distinguished art of narration which takes its highest form in The Forsyte Saga". The study of biographies, description of the main works of the writer.
Characteristics of the world's first public park underwater sculptures. Base feature Jonathan Levine Gallery in 2006. Research extinction of coral reefs. The study of the museum, as the largest water attractions of artificial works of art in the world.
The specificity of the professional language personality of Johnson through a combination of individual and institutional communicative and verbal factors. Integrative application of communicative-pragmatic, linguistic-stylistic and rhetorical analysis.
- 1409. Joint syntactic and morphological parsing of Crimean Tatar and Tuvan using the Kazakh treebank
Characteristic of the development of a data-driven transition-based joint syntactic and morphological parser. Comparison of performance of joint models over the traditional pipeline models. Development the ways of an improvement in parsing quality.
This article addresses verbal representations of the mythic concept JOTUNN in Old Norse eddic texts. JOTNAR as supernatural beings inherent to the Nordic mythic space are regarded as a class of open systems marked by a set of hypertrophied features.