- 1681. Methodological corpora toolkit and its possibilities for modelling cognitive and semantic matrices
Substantiation of the necessity and effectiveness of involvement of corpus tools for studying the semantics of a word from the standpoint of interpretation of its cognitive nature. Linguistic meaning and its role in presenting a new model of language.
Periodization of the development of methodological tools for teaching the French in Galicia. The use of synergistic and paradigmatic approaches in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Terminological analysis of archival and scientific sources.
- 1683. Methodological research approaches and methods of phraseological space of English military discourse
Study of the peculiarities of the formation and translation of phraseological units in English-language texts on military topics. Variational, complicative and structural-typological specific methodological approaches to the use of phraseological units.
The formation of foreign language communicative competence is an important aspect of the preparation of non-philological students. Grammatical competence as a constituent part of foreign language competence appears as the final goal of learning grammar.
The structural and semantic formation of the Pentateuch texts to involve in the analysis of their metaphorics additional metaphorical senses refracted through the prism of doxic presupposition and present in the reflective reality of the recipients.
Theoretical and methodological substantiation for the step-by-step construction of a cognitive-discursive model of the diachronic plurality in translation of a time-remote original work. The criteria for the adequacy of the original and translation.
- 1687. Methodology of contrastive typological investigation of the Ukrainian, English and French axionomens
Development and characteristics of the procedure for formalized analysis of lexical semantics. Determination of methodological principles of comparative-typological analysis of the system of unrelated languages. Structural organization of axionomens.
Study of methodology of functional pragmatism, understood as a combination of anthropocentrism and relationalism. Understanding the world as an object of human experience. Understanding of information as a relation to the provisions of the methodology.
Conducting an analytical survey of methods and procedures of lexicological analysis. Methodological conception of presentation of various variations aimed at applicating them in linguistic researches of lexical semantics of modern English vocabulary.
In cultural and linguistic analysis, a modern song text is considered as an integral verbal and musical set, which is an element of modern (verbal and musical) culture and includes a verbal (linguistic) component. A person joins a culture in the process.
Critical Thinking: developing a concept, definitions, and core components. Debate, media analysis, problem solving and student assessment: integrated methods for assessing critical thinking. Tasks for training and assessment of withdrawal skills.
Consideration of improvement of methods, tools of automatic / automated identification of Ukrainian metaphorical models. Research of the concept "fear" and its structural-semantic model "verb + noun". List of models by which the concept is metaphorized.
- 1693. Methods of investigation
The process of scientific investigation. Linguistic generalization is to be followed. The methods of investigation. Attempt to find out similarities and differences in both related and non-related languages. The problems of communication engineering.
The theory and practice of compiling dictionaries. Define the term lexicography. The types of dictionaries. The studies and appreciation of the problem under analysis the term lexicography in English language. Some basic problems of dictionary-compiling.
- 1695. Methods of metalworking
The peculiarity of changing the shape, size and quality of metals and alloys. Characteristics of metal forming. Stages of the technological process of foundry. Analysis of individual and small-scale production of the mold. The main methods of welding.
Identification and describing of the means of transmitting emotionally expressive information in translation. Investigation of the problem of stylistically coloured lexical units rendering in translation process of the story "Matilda" by Roald Dahl.
Methods of foreign teaching as a science. The content of teaching pronunciation. English grammar structure. Writing in a secondary school. The importance of listening comprehension. How to teach reading. Stages in the development of writing proficiency.
Description of the contrastive approach to the study of the usual metonyms in English, Russian and Turkish. The presentation of their semantic classification, which includes five basic, as well as some combined types of metonymic transfer in the text.
Explore a repertoire of ancient tropes related to anger and courage. The use of linguistic means preserved among the descendants of the ancient Maya. A characteristic of a procedure that does not limit hieroglyphic reading to literal translations.
Analysis of the semantic mechanism for creating a language game. Typical types and models of metonymic transitions for early and mature periods of creativity Sergei Dovlatov. The main functions of metonymy in the stories and works of each period.
Восприятие современниками миссии крестоносца как miles Dei сквозь призму ценностной ориентации рыцарства эпохи Первого крестового похода. Выражения специфики оценочного восприятия действительности в соответствии с этическими стереотипами того времени.
The peculiarity of the translation of military terms to ensure the analysis of existing research in the military field. Characterization of structuring, unification and standardization of military terms and definition of relationships between them.
The verbal means which create mimetic imagery and highlights the mechanisms of its generation in English biblical ecodiscourse. Features of creation a powerful, ecologically charged multilayer three-projection mimetic imagery in biblical narrations.
Definition of the universal and original in the presentation of the value of "reason" at the level of the value picture of the world (on the material of English, German, Ukrainian and Russian languages). Description the specifics of the value of "reason".
Review of publications related to the new phenomenon - the presence of minority languages on the Internet. The linguistic aspect of the "digital section" that prevents languages with a limited number of speakers from having access to communications.
Research the place of gatekeeping encounters in the system of business discourse. Analysis of the sources of cultural mismatches during a job interview in an intercultural setting. Study of specifics of job interview in an intercultural environment.
Ядро жанра инструкции по эксплуатации и его периферия. Становление жанровой разновидности Missing Manual. Его композиционное и языковое оформление, классификация в зависимости от сферы функционирования устройства (гаджета) или программного обеспечения.
- 1708. Modal verb
The mechanism of formation of modal verbs in the English language. Their description, evaluation values in the structure of language. Types modality: epistemic, deontic dynamic. Future of expression and their role. Marginal modality and semi subsidiary.
- 1709. Modal Verbs
Modal auxiliary verbs. To uses the verb "to be" as a main verb. The main verb. Possibility and Ability. Infinitive without "to". An auxiliary verb, a modal auxiliary verb. A real question. The main uses of Education and verbs in the English language.
Building a model of strategic cost record to spawn information on the impact of behavioral management decisions on the cost of production of an enterprise in the case of its operation in a market of monopoly, oligopoly and pure or monopolistic rivalry.