Current trends and changes that have taken place in society, as it is based on the cognitive abilities of a person and is unique for each person. conducting reliable research in the field of cognitive linguistics, linguistic picture of the world.
The article focuses on the functional and semantic features of English-language animated film texts with regard to linguistic and cultural specifics. It is stated that The text of the animated film as a language genre has its distinctive features.
Functional and semantic features of the English-language text of an animated film, taking into account linguistic and cultural specifics. Animation as a genre of film art. The use of intertextual inclusions and realities in an animated film in English.
- 1594. Linguodidactic framework of associative teaching foreign languages to students of primary education
The article discusses several basic concepts of the theory of foreign language learning, which are important for associative learning and teaching foreign languages to students of primary education. Associative learning strategy in its vario
- 1595. Linguodidactic model of the process of formation of strategic competence of future interpreters
The linguodidactic model of process of formation of English-language strategic competence in future translators is theoretically substantiated. It is indicated that the model consists of four blocks: conceptual-target, semantic, procedural and effective.
Analysis of applied application of case technologies with powerful lingvodidactic potential to study the peculiarities of students' translation of proverbs. The main strategy of teaching the peculiarities of foreign language reproduction of proverbs.
- 1597. Linguopoetic analysis of baroque Ukrainian elegy "Cupido seu amor alatus" by Ilarion Yaroshevytskyi
Analysis of the linguopoetic features of the poem, presentation of the author's embodiment of the baroque worldview by means of language. A study of an elegiac poem. Evaluation of mythological and medieval plots, their combination in the elegiac genre.
Presents and characteristic of the features the linguopoetic analysis of the Latin panegyric "Iter Laureatum" by Hryhorii Vyshnovskyi. give the idea of the structure, poetic means and individual author's performance of the genre in Latin language.
Types of morphemes in Azerbaijani and English languages, their grouping, the cases and frequency of the use were studied on the basis of examples from the poetry of the given languages. The lexical and grammatical types of morphological parallelism.
Analysis of pragmatic potential of lexical and grammatical means that realize credibility in the narrative discourse of English scientific and technical texts on transport issues, in order to identify the ways of their faithful rendering into Ukrainian.
Means of implementation of reliability in the translation of English-language scientific and technical texts on transport topics. The potential of lexical and grammatical means in the sphere of their accurate transmission in the Ukrainian language.
Consideration of linguo-pragmatic features of the genre of competitive debates. Analysis of the problem of interpretation of the topic and its role in the construction of the speech. Factors influencing the formation of an argumentation strategy.
- 1603. Linguostylistic aspects of landscape descriptions in f. S. Fitzgerald’s novel "The great gatsby"
A study of linguostylistic aspects of landscape descriptions in F. S. Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby. Characterization and use of an approach in which the verbal landscape is considered a specific test formation with its own structure and semantics.
- 1604. Linguostylistic means of emotional influence on the audience and their rendering at translation
The study of methods of emotional impact on the audience with the help of the language tools used by the speaker in speeches, which contribute to conveying the pragmatic message of the speaker. Methods of translation of the studied linguistic means.
Creation of a pragmatic impact with the aim of conveying information and persuading the listening audience in the ideas laid down by the speaker in the speech. A significant number of lexical items to denote actions related to military aggression.
Analysis of the speech of the President of Ukraine V. Zelenskyi to the Knesset of Israel, caused by the military aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Mechanisms by means of which the relevant influence on the audience is carried out.
Consideration of universal paralinguistic features of the talk show genre, which take into account the national and cultural specifics of communication in the American television show in American culture. Analysis of psycholinguistic features of jokes.
Description of the peculiarities of the communication of television discourse genres. To analyze the features of the talk shows genre as a linguistic and sociocultural phenomenon that reflect the most significant values of American linguistic culture.
An idiom is a common word or phrase with a culturally understood meaning. Description of the main view of idioms in the English language, their classification. The main differences from the Russian types. Compositionality principle and its meaning.
Results of a comparative empirical study of native and second language literacy in first-graders of Roma and non-Romani children living in Bulgaria and Slovakia. Research of the main oral speech skills of Roma children acquired in the home environment.
- 1611. Literal and metaphorical meanings of the particle "down" in the English phrasal verb "go down"
Semantics of the particle "down" on the example of the English phrasal verb "go down". Investigation of the literal and metaphorical meanings of the particle "down" were revealed and their contribution into the general meaning of phrasal verb "go down".
Translation is a complex process which drawing upon other disciplines related to language and culture. Literal translation used when there is a need to observe the rules of the source language and to present them in their integrity to the target culture.
Theoretical aspects of the narrative, the definition of the narrativity of the text. Determine the temporal structure of the narrative as a configuration of a set of elements, events, and situations. Integrity of presentation, complication and resolution.
Study of information about the history of the literary portrait genre and its characteristic features. The essence of studying this genre in Azerbaijani literature. Creation of the image of a literary personality and assessment of creative individuality.
The highlights of literary translation from the perspective of its social impact on the ideological environment of society focusing on Ukrainian "voice" in translation under the conditions of linguicide and unremitting national language suppression.
- 1616. Literary translation universals: a psycholinguistic study of the novice translators’ common choices
The study of "T-universals" is viewed as one which offers prospects for further research in the field of translation and applied psycholinguistics. Global coherence in conversation. Assembling bilingual electronic corpora of English and Ukrainian fiction.
А comprehensive understanding of the theory of translingualism. Demonstrating how the mechanism of intercultural and translational interaction of linguistic and extralinguistic elements works in each individual case. The cycle of the humanities.
- 1618. Literary works and language as a source to tailor and enhance ESP courses for economic universities
The role of literary arts aimed at improving student’s language competences, vocabulary and terminology by providing them with opportunity to acquire language and business skills through exploring fictional situations and future profession-related topics.
Disclosure of the concept of accent in English, the definition of its classification. Consideration of the Liverpool accent and identification of its features. Analysis of differences in the pronunciation norm of the Liverpool and British accents.
English language in England: dialects, regional, glottal stop. Pronunciation Varieties of British English. The Northern Regional and the Scottish Type of English Pronunciation. Peculiarities of American and British English and their differences.