Analysis of quantitative and qualitative parameters of the genre structure of contemporary ensemble works of Ukrainian authors. Dynamic of the evolution of the structure of chamber-instrumental genres. Description of common types of genre interference.
- 242. Pop-music
Concept and general characteristics of pop music, the history of its development and features. Famous performers acting in the musical style. International festivals and competitions, the participants and prizes, current state and prospects of the main.
Characteristics of the main functions of music in cinema, Features of the interaction of visual and auditory screen components. Principles of interaction between sound and image. Using the latest technologies in the work of composers with modern films.
The formation of conceptual and terminological apparatus for the functioning of the music industry in Ukraine, the identification of music product producers and to develop an effective mechanism for copyright protection of authors and performers.
Biography of the pop star, composer and author of songs by J. Lennon. His early childhood and youth. The creation of the first group the "Quarry Man" and the emergence of the Beatles. The story of Beatlemania in the world. The tragic death of Lennon.
Analysis of D. Shostakovich's political views and his perception of the revolutions. A study of an institution with ideals that run counter to the rigid discipline and drill that were characteristic of the conservatory during the years of Shostakovich's.
Rap as one of the most common types of music, which is used for various purposes, such as self-actualization, commercial activities, battles and others. The theoretical foundations and practical effectiveness of the experiment as an application of rap.
Presentation of the work "Fugue of Constantine" for string ensemble. Polyphonic, harmonic means, which the composer used to reflect the monogram of Christ in work. Analysis of the symmetry of the product, which is applied through the Fibonacci number.
Мета – виявити бароково-класицистичні тенденції в "Requiem" В. Моцарта у художньому контексті загального руху доби Просвітництва. Наукова новизна полягає у спробі музикознавчої оцінки "Requiem" В.-А. Моцарта з точки зору бароково-класицистичної системи.
Morphological analysis of the works of Rimsky-Korsakov, Mussorgsky, Borodin, Stravinsky. Identification of a set of invariant sound morphemes, the conceptuality of which is related to the associative and figurative possibilities of listening perception.
The history of Chinese rock music. The Open Door Policy: new policy and new music. Yaogun – Chinese rock’n’roll. Official attitude towards changes in youth culture and spread of rock-music in China. Tang Dynasty, Black Panther, Chinese heavy metal bands.
The origins and traditions of Ancient Music UK. Areas of Madrigal British school based on the Italian model, in the fifties and in the modern period. Long history of border ballads Northumbria. Features and stages of development of British rock music.
- 253. Roza Rymbaeva
Roza Rymbayeva is a Soviet and Kazakh singer, the national artist of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, the national artist of the USSR. She became the national artist at the age of 28. Her repertoire includes songs of Kazakh and foreign composers.
- 254. Russian Music
The origin of the ancient Slavic music. The evolution of musical styles promoted by the composers, instrumentalists and singers. Especially folk and Church songs. The contribution of Russian composers of XVIII-XX centuries to the Fund of world art.
The role of the musical components as a whole of the modern show. The functional intend of the musical constituent of the integrity of the show as a business organization. Materials by the specifics of description of show-structures in business actions.
Дослідження реформаторського мейнстриму у європейському музичному театрі першої половини XVIII ст. Національні та локальні реформаторські прояви подолання театральної кризи. Реформа Глюка як успішний кейс розв'язання проблеми оновлення оперного жанру.
Information about the sonorous and expressive properties of the harmonic peak, widely covering the principles of coloristic functions of special sound engineering techniques. Analysis of some aspects of the harmonic vertical for their uniqueness.
Study of two piano sonatas by Scriabin, which represent the peculiarities of his piano style as a phenomenon. Analysis of his grandiose macrocycle of 10 sonatas as a compendium of the principles of piano thinking characteristic of the post-romantic era.
Деятельность русских композиторов-иностранцев: испанского гитариста Ф. Сора и польского скрипача Г. Венявского. Межкультурные и личные связи, способствовавшие восприятию русского этномелоса композиторами и исполнителями иностранного происхождения.
Рассмотрение деятельности русских композиторов-иностранцев: испанского гитариста Ф. Сора и польского скрипача Г. Венявского. Выявление причин и поводов обращения русских иностранцев к хпесенному фольклору. Специфика русских народных плясовых песен.
General and specific characteristics of the formation of musical culture in the industrially developed region of Siberia, while maintaining the diversity of musical traditions. Ways of formation of regional musical culture, its main characteristics.
Studying the symbolism of the anthem of Ukraine. Investigation of the structure of the text. An analysis of the ethnographic roots of the work, features of its architectonics. Application M. Verbitsky symphonic method of development of musical intonation.
- 263. Structural, orchestrarion and genre transformation of musical structure of the hymn Gaudeamus Igitur
Highlights compositions Academic Festival Overture Op. 80 by Johannes Brahms, Student Polka Op. 263 by Johann Strauss and Gaudeamus Igitur by Dragan Tomic. Choice of the performing apparatus, the method of orchestration and the stylistic characteristics.
- 264. Structural, orchestration and genre transformation of musical structure of the hymn Gaudeamus Igitur
Gaudeamus Igitur - one of the most popular academic commercial song in many European countries. The Student Polka - an instrumental composition, that consists of wooden wind ensemble, metal winds, string ensemble and tympanum from percussion section.
Development of the author's typology of styles of piano-performing interpretation. Explanation of the phenomenon of performing interpretation, its trinity. Definition of rhetorical, rationalized, emotionally and sensational styles of piano performance.
The concept and specific properties of the choral art form as a musical performing art, the multimodal nature of the perception of a musical text. Analysis of communication practice in terms of auditory, linguistic, spatial and visual resources.
Востребованность музыки Астора Пьяццоллы как реформатора "мира танго" в современной культуре. Анализ стилевого обновления традиционного канона танго композитором. Проведение исследования "авторского" варианта преломления классического прообраза жанра.
Main directions of the study of the mechanical and acoustic features and properties of the piano in an integral relationship with the organization of the musical form and artistic means of performance, formed in the process of musical practice.
Analysis of the archetype of the trickster and its embodiment in the artistic images of Goat and Malanka in the oratorio "Barbivska kolyada" by the modern Ukrainian composer H. Havrylets. The etymology of the concept of "trickster" and its meaning.
- 270. The Beatles
История основания британской рок-группы "The Beatles". Состав рассматриваемого музыкального коллектива. Начало гастрольной деятельности и первые альбомы ансамбля. Мировая популярность и творческие разногласия между участниками легендарной четверки.