The practicing philosophy in everyday life to improve its quality, to make effective decisions, to establish communication skills, ability to find a peaceful solution to the conflict. An effective guide to philosophical issues from everyday life.
Determination of the complex of relationships between individual and collective dimensions of a person's worldview. Actualization of philosophical ideas formed by thinking about a person and society as carriers of a worldview. The ratio is single-general.
The thematizing social and ethical problems related to the changes of the human condition in the contemporary globalized society of risks. These risks include threats physical destruction of human race, but also transformation of its natural constitution.
The limits of technocentrism through the analysis of the limiting opportunities of technique and technology from certain value positions. The philosophical anthropology of Helmut Plessner, the axiological direction in anthropology and neo-institutionalism
Analysis of historical approaches to understanding morality. Establishment of causal relationship between morality and law. Consideration of historical retrospective of cognitive-anthropological analysis of morality and some trends in its development.
Nietzsche’s controversial heritage as unreachable for the Ukrainian-speaking reader. Formation of the western spiritual life as determined by the rationalist and classified coordinates, which are engraved in the naturalistic program of the Enlightenment.
The value of imagination in science, the role that imagination plays in interdisciplinary scientific communication. A specific type of communication in which science is the subject of research. Inharmonious interaction between different disciplines.
Determining the influence of the ideas of the philosophy of social reconstructionism on the discourse on the abolition of national examinations in Indonesia. The study of scientific works related to the philosophy of scientific reconstructionism.
The scientific and educational space like an interactively organized environment, the main mechanism of which is the informational and voluntary interaction of subjects. The power - one of the basic holistic multidimensional sociocultural phenomenon.
Situational variables - the various features of the environment that were created for the participants of the experiment. Comparative characteristic of the phenomenon of independent objects in mathematical theory and in socio-philosophical research.
The significance of W.V. Quine’s indeterminacy thesis. Quine’s view, the unit of analysis for empirically testing for individual expressions but whole sentences. The alternative and inconsistent translation schemes with the same patterns of stimulus.
- 522. Indian philosophy
Indus valley civilization. The Vedic traditions. The Bhagavad-Gita is a moral path for all. The Laws of Manu. Structure of the Gita. Jnana yoga, Raja yoga and Karma-yoga is the path to liberation. Interior warfare and self-discovery. Impact of the Gita.
- 523. Individualism
Concept of individualism is the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, social outlook. Individualism and society. Emotional self-interest. Philosophical individualism (ethical egoism, existentialism, humanism, hedonism, solipsism, libertinism).
- 524. Information and communication mechanisms of the influence on social connection: axiological aspect
Analysis of information and communication mechanisms of influence on social consciousness. Consideration of the role of taboos, which are understood as a manifestation of social and communicative pathology. Protective barriers and "moral immunity".
The problem of information sovereignty of the state in modern scientific research as a component of ensuring the country's national security and a system-forming factor of state formation. The structure of the spiritual sovereignty of the state.
Philosophical justification of human rights. Jacques Maritain - the founder of the French philosophical movement known as personalism. Consideration of the concepts of integral humanism. The intellectual heritage of V. Soloviev and Russian neo-idealism.
A person - a universe of spiritual nature endowed with freedom of choice and constituting to this extent a whole which is independent in face of the world. The history and philosophical grounding of human rights - matters of lively scholarly debate.
Intentional acts are considered as a source of rational action. Intentional acts and manifestations of weakness of will are analyzed in the context of the main provisions of criticism of classical rationality in D. Serle's theory of social action.
The contemporary globalized world requires joint actions of representatives of different cultures and nationalities. Intercultural dialogue become an indispensable element of technological? economic development. The prevailing paradigm of West-centrism.
Analysis of the philosophical concept of Crystal. Evaluation of its creative and methodological potential in solving the problem of transformation of a natural language in cyberspace. Evaluation of the impact of the Internet language on the social sphere.
Determination of the peculiarities of interpretation of the image of the "Confucian woman" in the famous dramas of European enlighteners E. settle, Voltaire and C. Gozzi from the point of view of the embodiment of moral attitudes of Confucianism.
Consideration of intersubjectivity and solidarity, which are key in post-metaphysical intellectual discourse. Achievements of philosophical schools on the way from the metaphysical foundations of the New Age to non-classical post-metaphysical thought.
Theoretical premises of interdisciplinary studies targeting systemic universalia of lingual, mental, physical, cultural nature. Methodological concepts identified as "Mythic logic". Nature of system`s development, inverse nature of systems’ fluctuations.
The characteristics, main concepts and criticism of the ideology libertarianism. The notions of liberty, freedom and individualism. The role of the Industrial Revolution in the formation and enhancement of laissez-faire. Negative and positive freedom.
Libertarianism as a political ideology has garnered big curiosity in American political discourse. This support was solidified with the achievement of getting the most votes ever in the history of the Libertarian Party, in 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Exploring the difference between materialism (or realism) and idealism. The peculiarity of the emergence of materialism in ancient philosophy as an approach in the philosophy of nature. Analysis of Marxist approaches to materialism in Marxism-Leninism.
The logic of history and the logic of its analysis in Marxism. Identity of logical and historical methods as anomaly in Marxism. Logical and historical methods as source of discussions in Marxism. The need to abandon the principle of historicism.
Інтерсуб’єктивний варіант конституювання Я, запропонований М.М. Бахтіним у ранній період своєї творчості, як вагома передумова для формування діалогізму. Основні моменти естетичної концепції дослідника, які наголошують на еволюційному характері його ідей.
Specificity and heuristic value of the humanism of the French existentialist J.-P. Sartre. Consideration of phenomenon of a human and his basic characteristics, which ultimately determine what type of humanism deserves further support and development.
Jan Sniadecki like a prominent astronomer and mathematician of the beginning of the 19-th century. Characteristics of the main problems of aesthetic taste, style, ingenuity, imagination and the essence of beauty in the "Philosophy of the human mind".