- 361. Armchair philosophy
An anti-exceptionalist view of philosophical methodology, on which it is much closer to the methodology of other disciplines than many philosophers like to think. Non-armchair methods as increasingly rare. "Empirical" methodology of the natural science.
Williamson defends armchair philosophy by likening it to armchair science - they have the same of results and use such a priori methods as model building and analyses. If a priori methods are accepted within science, then they acceptable in philosophy.
- 363. Artificial intelligence and some aspects of human thinking when solving non-computable problems
The hypothesis of Strong Artificial Intelligence, which states that all aspects of human intellect can be reproduced, and the hypothesis of Weak Artificial Intelligence, which maintains that it is basically impossible to reproduce human creativity.
Human cognitive abilities are deployed in a different direction - in the ability to work with deep data, with information and meanings. It is in this field social groups engaged in various types of intellectual activity such as science and feel confident.
Researching the issue of common human values and needs. Differentiation of universal and personal goods. The importance of virtue ethics in modern life and practical philosophy. Study of the relationship between the concepts of axiology and agatology.
Consideration of coding as a dialectical process of the relationship between thought and sign, the translation of thought into sign. Research of strategic technologies in the information space. Analysis of the value and cognitive status of symbolization.
The deals with the Italian thinkers’ reflection on food and its role in culture and religion. Food is viewed as the means of human identity and social formation as well as strengthening of connections between peoples and cultures, between people and God.
The problem of the local and global significance of Lithuanian philosophy. The meaning of concept of Lithuanian philosophy and evaluation of its scope. The most prominent period and the most famous philosopher. Experts in German classical philosophy.
Foucault's stance towards the Enlightenment as formulated in three work. A partial modification of Foucault's attitude to the Enlightenment. A reconstruction and critical assessment of three articles Foucault devoted to Kant and the Enlightenment.
The study of the influence of Neoplatonic concepts, in particular, the philosophy of Proclus on the discursive space of Iranian Neoplatonism. Proclus' system, Neoplatonic dialectic, turned out to be meaningful for the school of Yahya as-Suhrawardi.
Theoretical framework of a new theory of time. The interpretation based on essential time considered instead of "coincidences" of modern science. The fundamental flaw in the anthropic principle. Interpretation of the ontological being in essential time.
Исследование возможностей новой технологии Больших Данных в философии при помощи которой можно безнаказанно вторгаться в личную жизнь людей, ограничивать гражданские свободы, а также усиливать государственный и гражданский контроль над личностью.
The article suggested for consideration is aimed at clarifying the shift in human perception from the spatial turn announced by Foucault, to a performative turn. It is based on the all-round investigation of the body’s principal role for cultural existenc
- 374. Body, plasticity and the limits of "self" as paradigmatic markers of the meta-modern anthropology
Description and clarification of the image of the personality in the metamodern situation in terms of its physicality - plastic manifestations of physicality. The concept of plasticity is perceived as the ability to take and give forms at the same time.
- 375. Body, plasticity and the limits of "self" as paradigmatic markers of the meta-modern anthropology
The goal is to clarify the image of the personality in the metamodern situation in terms of its corporeality and plastic manifestations of corporeality. The concept of plasticity is perceived as the ability to take and give forms at the same time.
Cognition of cognition through intuition or through inference. Descartes' use of relevant expressions. The terms used by Descartes to denote the ambiguous status of the cogito, a consistent interpretation of the scientist's proposed explanations.
В статье автором рассматриваются различные концепции реальных carentiae в схоластике XVII в. на материале философских курсов иезуитов. Проанализировано место отрицаний и лишенностей в структуре знания с точки зрения схоластической философии тех времен.
Analysis of the dialectics of the concepts "society" and "social reality", central in social philosophy. Revealing the concept and content of social reality as a socio-philosophical category. Theoretical reflection of social reality in social search.
Socio-philosophical deconstruction of the phenomenon of justice in the paradigm of the classical model of international relations. Developing approaches that allow representatives of the international community to build their own lives on an equal basis.
Study of the functional-semantic category of causality. Determining the diversity of the cause and effect relationship. Analysis in the logic of cause-and-effect relationships, which are their reflection in thinking, embodied in the laws of thinking.
An analysis of the content put by the Rickant neo-Kantian in the term "chaos". The variety of human life experiences that philosophers must transform into the "cosmos" of theories. An examination of the epistemological theories of the philosopher.
The existing philosophical approaches to manifestation of the secularization and to determine the origin of post-secular age concept. The analys of the achievements of Charles Taylor and his contribution in the modern philosophical and religious studies.
The existing philosophical approaches to manifestation of the secularization and to determine the origin of post-secular age concept. Analysys of the achievements of Charles Taylor and his contribution in the modern philosophical and religious studies.
The comparison of the modern identity as presented in Charles Taylor’s concept with the Postmodern era identities, to show the strengths and weaknesses of Charles Taylor’s position on preserving or prolonging the Modern era identity to our time
Western philosophy considers binary opposition, the dichotomy of subject and object, struggle of contradictions. The emergence of the phenomenon of military conquest in Civilization. Exploring a perspective on cultural diversity, рrotection of science.
- 386. Chinese Philosophy
Early Chinese thought. Ancestor reverence, mysterious force, patterns in nature. Great philosophical figures. Concepts within Chinese philosophy. A hierarchy of being. The experience of Tao. Philosophical Taoism. Chinese religion. The Confucian classics.
The importance of human social self-identification as the basis of civilization and the institutional explanation of national self-identification in Ukraine. Development of cultural and institutional criteria for choosing the best ways to strengthen it.
Explanation of public awareness of climate events and extreme weather events. Identification and substantiation of risks from the standpoint of the absolutist approach. The relative risk of overestimating and underestimating the predicted damage.
Фундаментализм як класична й найдавніша стратегія обґрунтування знання. Знайомство з сучасними дослідженнями Декартової спадщини. Розгляд головних особливостей співвідношення історико-філософського й спеціально-філософського підходів до вчення Декарта.
Общая характеристика историко-философской проблемы. Аналитика базовых интуиций мировоззрения. Определение сущности хаоса, мира как тавтологии. Учение о природе истины. Эмпирическое в философском знании. Бытие в сфере мысли (данные о культуре мышления).