The centerpiece of earlier attempts at founding a Marxist philosophy of science. Confrontation Marx's writings on abstraction with contemporary views of the method. Revealation rules, left in Marx for the correct application of the method of abstraction.
Cultural and political economic research of orientalists and dialectical logic. Analysis of the ethical attitude to desire in ancient Chinese and ancient Indian societies. The meaning and material origins of transcendental law in Eastern philosophy.
The interdisciplinary marriage of Mathematics with Theology offers a insight into both inconceivable numerical truths (such as infinity) that God’s personal relation helps us realise and unknown nature that is depicted schematically within His creation.
Criticism of the abstractionist, reductionist type of thinking prevailing in modern universities. An organized dynamic collection of habits. The influence of classical versions of pragmatism on Smith's views. Habit change theories, restorative inference.
Распространение "massenmedien" (средства массовой информации) в пространстве современного образования, необходимость изменений фундаментальной концепции образования. Сущность этих изменений и основные перспективы развития "massenmedien" в образовании.
- 576. Medieval philosophy
Introduction to medieval philosophy. A synthesis of the christian theology and logic. Apostolic fathers, directly adjacent to the apostles. Scholastica - a systematic medieval philosophy. Problems of body, soul. Achievements thinkers of the middle ages.
Обоснование наличия memory-turn в биоэтике и актуальности учета его в медицинской практике. Разработка онтологических оснований времени как признание конечности бытия, его временности и в онтологическом положении как пласта темпоральных определений.
На основе информационно-синергетического подхода обнаружение парадоксов современного состояния социокультурных систем, решение которых требует нового диалога с памятью культуры, которую философия стихийно совершает в процессе биоэтических исследований.
New logical semantics for the classic propositional logic which states that a propositional formula refers to a special structure - “the tree of messages”. This tree of message determines the truth values for the elements of the propositional formula.
Formal-rational and pragmatic transformations of society and nature, as well as scientific and technological innovations of a mercantile persuasion, deform and dehumanize the worlds of life. Global transformation in the form of "ongoing" disasters.
Analysis of the phenomenon of labor in synchrony and diachrony to a person and his attitude to work in a postmodern society. The evidence of the relativization of moral values, that leads to significant transformations in the axiosphere in general.
Disclosure of the phenomenon of orthodoxy within the framework of philosophical, religious and theological thought. Substantiation of peculiarities of orthodoxy and its constancy in the presence of invariant content structures or functional schematics.
Systematization of Nietzsche's metaphors. Literary advisory material as a guideline for the development of a metaphor research project. Justification of the thesis about metaphors and writing style in general as a form and method of religious criticism.
Research and analysis such basic methods for Russian philosophical culture as phenomenological and existential. The study and characteristic of the deep methodological phenomena of Russian religious thought presupposes further development of religious.
The human cultural-creative activity: historical, dialectical, evolutionary, functional, ethnopsychological aspect. Ontological status of human cultural creation as a form of interaction between ethnic groups and nations in the era of globalization.
The essence of the concept of "reasonable happiness". Imagination as the most powerful means of motivating the general public. Analysis of the methodology of Farabi's political philosophy. Consideration of powerful means of motivating the general public.
The role of Eudaimonia in Aristotle's ethics. Some issues in Aristotle's moral psychology, virtue and reason. Projection and truth in ethics. Aesthetic value, objectivity and the fabric of the word. Meaning and intentionality in wittgenstein's philosophy.
Philosophical analysis of modern models of the Universe. An ontological description of the fundamental cosmic principles. Characteristics of categories: time, space, matter. Baryogenesis and parallel worlds. Metaphysical essence and structure of reality.
- 589. Modern Philosophy
The purification of the human consciousness in the basis of Husserl's philosophy. The contribution of S. Freud, C. Jung and A. Adler to the philosophy. The development of social pathology in the writings of K. Horni. The greatest neofreudist E. Fromm.
Consideration of problems related to the search for a new paradigm for preparing a person for life. The necessary features of the modern "global student". The essence of changes in postgraduate education, which continue to occur in the modern world.
Metaphysical contradictions between Islam and science on biological evolution. Study of the position of the educated population of Iran in accepting the concept of evolution. Conditions for the emergence of a cultural phenomenon among Muslim countries.
The genesis of such essential signs of social existence as creativity and irrationality is explored. The origin of ideas of creativity and irrationality of modern activity is determined: these are the features and the state of the modern economic sphere.
An issue both of great importance and of formidable complexity in suggesting that certain transformations of time-experience are intrinsically involved with modernism in art. Commodified time as an inherent part of experience in contemporary capitalism.
1950-s and 1960-s - a great historical change has taken place in, at least, industrial or postindustrial countries. The new era of Postmodernity philosophy is started. Characteristics creativity of the most famous, talented Italian postmodernist writers.
Exaltation of the human mind and its abilities, coupled with the struggle for its independence and self-government, including from God. Assay of Wolf's formulation of the basic principles of his ethical system in the "German Ethics", published in 1720.
Characteristic of the specificity of moral norms. Analysis of the formation of moral rules, principles and normative value of ideas. Study of the noral values in human existence. Characteristic of religion and religious values, and values in law.
The place of emotions in the processes of forming judgments and making moral decisions. The emotional competence for moral development of a person. An exploration of the concept of morality, Alfred D. Ayer's emotivism and Alan Hibbard's emotivism.
Characteristics of the the historically developed traditions of combining Greek and Latin words in one meaningful sentence. The existence of different terms, words to denote the same concept - the main factor that provokes differences in meanings.
"Deconstruction" of philosophy in Hellenism. Displaying ofalienation in Cynicism. Alienation in society. Ways of "deconstruction" of philosophy nowadays. Displaying ofalienation in postmodern. Alienation in society. Postmodern in the mirror of Cynicism.
Specificity of the construction of images and types of regularities of mythopoetic worldview. Adaptive and creative functions of myth. His ability to convey socially significant information in a personalized way, adapting and clarifying it with meanings.