• Based on literary and philosophical texts describing the journey through his own room of X. de Maistre, A. Camus, H. Hesse, J. Brodsky, the author talks about the entelechy of travel as an experience of self-identification, about the archetype of travel.

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  • The understanding the ideological potential of Kant’s philosophical heritage from the viewpoint of its influence on the legitimization of the Self-made-man idea in the worldview transformations of the modern world in the theory of knowledge and morality.

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  • K. Popper’s criticism of essentialism as an anti-scientific and outdated doctrine. The existence of abduction in science, which generates new knowledge. Essentialist abduction as a form of bridging the gap between a subject and an object in ontology.

    статья (56,3 K)
  • The specificity of thinking process, its forms: notions and judgments. Mistakes of thinking and how to eliminate them. Specific rationalism of K. Twardowski is a combination of inductive and deductive methods of cognition and acquisition of knowledge.

    статья (20,0 K)
  • The ownership of knowledge and social inequality. Intellectual division of labour between producers and consumers of knowledge. The policy for legal protection of intellectual property. The income of employees to consequences for the educational system.

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  • Analysis of characteristic features of mentality of the Kyrgyz people on the basis of past and present life practices, finding the valuable qualities of the people that distinguish them for successful development and promotion among the world community.

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  • The results of complex studies of the authors of cosmological and philosophical narratives. The main cosmological concepts and philosophical ideas of Lady Xian, their differences with Western cosmology and cosmological narratives in Western culture.

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  • Философское восприятие имперской идеи и практики в период между двумя мировыми войнами. Рассмотрение как наиболее репрезентативных рефлексий на имперскую идею концепции Ортега-и-Гассета, Эволы и Хайдеггера. Феноменальность империи и идея реальности.

    статья (28,4 K)
  • Interpretation of natural, positive law in the work of the Ukrainian philosopher P. Yurkevich. The transition from the theory of natural law to the philosophy of law in Ukrainian spiritual culture. The idea of natural law in the works of the philosopher.

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  • The features interpretations of natural and positive law in the works of outstanding Ukrainian philosopher Pamfil Yurkevych. Consideration of the transition from the theory of natural law to the philosophy of law in the Ukrainian spiritual culture.

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  • Analysis of the terms "legal action" and "non-legal action" for the purpose of their further conceptualization. Understanding the phenomenon of "conflict" between legal and non-legal action in terms of philosophical ontology and social philosophy.

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  • Acquaintance with the main manifestations of the sociocultural existence of alchemy. Consideration of the peculiarities of the analysis of alchemical sacral-cognitive complexes. Analysis of evidence of historical realities of the phenomenon of alchemy.

    статья (28,9 K)
  • The Yijing/Binary System Episode involved Leibniz' discovery of a de facto representation of the binary number system in the sixty-four-hexagram Fu Xi "Yijing." Understood and recognized the importance of the double geometric progression in the diagram.

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  • Characteristic of the development of the postmodern philosophical anthropology under the direct influence of psychoanalytical approach. Consideration of the problem of "excessive violence" caused, according to many thinkers, by libidinal impulses.

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  • Review of postmodern philosophical anthropology from the perspective of a psychoanalytic approach. The "doctrine" of libido in the context of sociocultural tradition. An overview of the problem of "excessive violence", its research in psychoanalysis.

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  • Consideration of philosophical and psychological characteristics of life strategies as a component of building living space personality. The contradictions that arise when preparing future professionals to design and implement strategies to life.

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  • Study the generally acknowledged definition of hermeneutics. Dynamics of development of the philosophical concept. The justification of the indissoluble unity of language semiotic and hermeneutic studies in the context of the process of interpretation.

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  • Described that the dominance of the "non-accidental" phenomenon in some conspiracy sense of word demands its study in the scientific dimension. Define principle of interrelation of "accidental" and "non-accidental" in multiverse of imaginary realities.

    статья (30,5 K)
  • Formulation by the philosopher J. Vico of the stages of evolution of peoples: the age of the gods, the period of heroes and the time of people. Subjectivity as inevitable in narratives left by people. Contradictions of interpretations of the common past.

    статья (23,9 K)
  • Principles, mechanisms of the functioning of the church-administrative system of management of the Ecumenical Church. Two ecclesiological traditions that testify to the absence of Unity, Congregation. The interdependence of the principle of spatiality.

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  • Logic of discovery like a fruitful dialogue of disciplines. The dynamical interaction of abduction, deduction and induction and their inverse kinds. Probabilistic explanations - the main statements about proportion of objects that have some quality.

    дипломная работа (106,3 K)
  • A formal system with its semantics, metatheory, and rules. The usual methods of empirical science to assess the correctness of his descriptions. Moderating the antipsychologism that permeates contemporary philosophical thinking about rationality.

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  • Philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of loneliness. Reflection of a historical digression into the study of the problem of loneliness in philosophy. The development and changing of philosophical thought of the concept of loneliness phenomenon.

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  • Investigation of names that have a lifetime greater than zero. Their classification, principles of separation. Tetrahedron of ontological Propis, the apex of which is not the name, but the meaning. The axioms, which obey its line segments and lasting word

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  • Critical revision of information about the essence, history and content of ancient magic, which Pliny the Elder presents in Books 28 and 30 of his Natural History. Analysis of the reasons of general reconsideration of Pliny the Elder’s concept of magic.

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  • Questions of justice, which in the global context acquire practical features. The content of an unlimited communicative community. Analysis of global justice as a result of the interaction of various specific systems of values of social communities.

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  • The forms of correlation between the fundamental category of freedom and phenomenon of resentment in the context of the formation of ethical discourse. The symbolic mechanisms of the collective imagination in the formation of a picture of the human world.

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  • The critique of instrumental reason. Ideology and ideological state apparatuses (notes towards an Investigation). Determinacy and indeterminacy in the theory of ideology. ideology and its vicissitudes in western Marxism. Postmodernism and the market

    книга (1,6 M)
  • The centerpiece of earlier attempts at founding a Marxist philosophy of science. Confrontation Marx's writings on abstraction with contemporary views of the method. Revealation rules, left in Marx for the correct application of the method of abstraction.

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  • Cultural and political economic research of orientalists and dialectical logic. Analysis of the ethical attitude to desire in ancient Chinese and ancient Indian societies. The meaning and material origins of transcendental law in Eastern philosophy.

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