The reasons for the emergence of an "idealized" objective world, related to the activity of the subject, which is constructed both in the internal and external world. Understanding the rootedness of meanings in the socio-material system of activity.
The study of the methodological approach, according to which the mind as a whole and in all its forms can be reduced to faith, knowledge and cognition. Analysis of cognitivism as a paradigm principle, introduced in the field of philosophy and humanities.
The main idea of Kant's transcendental philosophy and its Copernican turn. Solution of the semantic problem of correspondence stated in Kant's letter. A realistic vector of the impact of things on our sensuality. Experience and empirical realism.
Рациональное обоснование морали. Идея здравого смысла – одна из фундаментальных идей шотландского и французского Просвещения. Врожденный, интуитивный принцип, вложенный в человека Богом. Особенности трактовок здравого смысла шотландскими философами.
Изучение проблемы рационального обоснования морали на основе рассмотрения шотландской философии концепта "здравого смысл" представителями этического сентиментализма (Шефтсбери, Хатчесон) и представителем рационалистического понимания морали Т. Ридом.
The phenomenon of communication - the invariant that characterizes the most diverse approaches, theories and concepts in the field of modern anthropology. Conditions for the philosophical understanding of the communication of two existential "I".
- 397. Comparative analysis of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s and Martin Heidegger’s views on the nature of human
The paper is aimed at analyzing in a comparative way the philosophical conceptions of the human, proposed by Ludwig Wittgenstein and Martin Heidegger as the main representatives of the continental tradition of philosophizing in the XX-th century.
The need to highlight the phenomenon of mercy as a condition for re-evaluating old and creating new values, as well as studying the features of its development. The ability of a person to empathize and identify with others as the basis of compassion.
Acquaintance with the studies of R. Gilpin, P. Kennedy, J. Modelski and K. Thompson, who made attempts to determine the cyclicality and regularities of the evolution of the system of international relations. Definition of the concept of cyclicity.
Research features of the concept of scientific discourse. Analysis of the main components of scientific discourse, characteristics of system features. Characteristics of a kind of hint for understanding the entire system of institutional relations.
A study of the comprehensive approach, which consists in real, non-idealized, deideologized knowledge of law. Similarities, differences between the comprehensive approach and the comprehensive theory. Formation of the definition of the studied concept.
Conceptualization of the phenomenon of "Absolute right" as a basic principle in the architectonics of ethical paradigms. Measuring the relevance of the "absolute" and "right" in the discourse of the panlogical philosophical and legal paradigm of G. Hegel.
Comprehensive study of the theme of the conceptual foundations of morality in video games. The main problems faced by developers in the implementation of moral systems, methods for solving them. Use of concepts of deontological and utilitarian ethics.
The potential of philosophical and state-law discourses on the concept of universal justice. Within the framework of this problem, the question of the grounds and principles of legitimization of the state in its relations with citizens is resolved.
The purpose is to identify the peculiarities of the repentance, penitence, and confession concepts’ grounds in art and philosophy, to characterise examples of the reflection of these concepts in art. Rethinking of many concepts of moral consciousness.
The confucian concept of the clan influenced the design of architectural styles of rural settlements, the spatial forms of traditional settlements, which are harmonious, in sharp contrast to the large number of similar settlements with chaotic layouts.
Comparative-historical analysis of Confucius' views on the phenomenon of communication in administrative processes. Modern understanding of the term and definition of elements that significantly influenced the development of the science of statehood.
Spectrum functionalism. The irrelevance of behavioral undetectability: Extending the argument. Qualia and Fregean senses. Phenomenology and representational content. The structure of belief and perceptual representation. The Singular propositions.
The hypothesis is analysed according to which consciousness is the ability to simultaneously live in two types of reality. At some point around 100 thousands years ago, humans became aware of the inevitability of death and developed the idea of afterlife.
Interrelation of efficiency and safety of scientific and technical activity taking into account risks of technologies of XXI century. Professional and social responsibility for ensuring security. Criteria for the safety of the dominant worldview vector.
The theoretical constructs of globalization. Covid-19 as a global "quantum" of negative impact on socio-economic, coevolutionary, medical problems. Content of the chaos that the coronavirus pandemic has introduced into the globalization processes.
- 412. Cultivating spirituality when and where it is needed most: children, parents, homes, and families
Given all the life-threatening problems in the world and prospects for the future, there could be no better time to focus attention on cultivating spirituality when, where it is needed most, namely in the lives of children, parents, homes, and families.
Significance of cultural identity markers for modern ethnometric typologies. New complex factors related to psychology and worldview. Reducing the role of the native language and the transformation of the production niche of ethnic groups in Siberia.
Самореалізація особистості як філософська проблема. Теоретико-методологічні засади філософського аналізу самореалізації. Постмодерністська альтернатива традиціоналістській методології дослідження самореалізації, її особливості в постсучасному просторі.
Джон Локк как теоретик материалистического сенсуализма XVII-XVIII вв. Характеристика биографических данных Локка. Учение Локка о внешнем и внутреннем опыте. "Опыт о человеческом разумении" философа как объяснение цельной системы эмпирической философии.
- 416. Cмысл жизни
Изучение разных философских учений о смысле жизни человека. Выяснение влияние религиозного миропонимания на восприятие жизненного смысла. Освещение содержания научных подходов к пониманию смысла жизни. Понимание смысла жизни в разные исторические эпохи.
Рассмотрено понятие смысла жизни, смерти и бессмертия, с различных точек зрения. Виденье и трактовку изучаемых понятий такими известными личностями, как Платон, Кант, Спиноза, Рассел, Достоевский, Соловьёв, Фейербах, а так же с точки зрения религий.
Анализ вопросов социального статуса мировоззрения, предпосылки его научного понимания в аспекте диалектики субъекта и объекта. Объективные мыслительные формы как базис научной концепции мировоззрения. Анализ специфики субъективного базиса мировоззрения.
Філософеми, які впливають на ідентифікаційні процеси в гетерогенній українській глядацькій аудиторії. Типологія ідентичності, що репрезентується у серіалах українського медіапростору. Ідентифікаційні очікування аудиторії та культурно-цивілізаційні моделі.
Принципи суспільного детермінізму. Висвітлення методологічної ролі соціальної філософії у процесах оптимізації демократичного устрою. Аналіз понять "свобода" та "відповідальність". Упередження небезпеки переростання демократії у диктатуру чи охлократію.