Характеристика личностных, регулятивных, познавательных и коммуникативных учебных действий. Реализация учебных действий в педагогическом процессе на примере анализа текста художественного произведения. Воспитании у школьников высоких моральных качеств.
Осознание многообразия и уникальности древних культур, отдаленных от настоящего временным пространством как центральная проблема осмысления древнего мира. Религии эпохи Хараппской культуры. Уровень развития философии и литературы в Древней Индии.
Исследование поверхностного пластического деформирования как метода упрочнения деталей пожарных насосов. Рассмотрение плазменных и детонационных технологий напыления самых различных порошковых материалов. Коррозионная защита стали пожарных насосов.
Деривационное поле глагола. Исследование соотносительности аналитических глагольно-именных конструкций с именными компонентами с семантикой "радость" с однословными производящими глаголами (на примерах из романа Генриха Белля "Групповой портрет с дамой").
Study of the concepts of "thinking", "national spirit" and "nationality" in the works of O. Potebny, systematization of his views on the relationship between language and thinking. Studying the language in connection with the history of the people.
The study of the foreign policy views of representatives of the Republican Party in 2008-2016. The aim of the article is to study the Republican tactic under Obama, to reveal the features of the intellectual contribution of each of the three main groups.
Analysis of the need for sensors to detect the working environment and collect the necessary information to perform specific tasks in industrial robotics. Object detection algorithm using background subtraction methods for the operation of a robotic arm.
The rights and interests of Ukrainian citizens, foreigners and stateless persons as elements of their legal status, subject to guarantees from the state. The place of the administrative-legal mechanism of protection to ensure the reality of rights.
The struggle of law enforcement and judicial bodies of the modern rule of law state, determining the social properties of an offense. Analysis of modern views on the object of a criminal offense and establishment of a scientifically based content.
The struggle of law enforcement and judicial bodies of the modern rule of law and the entire society with the manifestations of crime. Study of crimes, their essence, the structure of the constituent system elements, forms of external manifestation.
- 11. Object of intentional damage to communications lines (article 360 of the criminal code of Ukraine)
Definition of the criminal legislation and its correlation with criminal law. Direct main object of the crime stipulated by the art. 360 of the criminal code of Ukraine is public relations in the sphere of ensuring of private, state proprietary rights.
Study of the problem of changing the content of the concept of an object of taxation in Russian tax law Analysis of the provisions of Russian tax legislation, international norms. Identification of new goods and phenomena as possible objects of taxation.
Analysis of the purpose of the penitentiary system. Description of the system of principles of its work and their compliance with the norms of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan. Comparing the rights and freedoms of citizens with the rights of convicts.
Study of the basic principles of philosophy on dialectical relationships, the interdependence of phenomena and processes of socio-pedagogical activities, the role of the individuality in the development of its material and spiritual foundations.
Psychodiagnostics of variability and objectification of probable abnormal variability of a teenager. Reducing the machines of constitutional protection of the individual in adverse conditions of ecological well-being of the environment of vital activity.
Research of the problem of ambiguity in obscene riddles. Analysis of forming ambiguity on the examples of French, Spanish and Ukrainian obscene mysteries. Logical and stylistic means of ambiguity. The specifics of the vocabulary of obscene mysteries.
The article is devoted to the problem of ambiguity in obscene riddles. Means of forming ambiguity are analyzed on the examples of French, Spanish and Ukrainian obscene riddles. Logical and stylistic means of ambiguity. Specific vocabulary riddles.
The presumption of innocence is one of the guarantees of observing the rights of the suspect and the accused in the criminal process and a mandatory component of a fair, complete and impartial trial. Shifting the burden of proof to the accused person.
- 19. Observation and analysis in psychopathology: a component of teaching at the French social school
Views on pathologies of the autistic spectrum. Interpretations of Asperger's syndrome. Deepening knowledge of the basics of psychopathology and psychology about the development of people with disabilities. A new basis for the responsibility of teachers.
The victim’s agreement like a cause for exemption from illegality under customary law. A court as a legal institute of executive power which may only impose a penalty in relation to an act that is hazardous to society and contravenes criminal law.
Characteristics of obstetric and gynecological anamnesis pregnant women, the course of pregnancy and of childbirth, data of cardiomonitoring, dopplerometry, the nature of amniotic fluid, the condition of children at birth and in the early neonatal period.
The article discusses solutions to the problem of recycling wood waste and its use as a raw material for the production of new high-quality materials for industries. The purpose is to obtain composite materials containing wood waste and epoxy resin.
Getting a set of 12 hybrid clones producing monoclonal antibodies (McAbs) to human IgG. Justification of criteria selection of McAbs with properties that provide indicators of information content developed on the basis of their methods of immunoanalysis.
Biotechnological approaches allow the production of transgenic plants with enhanced resistance to viruses. The main transgenic strategies for virus resistance include: RNA interference, coat protein-mediated resistance, and replicase-mediated resistance.
The purpose of our research is to summarize information about oil, the use of various fractions of natural and synthetic petroleum acids (boiling away in the ranges of 125-175°C, the synthesis of their water-soluble complex salts with alkanolamines).
Сlinical characteristics of patients with obturator internus muscle abscess. Axial section through the symphysis pubis. Treatment, the duration of which varies on the basis of clinical response in children with obturator internus muscle abscess.
Analyzes the contribution of occasional word formation to the expressiveness of the text. Focuses on a detailed description of the non-normative interaction of common creative bases and forms within the main parts of speech and word formation methods.
Exposures to harmful substances, dusts or gases on pulmonary disorders. The studying a violations of the normal functioning of the respiratory system. The acute form lung fibrosis. Occupational diseases of the respiratory system caused industrial dust.
Nanotechnology is a strategic area of investment. The impact of industry development on the workforce. Risks associated with nanoparticles, the potential to transform the structure of work. Ways to overcome the destructive consequences of nanotechnology.
Розгляд оcoбливocтей управління фінансовою стратегією підприємства в умовах кризи. Знайомство з прoблемними аcпектами заcтocування зарубiжних метoдiв oцiнки ризику банкрутcтва на вiтчизняних підприємствах. Аналіз етапів рoзрoбки фiнанcoвoї стратегії.