Study of the physiological harmfulness of xylophages that inhabit poplars and aspen in the Left Bank forest-steppe, taking into account the ability of these insects to inhabit trees of a certain sanitary condition. The average score of this factor.
The formation of the level of male sex hormones in ontogeny. Importance of the hypothalamus and the gonads in the development of the male reproductive system. The formation of female sex hormones. The activity of the ovaries after birth, menopause.
Ways to increase knowledge about the kinematic effect of the goal. Features of physiotherapeutic application of biomechanical indicators based on measurements of athletes engaged in taekwondo. Characteristics of tasks that reveal the speed dilemma.
Study of mutual influence between cultivated and weedy plants. The main herbicidal effect on the presence of weeds and their harmfulness in agrophytocenoses of winter wheat. Fall application of Ellai Super herbicide compared to spring application.
Characterization and study of bacterial diseases on agricultural crops and weeds under different cropping systems. The definition of biological properties, identification of pathogens, traditional and modern molecular-genetic methods of research.
Ukraine's experience in the field of phytosanitary expertise, the role of international standards. Drafts of national legislation in the field of quarantine and plant protection, which are adapted to EU legislation. State support for agriculture.
The article explores Ukraine’s experience in conducting phytosanitary expertise based on international standards. It was stated that Ukraine should develop a series of draft in national legislation in the field of quarantine and plant protection.
Development by Ukraine of a number of draft national legislation in the field of quarantine and plant protection, which will be adapted to the legislation of the European Union. Implementation of some structural reforms in the phytosanitary sector.
The increasing resistance of winter wheat crops to the effects of the common diseases, weeds and peiss for growing after the predecessors of six types of perennial leguminous grasses without using pesticides. Analysis of the number of cockchafer larvae.
The scientific article reveals the idea of unity of compositional and performing style. An example of multifaceted style self-expression in its systemic unity is the London and Vienna piano schools. Piano style (as part of the concept of pianism).
The purpose of the article is to study the mechanical-acoustic features and properties of the piano in a holistic relationship with the organization of musical space and artistic means of performance, which were formed in the process of musical practice.
Модифицированная Гарвардская архитектура 8-битных микроконтроллеров. Расширенное ядро микроконтроллеров среднего семейства. Контроллеры цифровой обработки сигналов dsPIC30F и dsPIC33F. Построение структурной схемы процессорного ядра микроконтроллеров.
Study of the concept of ekphrasis, its use in literary works. Status Quo in Ekphrasis Studies in Literary Studies and Cultural Studies. Study of ekphrasis regarding its typology, functions, ekphrastic genre invariants and reader perception of ekphrasis.
The concept of ekphrasis, its use in literary works. Review of the study of ekphrasis in literary studies and cultural studies: modern trends of study. Examples of description of ekphrasis in English poetry and prose, verbal means of its formation.
- 585. PID–регулирование
Основное применение и цель регулирования. Изучение видов PID-алгоритмов. Дискретная форма уравнения регулятора, стандартные функциональные блоки. Параметры таблицы контура исправления. Структура и свойства программы. Автонастройки и панель управления.
Describes macroscopic of piezoelectric response of a macroscopic array of nanorod crystals of cadmium sulfide. Research of irregular shape of six-sided polyhedron and demonstrate piezoelectric response similar to their counterpart crystals grown.
- 587. Piezoelectric roads
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of piezoelectric technology for the accumulation of energy produced by moving cars. Street lightening using piezoelectric roads. Electricity derived from fossil fuels. Israeli roads using piezoelectricity.
The use of laser defocuses microscopy as opportunities for accurate diagnosis and monitoring of the cornea syndrome pigment dispersion. Prospects for the diagnosis of pigment dispersion syndrome, the essence of dynamic microstructural observations.
Carnival component of the festival Lamu Maludi. Festival with elements of carnival and mystical Islamic ceremonies. Celebration of the appearance of the Prophet Muhammad. Sufism and the Sufi during the Lamu Milad-un-Nabi. The Veneration of the Prophet.
The paper presents the design of experimental cells, a description of materials for construction and construction process, and preliminary results. The objective of the work is proving which of the MBT fractions function better for methane degradation.
Correlating of the terms "object of criminal offense" and "object of criminal law protection". Determination of the object of offense composition provided for in Art. 303 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Pimping or involving a person in prostitution".
Особливості роботи артінституції західного зразка в Україні. Діяльність провідної приватної арт-галереї PinchukArtCentre. Ідея створення музею, її втілення у форматі центру сучасного мистецтва. Відкриття професійного глобального світу для молодих митців.
The role of Ukraine in the conclusion of the Brest-Litovsk peace. Events in Finland after the October Revolution, a history of independence from Russia. The consequences of the first attempt to establish Finnish-Ukrainian diplomatic and economic ties.
The concept features and nature of IT piracy and effect of information society on the emergence and spread of piracy on the Internet. Problems of the spread and speed of persistent violations, commission of acts of piracy, plagiarism in the Internet.
Analysis of the problems of legal regulation of piracy. Investigation of the state of robbery in the law of the sea. Finding ways to effectively respond to the growing renaissance of illegal activities at sea. Conducting acts of armed burglary of ships.
Washington's Central American base for countering the plague. The successes of the first phase of the "war on terror" in Central America. The problem of "engineering democratic consent". Middle East Terrorism and the American Ideological System.
Поняття предметних галузей Програми міжнародного оцінювання учнів PISA. Оцінювання математичної грамотності підлітків, їхньої здатності до використання знань і умінь з математики в життєвих ситуаціях. Визначення сутності математичної готовності.
Дослідження в Україні нитчастої зеленої водорості Pithophora Roettleri (Roth) Wittrock. Характеристика її розповсюдження у ставку парку "Феофанія" (місто Київ). Морфологічний опис знайдених зразків, мікрофотографії, характеристика мізцезростання.
Geographical, political and socio-economic history of the Pitrytsky Monastery in the Middle Ages and modern times. The connection of the monastery with the Krylo cathedral Sviatouspensky monastery. Its role as the spiritual court of the Galician diocese.
The main elements of the lobbying organization of Israel. The role of the ethnic group's momentum in creating a theater of interactions that promotes relations between the hegemonic United States and the strategically important country of Israel.