Phase transition for US gauge field is considered. A lower bound of the phase transition temperature by comparing of the average energy for the perturbative and nonperturbative regimes is estimated. In a scalar model of glueball its energy is calculated.
Information about the general state of technologies for the utilization of secondary energy resources and environmental resources. The essence of phase transitions in food production technologies. The possibility of creating energy-material circuits.
The paradigm as a contrast of a narradigm and as a displacement of the "subjective" by the "objective" picture of the reality using the scientific procedures. The heuristical, magical, philosophical, scientific and astroregulation phases of the paradigm.
The goals of journalism, features and means of creating modern media texts. Analysis of phatic meanings in two randomly selected issues of historical journals. Allocation of two groups of keywords that characterize the described era, event or person.
Statistics of cancer and cardiovascular diseases in the 1970s. The involvement of Polish intelligence in the transfer of medicines, active substances and other pharmaceutical products to Poland. Purchase of technical documentation on the black market.
Test of loess rocks to establish the mechanism of occurrence of the restructuring of the breed in filtering and presenting quantitative nature of the process of removal of soil material. The mechanism of formation of erosion gullies in the samples.
Knowledge economy as the development of economy, which is characterized by information society or knowledge society. Analysis of the main modern trends in the development of terminology and description of the paradigmatic characteristics of knowledge.
Truth as obviously a crucially important topic in a theory of knowledge. Consideration of the characteristics of transcendentalism and realism. The idea of a conceptual frame work as important in a consideration of the three philosophers in discussion.
The discovery of giant magnetic seasons granular thin films of alloys - the reason for the study the temperature coefficient of resistance, resistivity. Characteristics of schematic illustration of a single layer and tube current layered structure.
Comparing of the phenomenological content of the concepts "spirituality" and "religiousness". Description of the person's spiritual experience by means of a phenomenological method. Procedural laws of the transformation of spirituality into religiousness.
The role of the "shale revolution" in Estonia which increases the energy security. How significant are the changes triggered by generating energy from oil shale in Estonia. The problem of harmful emissions arising while generating electricity from shale.
Analysis of the implementation of political correctness and taboo discourse in the framework of multiculturalism, the essence of their political and historical context. The classification of taboos according to the concepts of H. Schroeder and R. Gazizov.
Criteria for determining the level of formation of professional language culture of future officers of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. Formation of the essence of the communicative competence of the future employee of the civil protection service.
Targeted advertising as a social phenomenon in a post-panoptic society. The evolution of advertising technologies. Specificity of modern social interaction of communications. Relationship between targeted advertising and behavior patterns of consumers.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease like one of the most common diagnoses made in a gastroenterology practice. Barrett’s Esophagus - an important clinical endpoint, which real significance is in its predisposition to becoming dysplastic and malignant.
The essence of the concept of "pheromones" and their biological significance. Various uses of pheromones in agriculture to control insect pests. The use of pheromone traps in the protection of plants from pests in the fields of cotton, kenaf, maize.
- 467. PHI-функции для моделирования ограничений включения в оптимизационных задачах балансной компоновки
Построение полного класса PHI-функций для моделирования отношения включения объектов, имеющих форму цилиндра, параллелепипеда, правильной призмы и шара в цилиндрический, параболоидный контейнер. Описание ограничения включения в аналитическом виде.
Підсумки інтродукції Philadelphus coronarius L. кавказького походження у насадженнях Національного ботанічного саду ім. М.М. Гришка НАН України. Порівняльно-морфологічне дослідження особин виду у складі культурфітоценозу за різних умов освітлення.
Legal regulation of the provision of charitable assistance in Ukraine during military operations. Development of instruments of national self-identification. Carrying out activities to make donations to the Ukrainian army in the form of virtual assets.
Features of the organization of religious life in the Philippines. Spanish and American influences on Philippine culture. Traditional festivities barrio fiestas to commemorate the feast days of patron saints. Features of the Philippines architecture.
Сучасні способи використання філософських методів пізнання в прикладних мілітарних дисциплінах. Світоглядні, історіософські, екзистенційні та логіко-епістемологічні аспекти війни. Використання філософських методів у побудові військових стратегій.
Studying the requirements for the information base and architectonics of a pragmatic theory, necessary to build a credible scientific theory of real pragmatics. Relative analysis with the construction of "theoretical knowledge" proposed by V.S. Steppe.
The study is aimed at considering self-reflection through an analysis of the features of internal dialogue in ancient texts XXII-XXI centuries in order to identify signs of human’s philosophical thinking. The contemplation of a person’s self-reflection.
The conflict between nature and society as an ecological crisis. Humanity as a factor in the change of the biosphere in the 20th. Humanistic view of nature, analysis of social development. Ecological foundations of solving the modern ecological crisis.
Philosophical comprehension of the essence of the phenomenon of leadership, its role and capabilities. Analysis, comparison of manifestations in the leadership of universal and specifically leadership origins. The essence of the personality of the leader.
Studying of essence of a problem of musical time in XX century music. The organization of sound events in a temporary continuum. Comparison of philosophical concepts of time of A. Bergson, E. Gusserl, Zh. Delez to musical compositions of New music.
The history of the development of the institution of the family in the Middle Ages. The relationship between the social and legal prerequisites for the formation of the institution of the family and ideological foundations of this financial institution.
The philosophical and scientific dialogue between Vladimir Vernadsky and Pavel Florensky in the context of Russian philosophy. The complementarity between Vernadsky’s and Florensky’s work with emphasis on their conception of noosphere-pneumatosphere.
Systematizes various ideas about psychological security in accordance with the logic of scientific knowledge: in the mainstream of classical, non-classical and post-nonclassical approaches. Defining an understanding of essence of psychological security.
Acquaintance with philosophical aspects of informatization of society. Consider the differences between the information capabilities of the Internet and the conventional media. Features of the development of social networks on the territory of Ukraine.