Related to the cardinal changes taking place in modern science and social practice and their significant effects on research issues in the field of theoretical and social philosophy. Analysis of the development of production, culture, education.
Comparative analysis of social management practices in different models of state management in the system of social work. Involvement of society in the management of social institutions, its inclusion in the management system of market mechanisms.
Relationship of a young person with education and with himself. Role of symbols and meanings in determining the attitude of a person to the world. Value relation of a young person to the world. The value of the aspect of the professional side of being.
Geopolitical reformatting of the world as a set of political, economic, technological relations in the context of digitalization. Main problems and prospects of the geopolitical reformatting of the world against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic.
Williamson acknowledges that "Armchair thinking is far from a "pure" method" and goes on to make some observations. He defends armchair philosophy as a variety of armchair science, like mathematics, or computer modeling in evolutionary theory, economics.
Of all the many changes of the world economy in recent decades, few have been nearly so dramatic as the resurrection of global finance. How can we explain the remarkable globalization of financial markets and what are its economic, political implications?
Stylistic march to the sound of the words or sentences. Onomatopoeia in English. Giving melodic sound statements using alliteration. The use of composite and incomplete rhymes with poetry writing. The rhythmic and stylistic organization of the text.
Analysis of the tendency to abstract and blur the semantic meaning of the word. Peculiarities of the use of expressive means in the poetry of Symbolists. Study of the main theme, motifs, images and stylistic techniques in the works of Baltrushaitis.
Phonetics as one of the main branch of linguistics. National and regional pronunciation variants in English. Analysis of the aspects of the sound matter of language. Intonation and prosody: definition, functions, components, spheres of application.
The branches of Linguistics about Speech Sounds. Functional Aspect of a Speech Sound. Methods of Investigation in Phonetics and Phonology. Segmental and Suprasegmental Levels in Phonetics. Realization of Segmental Phonemes in speech. Allophones.
The concept of intonation, its main characteristics. Intonation is a complex unity of four components: speech melody; sentence stress (word highlighting); tempo, pause and rhythm; timbre. Crystal prosodic effects associated with pitch movement or melody.
- 522. Phonological interference as a result of second-language learning in the period of globalization
The study of the English language as a foreign language in modern world. Analysis of the problem of phonological interference. The examples of phonological interference, the scientists' opinion about the causes and methods of eliminating this problem.
Significance of phonosemantic organization in text comprehension on different levels of analysis of sound symbolism. The objects of phonosemantics such as phenomena of sound symbolism and imitation. The relationship between comprehension and emotions.
The resources used by Ukrainian writers to create a sound image of the city in poetic discourse. Variants of combining different phonostylistic means within the context: onomatopoeic and asemantic occasionalisms, paronomasia, equiphony and metaphony.
Photocatalytic NaAuCl4 reduction by ethanol with participation of ZnO nanocrystals that results in the formation of gold nanocrystals with the mean size of 25–30 nm. Exceptional capability of gold nanocrystals to accumulate and retain negative charge.
The method of metal-stimulated etching and electrochemical anodic etching were compared. The photoelectric properties of the resulting structure are influenced by the processes of recharging traps. The highly sensitive photodiodes in solar energy.
Рассмотрение рhotoshop как программы, предназначенной для осуществления различных работ в области анимации, цифровой фотографии, обработки различного рода изображений перед печатью в типографии. Изучение основных особенностей функционирования программы.
Analysis of spectral characteristics of a steady state (excitation and emission) spectra of photoluminescence of europium included in the single crystal and glassy lithium tetraborate and silica to distinguish oxidation, the site-symmetry and morphology.
Technique of chemical etching as a promising method for creating nanostructures of si. The development of photovoltaic converters and methods of production resoursesaving for silicon micro - and nanostructures based on isotropic and anisotropic etching.
- 530. Phrase, enonce, enonciation як складові процесу каузації у межах лінгвістичної теорії Гюстава Гійома
Проблема співвіднесення французьких термінів "phrase", "епопеє", "enonciation", що використовуються на позначення синтаксичної конструкції, з етапами моделі каузації, обгрунтованої Г. Гійомом. Пошук українських термінів - аналогів французьких понять.
The main ways to avoid such errors; attention is focused on the fact that by understanding the causes of errors in translation, a specialist can avoid them. Reproduction of both the syntactic construction and the lexical composition of the original.
Studying the phrasemics of works of art by the well-known Ukrainian writer at the beginning of the 21st century Myroslav Dochynets,’ being-born in the Transcarpathia. Distinguishing national, transformed and individual author's phraseology in his prose.
The semantic and grammatical aspects of modern branch discourse on the example of French-language texts devoted to customs control. Afin de as a grammatical tool with a communicative orientation, which plays an important role in the formation of customs.
Phraseological units, set phrase and types of stability. Classification of phraseologisms by Vinogradov. Method of application. Semantic stability as the stability of meaning. Main features of the phraseological fusions, unities and combinations.
Phraseology as a subsystem of language. Types of phraseological units. Idioms classification. Pure, semi and literal idioms. Phraseological problems of translation: different combinability of words, homonymy, synonymy, polysemy of phraseological units.
General characteristics of phraseological units. Definition of the idiomatic and stable expressions denoting feelings, moods and states of a person, approaches to its classification. Contrastive analysis of phraseological units in English and Ukrainian.
Phraseological units that express gender stereotypes in the Azerbaijani language. Analysis of phraseological units that denote gender stereotypes. Features of phraseological units that reflect the relationship of the sexes in the Azerbaijani language.
The study of the terminological system of the tourism industry. Thematic groups and subgroups of terms. Basic translation methods. Examples of complex phraseological units and features of their functioning in the Ukrainian terminology of tourism.
William S. Maugham (1874-1965), british playwright, writer and short story writer, one of the most popular writers of his era. Examples of used idioms in his novels. The first success in the field of literature. Autobiographical notes "Looking back."
The process of forming a culture of business communication. Analysis of the semantic structure of phraseological units as part of the phraseosemantic field of business speech. Classification of phraseology in the field of business communication.