The novel work of B. Malamud as an integral part of English-language Jewish literature. Ways of finding identity in English-language Jewish literature. The problem of self-determination as the central theme of B. Malamud's works in his literary tradition.
Основные критерии и особенности взаимодействия с целевой аудиторией. PR-коммуникации В2В с целевой аудиторией на примере компании Vallorbe, а также В2С на примере Cartier. Их сравнительное описание, основные преимущества и недостатки применения.
- 3. Bacillariophyta водных экосистем арктических тундр западного Ямала (бассейн р. Харасавэйяха, Россия)
Характеристика планктона водоемов полуострова Ямал. Исследование альгофлоры водоемов и водотоков бассейна р. Харасавэйяха с помощью сканирующей электронной микроскопии. Оценка состояния водных экосистем. Сезонная динамика видовой структуры планктона.
Изучение видового состава, численности, биомассы, индексов видового разнообразия Шеннона и выравненности Пиелу. Оценка коэффициента Чекановского-Серенсена сообществ диатомовых водорослей перифитона экспериментальных пластин экстремально-эвтрофной бухты.
Исследование флоры диатомовых водорослей побережий Адриатического, Азовского и Эгейского морей, в экосистеме песчаного пляжа Адриатического моря. Изменения видового состава организмов, населяющих прибрежную зону, вследствие техногенного воздействия.
The goal is to reveal and analyze the historical prerequisites and reasons for the colonial expansion of European states on the African continent in the context of the formation of the world colonial system, to characterize the main ideological concepts.
Familiarity with the basic preconditions of innovative development of the food industry. Peculiarities of determining the competitiveness of alcohol production. Low level of technological base of enterprises of the alcohol industry is a systemic problem.
Evaluation of the main socio-economic indicators of Ukraine. Their comparison with similar economic indicators of the Western countries. Determination of the possibility of forming a national model of capitalism and the basic ways of transition to it.
Prerequisites for the establishment of the Kharkiv Steam Locomotive Plant. Periodization of the stages of the history of this enterprise. Conditions for choosing a construction site. The stage of establishment, formation of the plant in 1897-1914.
The essence of the concept of "competitiveness" of the enterprise. The most common methods for assessing the competitiveness of enterprises. The need to select the optimum factors for evaluating the competitiveness of enterprises with industry-specific.
The results of studies of bacterial root cancer of cherries in the conditions of the Ganja-Kazakh geographical zone during 2021—2023. Creating and development of a system of complex agrotechnical methods for combating bacterial root cancer of cherry.
The concept and the main causes of bad loans, an assessment of their prevalence in modern banking system of Ukraine. Their financial rationale and ways to solve this problem. The process of checking the quality of a bank loan, requirements to it.
The psychology of control negative emotions. The definition of what constitutes purposeful social behavior, allowing the person to cope with a difficult life situation. The effectiveness a coping behavior in the professional activities of bailiffs.
The value of balance budgeting to ensure quality planning of changes in assets that bring agricultural products and increase existing biological assets. Analysis and justification of the relationship of budgets with management balance sheet items.
Budgeting - the indicators vision of the state and the enterprise development for the future, in relation to available resources, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses. Corporate budgeting - the combination of flexible project management.
Increasing the efficiency of production enterprises as an important way to reduce the price of goods, works and services. Analytical support for the balanced development of industrial enterprises. Management of business processes of the enterprise.
- 17. Balanced scorecard - managerial method in sustainable development of smes under crisis conditions
The balanced scorecard (BSC) is a strategy performance management tool - a semi-standard structured report, supported by design methods and the automation tools that can be used by managers to keep track of the execution of activities by the staff.
Norms regulating globalization processes. Ideology of privatization and free market. The concept of state non-interference. Formulation of a development strategy that would encompass the principles of equality, justice and long-term sustainability.
Investigation of challenges associated with balancing participation in English as a Second Language classes that employ the communicative approach. Identification of effective strategies for managing the dynamics between dominating and passive students.
In the early bronze age, a system of equal partners emerged in the Balkans, based on a common economic platform, including the chiefdoms of Ezero, Yunatsite, Sitagroi in the south. The presence of an exchange of prestigious items controlled by the elite.
Genre sources and tradition of the ballad in the history of Europe. Influence of the Spanish romance on development its genre. The ballad in Renaissance and during Modern times. Development of a genre of the literary ballad, its role in art development.
Analysis the problem of restrictions to the principle of objective truth in administrative proceedings in view of evidentiary bans. The ban on priest’s interrogation about the facts he or she found out during confession is absolute and with no exceptions.
Розкриття нових засобів та методів використання комп'ютерних технологій у сучасній музичній практиці на прикладі опису роботи та широких можливостей програми для аранжування секвенсора Band-in-a-Box. Розгляд спливаючого списку інструментів-фаворитів.
Висвітлення перебігу та закономірностей участі української допоміжної поліції генерального округу Київ у ліквідації радянського руху опору на його території. Діяльність поліції як допоміжної сили під час антипартизанської війни в Україні та Білорусі.
The article summarizes the use of bandura in the compositional ideas of Maryna Denysenko, a famous Ukrainian composer (1962-2022). The nature of the bandura use in the artist’s works suggests the process of the academicization of the instrument.
The use of bandura in M. Denysenko's compositional ideas. The level of technical mastery and artistic perfection that corresponds to the trends in modern music. Stylistic features of the composer's creative method, folklore themes in musical language.
Glacial Moraine is one of the gems Banff National Park. Characteristics of visiting the Canadian Rockies. Analysis of the prevalence of a large cave system, glaciers and lakes in the Canadian Reserve. It features pristine ecosystems in the world.
Features of the functioning of the world economy in modern conditions. World financial crisis. The problematic aspects of the development of the economies of countries and the interrelations between them. Reforming the world financial architecture.
Characteristics of the phenomenon of mass bankruptcies of Russian banks in the period from 2013 to 2019. Features of identifying effective banking strategies that can positively affect its results. Consideration of the functions of credit institutions.
- 30. Banking business
A bank is a financial intermediary that accepts deposits and channels those deposits into lending activities, either directly by loaning or indirectly through capital markets. Examples of statutory definitions banking business. Since the advent of EFTPOS.