Considers a mandatory component of linguistic provision of system of automatic natural language processing - automatic morphological analysis. Examines difficulties that prevent unifying process of tagging text units, namely lexical-grammatical homonymy.
Дослідження явища контамінації фольклору та людської свідомості через призму міфологічних образів у фільмі Роберта Еґґерса "Маяк". Використання фольклорних образів для створення авторського наративу в кінематографі. Дешифрування міфологічних елементів.
Klassifizierung der verbalen Tabus im deutschen Sprachkultur. Charakteristisches Phanomen der sprachlichen Tabu in der Linguistik, kulturelle Besonderheit dieses Phanomens. Analyse Tabus sprachliche Klassifikationen, ihre Typologie und Eigenschaften.
Building an expert system using the visual basic language version. Study of the required information on the various stages of production of powder metallurgy products and with special emphasis on cutting tools for the user to gain in-depth knowledge.
- 845. Developing civic competence through the art of the word (based on K. Gordienko’s literary works)
Civic competence - an important condition for the existence of an intercultural, democratic society. Defining the role of K. Gordienko and his works in the literary context of artistic and aesthetic searches of ukrainian literature of the XX century.
Use of texts as a means of providing grammatical, lexical and content knowledge. Generalization, evaluation and interpretation of the content in writing. Use newspaper articles to develop critical thinking. Method of group activities in the classroom.
Development of academic discourse of high school students in the framework of the elective course. Identification of the attitude of teachers and students to project activities by conducting two surveys. Study a elective academic English course.
Study of mental and psychological mechanisms involved in the perception and understanding of oral speech. Identifying difficulties in listening to English speaking students. Development of skills to notice phonological modifications of coherent speech.
- 849. Developing the system of exercises for teaching translation skills to students of it-specialties
Development of a system of exercises for teaching students to translate, which consists of three groups: preparatory, operational, and translational (interpretation) exercises. Identification of basic skills and abilities of translation IT specialists.
Lexicon - an ideal combination of all possible dictionaries that becomes of particular importance in the era of information explosion and time deficit. Thesaurus - a set of terms representing the amount of human knowledge of a specific subject field.
Models of communication in social psychology. Overview of basic communication strategies. Manipulation as a specific form of intercourse. The essence of the implicit and explicit psyche. Analysis of the impact of social desirability in measurements.
The article analyzes various aspects of the development of academic writing skills in a foreign language. The formation of certain methodological directions in this area; methods of teaching a foreign language and improving practical orientation.
Software development using modern C++ programming language. Construction of computer animation ideas. Feature flowchart application. The choice of components for batch operations. Characteristic of the efficiency of creating and debugging applications.
A feature of reducing the discharge from the nose when using combined nasal drops Grippotsitron Rinos. Determination of the quantitative content of phenylephrine hydrochloride in the drug by spectrophotometry in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum.
Analysis of the formation of the abilities and skills of coherent speech as one of the main problems of modern language teaching methods. Innovations that affect the effectiveness of pedagogical influence and the formation of a linguistic personality.
Development of motivational and cognitive components in future primary school teachers in the mountains. Characteristics of the main shortcomings in the formation of operational, transformational and value components of technological competence.
Familiarity with the stages of evolution of word-formation processes in the German language. Features of the study of the origin, semantics and historical dynamics of word-formation tools at different stages of the diachrony of the German language.
The use of quantitative and qualitative methods to identify significant lexical changes and study the relationships between sociolinguistic factors. Identifying correlations between sociolinguistic variables and the development of English vocabulary.
The first period of development of Scottish Gaelic lexicography - the period of glossaries. Historical period of development of lexicography. The author discusses the diachronic and synchronic analysis of lexicographic sources, singles out common.
Reasons for failure of grammatical gender in the English language. Review of phonetic, functional concepts. A scientific explanation of the departure from the language of the grammatical gender in the English language. Study of the category of gender.
Regarding the reasons for the failure of the grammatical gender in English, scientists have put forward different. The fact that each of the natural languages spoken in the world has a Proto-Language at its origin is one of the controversial issues.
The association of Q-fever with variable rates of abortion in ruminant animals. The peculiarity of diagnosing, based on clinical symptoms or postmortem examination. Conducting preliminary infection surveys at the herd level using serological methods.
The main diagnostic methods of enterprise development, which is based on finding the best structure of economic resources, the sources of their formation, provided the appropriate level of profitability. Application of the ways of expert estimates.
Consideration of V.I. Dal's dictionary as an important source of knowledge about language and the world. History of the creation of the dictionary, its reprints. Verbal reflection of the centuries-old history of the living Great Russian language.
Die Verwendung des arabismus als lexikalische einheit im ausland als kognitive und semantische Merkmale des modernen deutschen journalistischen diskurses. Bedeutung des interkulturellen aspekts der interpretation und wahrnehmung dieser Arabismen.
The study of grammatical construction in the vocabulary of the English. Characteristics of lexical differences in American and British languages. Differences between voiced and voiceless consonants. A study of the evolution of the English language.
History of American and British English origin. Similarities and differences between American and British English languages: Lexical and grammatical differences, pronunciation. Differences of British and American of B. Jones’s Diary by H. Fielding.
Analysis of the phonetic dichotomy of British and American uses of English. Consideration of examples of differences in the pronunciation of vowels and consonants in personal names. Features of the articulatory base and changing the place of emphasis.
Purposes of slang or its use as examples from the literature. Semantic-syntactic analysis of slang used metaphorically. Words, expressions belong to the living informal communication, and they are common to all languages. Interpretation of colloquialism.
Characteristics of slangs, which usually differ significantly from the norms of the literary language. Study of their cognitive connection of these ideas, classification of slang. Analysis the use of words from a social and functional point of view.