• The inner form of the somatic constructions in English phraseological units of Latin and French origin. The etymological investigation and the analysis of the inner form of the phraseological units of Latin and French origin with somatic constructions.

    статья (57,7 K)
  • The definition of the English units of phraseology. Differences of phraseological units from free-word-groups semantically and constructively. Their structural classification. Idiomatic devices covered in grammar as a special syntax combination.

    реферат (15,1 K)
  • Phraseology how a new linguistics science. A degree for motivation of the phrases. The basic principles by academician Vinogradov in the Russian language, which may be also taken in English language. The studies set expressions and stock phrases.

    презентация (29,5 K)
  • Study of the culture and cultural ties of the countries of the world between nations with different cultures. The main qualities of the English character: snobbery, stiffness, conservatism, home life, individuality. The nominal value of proper names.

    статья (14,3 K)
  • The scientific article is devoted to the consideration of the main categories of English modern scientific and technical text. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the concept of scientific and technical text in detail, to indicate the main approaches

    статья (20,2 K)
  • Analysis of the existing classifications of stylistic devices and figures of speech in English. The essence, structure, types, usage and functioning of stylistic and lexical structures in sentences and texts of English and American writers and poets.

    учебное пособие (736,0 K)
  • The principles of the word formation process in the English language. About affixation in linguistics. Structural and semantic types of compounds. Word-building shortening. Blending reduplication and back-formation. New abbreviations and acronyms.

    реферат (165,6 K)
  • Systematization of the scientific views of linguists on the definition of business discourse in linguistics and the definition of its features as one of the institutional types of discourse. Conditions of interaction of political discourse communicators.

    статья (34,5 K)
  • The features of intersemiotic translation of a literary text which is considered to be an expression of the author’s modality as a set of signs of various semiotic systems. The linguistic and non-linguistic means of expressing modality in a literary text.

    статья (223,5 K)
  • The analyses an issue that is in the focus of attention in the present day: the genesis of establishment and development of Ukrainian graphics and orthography. The theoretical aspects the vocal language in writing, the linguistic and cultural factor.

    статья (32,9 K)
  • The influence of structural features on the behavior of participants in intercultural interaction. Comparison of the stages of the negotiation process as a situation of touch with levels of mismatch in order to identify situations of cultural dissonance.

    статья (294,3 K)
  • Figuring out how the South African government can improve service delivery while in a state of instability, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. A comprehensive study of a number of secondary literary sources. The need for additional research.

    статья (1,5 M)
  • English textbook for grade 7. Topics for study: "The World teenagers' competition", "School education", "Sport is fun". Verb tenses. Verb s followed by the -ing form or by to. Viparison of adjectives and adverbs. List of personal and geographical names.

    учебное пособие (5,7 M)
  • Genauigkeit, spezifitat, eindeutigkeit und ableitung sind typische merkmale der geliehenen begriffe. Die ukrainische medizinische terminologie - ein element des sprachsystems, verbunden mit dem prozess der terminologie der alten slawischen worter.

    статья (21,0 K)
  • Creation of basic principles of formation of eponyms. Consideration of the differences in the use of eponyms in the medical terminology of Bulgarian and English clinical cases and their comparison with the original languages - Latin and Ancient Greek.

    статья (36,4 K)
  • Analysis of the ergative sentence construction, ergativity in the Lezgi language according to the theory of I.A. Melchuk. The effectiveness of M. Baker's theory of dependent case. Uniformity of ergative coding techniques. Theory of asymmetric coding.

    статья (70,7 K)
  • Protestant review of the biblical doctrine of hell. Analysis of the need for comprehension of this object of research and its reflection in modern postmodern society. Characteristics of the main groups of people denying the existence of Hell on Earth.

    статья (22,1 K)
  • The peculiarity of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and increased sensitivity of the esophagus to acid. The main characteristic of comparing basic impedance levels in patients without esophagitis, but with heartburn and regurgitation.

    статья (133,5 K)
  • The main periods in the history of the English language as a subject. Formation of Germanic states in Britain. The system of writing in Old English period. Runic alphabet, its notable features. Types of runic inscriptions. The letters and pronunciation.

    курсовая работа (338,0 K)
  • Overview of the ethnolinguistic and sociolinguistic contact in Lycia in the Late Bronze and the Early Iron Age resulting from the sea-borne connections of the region. The ethnic names of the Lycians. Deep structural influence of Greek on Lycian.

    статья (366,0 K)
  • Methods of humor in major ethnic jokes. Features of intercultural stereotypical images. Misunderstanding many cultural anecdotes other cultures. The characteristic forms and uses of creative stories. Distribution theory advantages of people's banter.

    статья (301,6 K)
  • Study of the leading strategies and tactics of reproduction in the translation into Ukrainian of ethnopsycholinguistic English stereotypes. Classification of levels of communicative competence of translators. Improvement of modern linguistic studies.

    статья (92,0 K)
  • Traditions that tell about the myths of the origin of peoples. Thematic contours of Indo-European texts containing ethnogonic myths. Prototext that gave impetus to the genesis of ethnonyms, the names of totems, the names of their own tribal leaders.

    статья (21,7 K)
  • The concept of ethnophaulism and soderzhaniii part of the language of hatred. The significance of hate speech in the high isolation of individual ethnic groups. Ethnophaulism in social networks and their use in the US media to shape public opinion.

    дипломная работа (47,2 K)
  • Semantic analysis of the word flapper as a designation of the sociocultural stereotype of the 1920s in America. Motivation of the designation of the primary image as its kinetic characteristic. Perception of youth and immaturity on a metaphorical basis.

    статья (271,6 K)
  • Focuses on research and reconstruction of etymological models of adverbs in the Old and Middle English periods. It has been hypothesized that the ability of adverbs to form degrees of comparison is presupposed by the fact whether their protoforms had.

    статья (30,1 K)
  • Translation as loans are words and expressions formed from the material already existing in the British language. General characteristics of English and Ukrainian vocabulary, familiarity with the features. Place French loanwords in English dictionary.

    контрольная работа (22,4 K)
  • Word-composition as a highly productive way of developing the vocabulary in The Old English. Familiarity with important distinctive features of Germanic languages at the lexical level. Consideration of the influence of Latin on Old English dictionary.

    реферат (21,0 K)
  • Revealing the views of the prominent European linguists of the XIX - early XXI century on the importance of etymology for the studies of the lexical meanings of words. The perspectives of cooperation of etymology and semasiology in modern linguistics.

    статья (16,8 K)
  • Etymology as a branch of lexicology. Outstanding characteristics of the native word stock. Direct and indirect (via an intermediary language) borrowings. The channels, layers and specific features of the borrowings in English. Hybrids and doublets.

    лекция (27,9 K)