Opening of features of maintenance and description basic tactician of English communication. Research of components of strategy of "Distancing politeness" in the context of anglo-saxon cultural tradition and mean of its linguistic realization in English.
Authentication of distinctive features of the Australian accent. How the accent is perceived by artificial bilinguals of Russian origin? A little bit about the history of Australian English. The accent is perceived positively among artificial bilinguals.
Using passive and participial, ligaments, objects, attributes, and other modifiers in the explanatory function. Neutral and book vocabulary. The use of proper names and titles. Accurate use of punctuation. The use of long periods with adventitious.
The concept of term, terminology and their characteristic features with an emphasis on the informative function. A role in the processes of terminologizing and determinologizing the context and stylistic coloring of expressions with the use of terms.
The concept of distress as a cognitive, linguistic and social phenomenon conceptualized in media discourse using polarized lexical means and metaphors. Identifying its mental construct and means of actualization in the social context of the media.
Research into the main differences between American and British English. The aspects of the research are unsimilarities in phonetics, spelling and grammar. Moreover, historical and cultural causes of this diversity are presented and characterized.
Clarifying the nature of Russia's intentions during the tangles in Eastern Ukraine in 2014-2015 and in Georgia in 2008. Characteristics of the participation of the Russian government in armed conflicts in different political and economic conditions.
Characterization of the discursive features of discourses in the course of discussions on the topic of Islamic moral order on Arab Twitter, which are impolite. A historical shift in Islamic moral order, the role of impoliteness in digital communication.
Analysis of voting Ukrainian feet, moving to the place of residence in regions where relatively higher local spending on education, healthcare and social security per one person. Content fiscal decentralization and promote internal migration in Ukraine.
Ознайомлення з розумінням documentary comics у сучасному мультидисциплінарному науковому просторі. Характеристика методик нелінійної історіографії (наративної, усної історії, комеморації) та постдокументалізму. Розгляд правдивості суб'єктивної оцінки.
Analysis of verbs with pandemic as subject and object as a representative group of word combinations in media texts. A metaphorical image of disaster. Reflecting the starting point or describing the problems that people had to face during the pandemic.
Study of the dominant features of King's individual style, realization of the atmosphere of fear and horror in literary works. Means of their reproduction in Ukrainian translation. Review of characters' speech coloring, psychological atmosphere.
Estimate of frequency prevalence of alleles of the DRD4 gene in nomadic and urban residents of the north of Western Siberia. Preparation of samples of buccal epithelium cells for polymerase chain reaction. The essence of finding differences in children.
The describes the present day position of the Frisian language as one of the minority and regional languages of Europe. Organizations which are involved in the documentation and safeguarding of Frisian and other regional and minority languages in E
The steps: the analysis of the word lexical meaning in diachrony, the definitional analysis of the word lexical meaning in synchrony, the distributional analysis of the lexemes in the phrase, the analysis of the units functioning in the socio-political.
Creating a theoretical diffraction patterns for a multilayer system with a non-uniform profile of the crystal deformation and randomly distributed defects. The main characteristic of garnet yttrium-iron grown on a gadolinium-gallium garnet substrate.
The echo-question as a peculiar type of interrogative response-statements. Pragmatic types of echo-questions, their correlation with its ability to eliminate information gaps of various nature. Communicative effect of echo-question on the listeners.
The main goal of the study is to characterize the key linguistic ways of expressing environmental reflection at its individual and collective levels of perception of information by human consciousness in Russian, English and French media discourses.
Decline in fertility of soils and quality of agricultural products. Necessity of wide introduction in practice of modern principles of ecologization of production. Proposal of a systematic solution of environmental problems in the agriculturalist sphere.
Problem of environmental education, which should be addressed at the stages of continuous environmental education. Preparation of generation of ecological culture as a need of society. The contribution of a foreign language to the solution of this issue.
The study of the nature and basic properties of the environmental management system from the standpoint of a synergistic approach. The essence of the institutional support of environmental management systems and the main approaches to its formation.
The main linguistic characteristics of the English economic discourse: minimum usage of tropes and figures of speech, the use of persuasive devices, neologisms, idioms and numerous abbreviations used with the aim of compressing the transmitted knowledge.
The translation of economic terminology from the English language into Ukrainian. Structural and semantic potential of lexical units for the designation of phenomena and concepts of field in the aspect of its interpretation through recipient language.
Linguistic and cultural analysis of edifying words collected during the associative experiment, on the basis of which the Kazakh Associative Dictionary was created. Linguistic consciousness of the ethnic group, elements of the Kazakh language culture.
Prestigious, interesting and popular of studying in England and Great Britain. Compulsory schooling in England and education in Britain. Features of primary and secondary school. Basic rules of conduct in the educational institutions of the country.
Рublic schools and private schools in the United States. The history of evolution of free public schools. Educational statistics in the United States. Characteristic of educational stages. The problem of transporting students to and from school.
Преимущества игровой и развлекательной форм обучения при преподавании иностранных языков. Понятие, сущность и история развития edutainment. Роль и функции преподавателей при проведении занятий с использованием инновационных технологий изучения языка.
Brief biography of E. Sapir. Analysis of the scientist's contribution to the development of linguistics. Study of classification of American Indian languages by E. Sapir. Characteristic of criteria of establishing the structural types of languages.
Supply an organism of young children with omega-3. Test of the high frequency of acute respiratory diseases, as well as functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in babies whose mothers did not use seafood during their pregnancy and lactation.
- 930. Effect of physical training teacher qualifications on the motor activity of primary school pupils
Analysis of differences in the definition of motor skills in children 7-9 years on the basis of the qualification of teachers of physical education in elementary school. Improving the level of motor fitness of schoolchildren with the help of mentors.