The definition of a supply chain, the role of artificial intelligence in its management, the benefits and challenges of applying artificial intelligence. in today's world, effective supply chain management is a key success factor for many companies.
Анализ преимуществ использования Indoor рекламы для формирования потребительского поведения используемыми магазинами повседневного спроса перед другими коммуникативными средствами. Рассмотрение особенностей развития коммерческой деятельности в России.
Logistical and geographical features of catering - one of contemporary forms of restaurant services. Providing catering logistics far from production facilities (so-called "touring" catering). Essence of social catering and specificity of its logistics.
Сущность и роль социальных сетей в развитии Influencer маркетинга. Определение подходов к изучению потребительского поведения в соцсетях. Анализ уровня привлекательности публикаций инфлюэнсеров социальной сети Instagram; характеристика респондентов.
Devoted to the study of the content features of the conceptualization the interaction between economic and socio-cultural needs. It was found that the management of consumption needs is determined by economic, socio-cultural and communication factors.
The development of digital technologies allows companies to use more opportunities to conduct their activities, improve their products. Significant interest in innovations in analytics is revealed by scientific interest in this topic among researchers.
The peculiarities of Ukrainian milk and dairy products market under current conditions. Steps to improve the competitiveness of milk processing factories by implementing innovations in their product sales policy. The effectiveness of such measures.
Assessment of the development of e-commerce at modern stages. The main trends and prospects of the formation of social media marketing. Directions and sequence of stages of improving the effectiveness of marketing in networks. Branding strategies in them.
Analysis of trends in the development of marketing in social networks. Research on innovations for product promotion in social networks. Use of web analytics, video advertising, influencer marketing. Transforming social networks into marketplaces.
Analysis of marketing strategies that can be used by start-up companies to ensure rapid growth, attract customers and create a brand identity. Development of a multi-criteria model of optimization of marketing strategies. Overview of resource allocation.
Mechanisms of Integrated Marketing Communications on the Internet, depending on the company's goals for product promotion. Consideration of Integrated Marketing Communications as an event of the vision of market interaction, the method of communication.
Big data as the most important things of any organization. For small and medium enterprise, it is tough to maintain IT team sections. How these small and medium enterprises can be benefited by using these big data tools we figure out these solutions.
Levels of interaction between the public and private sectors in the field of public marketing. Analysis of the questionnaire for conducting an expert survey among representatives of tourist enterprises and authorities. Mechanism of selection of experts.
Tendencies to interdisciplinarity that force organizations to search for concepts from different areas of science. The role of the concept of internal control and management talent in the competitive process of obtaining advantage in the marketplace.
The defines strategic trend of the development of the sphere of higher education is the search and implementation of an effective marketing strategy designed to ensure the competitiveness of the university in the target market of educational services.
The state of e-commerce in Ukraine. Indicators characterizing the current state of the e-commerce market. Problems that inhibit the development of Internet business. Advantages, disadvantages, weaknesses and strengths of SWOT analysis of e-commerce.
Analysis of e-branding of the Lidl brand. A marketing strategy aimed at retaining existing customers and attracting new ones. Development of events that present the brand, interest buyers, maintain relations between senders and receivers of the product.
The history of the establishment of McDonald's. Market share of McDonald is 27 percent in US market. The unique business model — the excellent suppliers and employees — is the reason McDonald’s is the world’s largest quick-service restaurant brand.
A study of factors affecting the sales of Samsung Galaxy 4. Designing, developing sophisticated database structures and systems the telephone. The study of the pricing strategy. Consideration of the company's activities, telephone sales profitability.
Evaluation of strategic potential of Isabelle Camille, the ability of the company to meet the expectations of Russian distributors. Recommendations for the development of a conceptual commercial equipment with the symbols of the trademark of the company.
Founding the company, the names of the founders and first tailoring shirts. Formation of the new brand and the first store Karen Millen. Expansion of chain stores. Interesting facts of Karen Millen. Feature of women's clothing produced by Karen Millen.
Characteristics of the dynamics of the telecommunications industry on the example of all-Russian operators represented by the largest companies from the so-called "Big Three", which occupies more than half of the Russian market and subscriber base.
Обзор основных понятий и этапов реализации системы ключевых показателей эффективности проекта рекламной кампании в Интернете. Способы рекламы в интернете, изучение методологий проектного управления. Показано место KPI в структуре бизнес-процессов.
Research of the concept of manipulation in advertising slogans of fast food restaurants. Templates that are often used to subconsciously influence customers. Manipulative means inherent in advertising: "unique trade offer" and "adjustment to values".
Розкриття особливостей та обґрунтуванню переваг застосування технології Live streaming у цифровому маркетингу та у маркетингових стратегіях комунікації. Канали та методи у цифровому маркетингу в технології Live streaming. Типи стримінгових платформ.
The analysis of road transport complex problems and logistic consulting as a concept. Definition of the place and role of logistics consulting as an instrument for ensuring the competitiveness of road transport complex enterprises in modern business.
Identify the areas for improvement of logistics and marketing support in the oil and fat export supply chain. Acquaintance with indicators of world export of vegetable edible oil. Study of key elements of the supply chain of oil and fat products.
The revealing factors of increasing the efficiency of enterprise’s logistic activity in a dynamic market environment, which can create competitive advantages related to logistics processes, due to changes in the priorities of value chain formation.
The leading luxury fashion brands in product design and brand communications. The ability of brands to work with digital design in terms of aesthetics and three-dimensional structures due to the development of digital technologies, complex visuals.
To highlight the ways of marketing labeling of agricultural products as an effective aspect of doing business and their interpretation in a form understandable to consumers. A study of optimization and the right choice of marketing labeling methods.