- 61. Analysis of the impact of social networks on customers’ decision to buy online: research concept
The discusses in detail the theoretical foundations of the development of Internet commerce and the factors influencing the decision to online from the point of view of the concept of Web 2.0. The factors of social networks in making a purchase decision.
The target audience of bottled mineral and drinking water Nestle Uzbekistan. Distinctive features of mineral bottled water. The range of strategic options for further development of the company. Recommendations to further promote of the brand Nestle.
Analysis of the specifics of e-commerce development. Legal regulation of the relationship between buyer and seller of goods, works and services on the Internet. Improving the Law of Ukraine "On E-Commerce" in order to eliminate the grounds for abuse.
Analysis of the commercial real estate market. Impact of shopper demographic profile on perception of anchor store and entertainment industries. Survey as the main method of collecting data in the development and correction of marketing strategies.
Consideration of the aspect of the anchor shops of the shopping center and their impact on consumers. Analysis of the influence of demographic profile on the perception by customers of a certain store. Development of marketing strategies by managers.
The features of marketing activities in conditions associated with the spread of coronavirus infection. COVID-19 has shocked the world, left many economies in dire straits. The pandemic has accelerated their implementation in the daily life of companies.
Anticrisis marketing is a part of the anticrisis management of the enterprise. It should be noted that the choice of a marketing strategy in terms of crisis management depends on countless number of factors of the external and internal environment.
Marketing trends for companies: development of ways to satisfy customers, formation of their loyalty to the brand, development of competitive strategies. Examples of using the concept of customer orientation in a trade organization with the help of AI.
The use of marketing relations in tourism companies. The analysis of the foundations relationship marketing, especially this type of marketing versus other forms of interaction with customers. The essence of loyalty programs in the travel services.
Анализ применения технологий виртуальной и дополненной реальности (VR и AR) в маркетинговых стратегиях. Рассмотрение ключевых направлений использования VR и AR, их влияния на вовлеченность потребителей и эффективность маркетинговых коммуникаций.
The influence of the perception of the quality of service and the perception of value by the client on the relationship between the hallmarks of the restaurant and the intention of customers to return. Customer experience in full-service restaurants.
The existing conditions need developing the new approaches to managing the economy from the standpoint of marketing, forecasting and developing the strategies to ensure the effectiveness of the functioning the individual industries and the state.
Nowadays, market relations are increasingly becoming the main factors in regulating the fish products production, affecting the price level and dynamics and other activity indicators. Modern parameters of developing the domestic fishing industry.
Assessment of the process of maintaining the image of an innovative enterprise as a factor of its competitiveness in the face of new challenges and threats. Analysis of the authors ' approaches to evaluating the process of forming and maintaining.
- 75. ATL и BTL
Определение ATL (above-the-line) и BTL (below-the-line), их целевые аудитории, виды (печатные СМИ, телевидение, радио, реклама в кинотеатрах, outdoor (наружная реклама), indoor (реклама в местах продаж), на автотранспорте и в Интернете) и инструментарий.
Control of deliveries and shipments as the basic function of the warehouse logistics. The problem of customer interaction in the company of wholesale trade. Customer engagement - a basis of strategy of survival and growth for the company in the market.
Analysis of survey data managers of logistics companies operating throughout Eastern Europe, the existence of integrated systems of business management. The functionality of such systems and the extent of their implementation in daily practice managers.
Основные критерии и особенности взаимодействия с целевой аудиторией. PR-коммуникации В2В с целевой аудиторией на примере компании Vallorbe, а также В2С на примере Cartier. Их сравнительное описание, основные преимущества и недостатки применения.
Study of modern trends in the development of banking marketing in the context of global digitalization of all spheres of social life. Increasing penetration of the Internet into the banking system. Characteristics of digital banking marketing tools.
Study of modern trends in the development of banking marketing in the context of global digitalization of all spheres of social life. Increasing penetration of the Internet into the banking system. Review of the main digital banking marketing tools.
- 81. Basic principles of building relationships with frontline personnel within internal marketing system
Analysis approach to appraisal of frontline personnel using competency approach and different stages of life cycle, with satisfaction and loyalty. Principles of building the relationships with frontline personnel in the system of internal marketing.
Overview of multisided platform concept: definitions and evolution of approaches. Multisided platforms as a new business model. Advantages and disadvantages of multisided platform approach in the fast-moving consumer goods industry. FMCG industry.
The understanding of BigData is understood as the main factor in the transition to the personalized approach to the future behavior. Viznachennya, with a kind of BigData rank, is pouring in on marketing dіyalnіst of the most important business.
Consumer market analysis is part of a successful business. Consideration of the concept of Big Data as a factor in the transition to a personalized approach in the study of consumer behavior. Big Data and its impact on the marketing activities companies.
Feature of rivalry, with the participation of Airbus and Boeing in the international market of aircraft. The international competition, trade disputes in the market of the aircraft. The main reasons for trade disputes between the United States and Europe.
The relevance of scientific research is due to the establishment of the brand as the most valuable asset of the company. Brand audit appears as a preparatory step for developing or correcting brand positioning, clarifying its development strategy.
Problems of imitation of brands in the specific conditions of the postmodern economy, when material objects are actually replaced by their simulacra. Ramification of the terms "brand leader", "brand imitator" in the English-speaking Internet environment.
- 88. BTL реклама
Комплекс маркетинговых коммуникаций. Сегментирование участников российского рынка. Перспективы и тенденции развития рекламы. Продвижение и стимулирование сбыта. Мерчендайзинг как комплекс мероприятий, направленных на продвижение того или иного товара.
Концептуализация и анализ BTL как инновационной рекламной технологии. Определение понятия "BTL-коммуникаций" и области их применения в рекламе. Анализ динамики и статистики украинского рекламного рынка, места и доли сектора BTL рекламы, ее подвидов.
Анализ статистики украинского рекламного рынка, исследование его объемов, структуры и данных по основным рекламным категориям за 2012-2013 годы. Определение понятия "BTL-коммуникаций" и области их применения в рекламе как маркетингового воздействия.