Упровадження рекламної комунікації у сучасному українському суспільстві. Розвиток нових жанрів та платформ у соціальних комунікаціях. Digital-реклама як один із шляхів упровадження товару. Характеристика цифрової реклами як сучасного інтернет-жанру.
Анализ эмоциональной эффективности digital-инструментов при продвижении услуг компаний из сферы онлайн-образования. Успешное выстраивание маркетинговых стратегий. Ключевые инструменты digital-продвижения, их особенности, преимущества и недостатки.
Classification sellers on the principle of the price mechanism in the market of durable goods. The impact of product quality on the success of trading income. Assessment purchasing power. The essence of the problem of adverse selection in markets.
The impact of e-commerce on the economy. Statistical assessment of the development of e-commerce in the era of globalization. E-commerce market development trends. Types of Internet e-commerce markets, the most popular specialized shopping sites.
Marketing channels and omni-channel marketing analytics. Segmentation of users based on contest status. Development of recommendations for marketing strategy in E-mail channel for real company based on CRM data analysis. Identification of the problem.
Статья посвящена выявлению новых методов проведения рекламной кампании на предприятиях сферы услуг – e-mail рассылки. Анализ эффективности Интернет-обращений, современные и действующие способы написания e-mail сообщений, механизмы предотвращения спама.
Green marketing as the marketing of products that must be environmentally friendly. Analysis of the problems of forming a positive perception of the enterprise by potential consumers as environmental. Familiarity with the functions of an ecological hotel.
Practical guidelines for the study methods of conducting strategic operations planning and marketing decision-making for Telecom operators, employees of the departments of communication, Internet service providers or telecommunications agencies.
The study of interaction of advertising effectiveness to its level and type of promotion products. Certain preferred mode of product promotion to the consumer. The study of the effectiveness of price discounts and bonuses on all advertising levels.
Customer lifetime value like one of the key business indicators which we can predict net income, as well as future relations between the company and the client. Characteristics of the several measurements and evaluations of recommendation systems.
Identified the main types of strategic business units value: the market value, liquidation value, replacement cost, cost of reproduction, the investment cost. Analysis of expectations about the state of business activity of the industrial enterprises.
Customer is the main hero of online trade game, so there are online marketing communications to be involved to use the conception of social-ethic marketing. Personification influences on the instruments and online marketing communications approaches.
Based on an analysis of world trade in services, the most important areas of regional trade agreements have been identified. Finding ways to expand agreements on partnership and cooperation in the provision of services (for example, transport services).
Trends in the development of e-Commerce in Europe results of the monitoring sites of different countries. Analysis of payment and competitive advantages, which are used in Europe in the online stores. Development of the map of sensitivity of the consumer.
The evaluation of the economic efficiency of the advertising campaign of small and medium-sized businesses and the principles of their Application the use of advertising campaign tools in the context of planning the marketing budget of the enterprise.
Factors that affect customers of choosing addictive products. Dissection received performance on people’s attitude of being targeted. Marketing of electronic cigarettes. Development of recommendations for improving marketing strategy in the future.
Сущность и задачи event-маркетинга. Его основные инструменты и виды. Профессия event-менеджера. Характеристика event-маркетинга как одной из форм продвижения товаров и услуг в условиях рынка. Спонсорство как средство продвижения event-маркетинга.
Организация мероприятий event-маркетинга для формирования культурного, экономического потенциала территории. Продвижение туризма в Республике Башкортостан. Повышение имиджа туристического региона, привлекательности его для инвесторов и туристов.
Проблема совершенствования продвижения услуг ресторанного бизнеса за счет внедрения Event-мероприятий. Маркетинговое исследование предпочтений посетителей ресторана. Определение приоритетного направления для целей его продвижения и дальнейшего развития.
Основные цели, задачи и классификация event-мероприятия. Главная характеристика эффективности традиционной рекламы. Особенность проведения выставок, приемов и ярмарок. Анализ исследования оценки результативности проведенных специальных мероприятий.
Комплексный анализ event-мероприятий, организованных РА "VivaPromo", оценка их эффективности. Характеристики комплекса интегрированных маркетинговых коммуникаций. Проект по презентации деятельности ведущих косметологов, модельеров и рестораторов Брянска.
Понятие "event-продвижение" и вовлеченность в общественные организации, их место в комплексе PR-коммуникаций. Использование event-мероприятий для повышения уровня вовлеченности молодежи в деятельность проекта "EnerJew" с этнокультурным компонентом.
Conducting a comprehensive analysis of political advertising and campaigning from 1991 to the last presidential elections. The media as a reference point in choosing the political sympathies of addressees. Active phase of advertising development.
Развитие теории управления человеческими ресурсами, определение и структура HR-брендинга. Подходы к формированию бренда работодателя. Развитие теории управления человеческими ресурсами. Описание атрибутов ценностного предложения бренда работодателя.
Using the example of cognitive space, compare the discourse community's understanding of the tourism sphere in the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods; trace what the pandemic caused in the minds of representatives of the English-speaking community.
- 176. Exploring green marketing factors influencing consumers' purchase intentions toward green buildings
An analysis of the threat of an environmental crisis and an assessment of the current imbalance in the environment. Increase environmental awareness and develop a strategy of "green marketing". Perception by consumers of its factors in the estate sector.
Role of client communities in managing relationship with customers. Client communities implementation: best practices. Comparison of telecommunications companies which have, do not have online client communities. Limitations, future research directions.
The developing of a factor model based on significant factors in the macro environment of tourism enterprises. The evaluation and analysis of the factors in the macro environment of tourism enterprises are conducted using the principal components method.
Social networks as the part of marketing communications. The creation of advertising messages. Clients’ perception measurement in the context of social media. Research on determination of factors influencing consumer’s perception of advertising messages.
Analysis of the international beauty brands content marketing on instagram and facebook. Review existing literature on the topic: the definition and the concept of the term "customer engagement". Making of recommendations for global beauty brands.