• Сучасний стан ринку злиттів та поглинань в банківському секторі. Політика НБУ щодо укрупнення банків та підвищенні вимог до капіталу. Рівень присутності іноземних банків в Україні. Російські банки як основні іноземні гравці на фінансовому ринку України.

    статья (79,4 K)
  • Підвищення якості вищої освіти в Україні в аспекті євроінтеграції. Поєднання використання освітніх додатків смартфона з традиційним навчанням. Аналіз головних переваг та недоліків застосування мобільних пристроїв при вивченні іноземних мов та історії.

    статья (31,2 K)
  • Сучасні напрями розвитку інформатизації освіти. Застосування інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій в освітньому процесі та управлінні навчальними закладами. Дистанційна форма навчання в Україні. Вивчення ефективності електронної освіти m-learning.

    статья (259,9 K)
  • Вивчення пар класів неспадних тотальних одномісних арифметичних функцій. Встановлення критеріїв рефлективності, транзитивності. Вивчення ґрат m-звідностей з інформаційними обмеженнями. Дослідження структури рекурсивно перераховних ступенів нерозв’язності.

    автореферат (42,1 K)
  • The study of the rich creative heritage and new relevant aspects of the history of state and legal creation in the works of M.S. Hrushevskyi. Problems of constitutional reform in Ukraine. Traditions and historical experience of legal reforms in Ukraine.

    статья (29,1 K)
  • Taking into account the traditions and historical experience of the organization of state power in Ukraine. Study of the creative heritage of the Ukrainian figure M.S. Hrushevsky, analysis of his concept of "national idea" and constitutional reform.

    статья (28,9 K)
  • The organisation of the constitutional process in the works of Hrushevsky. The concept of "national idea", state building of Kyivan Rus, the Cossack Republic of B. Khmelnytsky, the constitutional process of the period of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

    статья (29,4 K)
  • The study of the rich creative heritage and new topical aspects of the history of state and law - making in the works of M.S. Grushevsky since the time of Gorbachev's "perestroika". Problems of constitutional reform in Ukraine that provide for continuity.

    статья (29,7 K)
  • The article analyzes the ideas of the famous scientist and public figure M. Tugan-Baranovsky on the settlement of agrarian relations of the early twentieth century in sub-Russian Ukraine. The analysis of the content of the scientist's publications.

    статья (18,9 K)
  • The issue of improving university education in the scientific achievements of pedagogue, politician, researcher of world and national history M.P. Drahomanov. Problems of school, teaching in Ukrainian, their role in the development of national culture.

    статья (49,0 K)
  • M9 - a high-level and extremely flexible urban planning solution that shows how you can innovate and at the same time have an eye for the past. The city's historical center of Mestre - one of the alternative to the cultural attractions of Venice.

    статья (1,6 M)
  • The main trends of the world market of M&A transactions and determines specific features of mergers and acquisitions market in Ukraine at the present stage. The transformation mechanisms to update business models. The domestic market of mergers.

    статья (181,1 K)
  • Понятие MACD (Moving Average Convergence/Divergence). Правила торговли с помощью MACD. Определение технического индикатора MACD. Автоматизация процесса принятия решения. Автоматизация в MS Excel: принцип построения графиков, расчет доходности, цены.

    презентация (3,5 M)
  • Differentiation between "driver" and "passenger" mutation as an important task for the functionalization of cancer genomics in the treatment of patients. Differences between mutations that lead to the growth of a mutational nucleus from benign mutations.

    статья (16,3 K)
  • Use of information technology to facilitate access to justice. Characteristics of the main milestones in the development of machine-readable law, analysis of ethical and moral problems of its implementation and functioning in the world and in Ukraine.

    статья (20,3 K)
  • Connection of machine-readable law of with the three waves of development of the movement for access to justice, ethical and moral problems of its implementation and functioning. Assessing the effectiveness of machine-readable law and law in general.

    статья (41,9 K)
  • Practical techniques and ideas for classroom activities. Assumptions about learning. The role of TP on a teacher training course. Feedback on lessons. Eliciting, giving instructions and setting up activities. Students working outside the classroom.

    учебное пособие (10,9 M)
  • The acquisition of skills in English proficiency in Economics, the fundamental themes of economic theory. The concept of the term "econometrics" and its importance. The activity of economic systems, the role of supply and demand in today's market.

    книга (17,7 M)
  • In this scientific article, the author presents a study of trends in the development of the Iraqi economy, as well as an analysis of trends and the structure of GDP in the context of industry, services and agriculture since 2018 and targets for 2022-2023.

    статья (302,8 K)
  • Clarification of biochemical characteristics of woody plant species that grow naturally on devastated lands. Analysis of the content of macronutrients (macronutrients) and heavy metals in tree leaves. Analysis of the content of nutrients and toxic metals.

    статья (520,8 K)
  • Location Madagascar near the eastern coast of South Africa. The rivers flowing into the Indian Ocean. The total area of the island. Three climatic zones of the island. Basic minerals and fossils. Mining of coal and nickel. Mineral exports of the state.

    реферат (13,1 K)
  • Brief biographical details from the life of Marie Curie. The research process the effect of "radioactivity", the discovery of new radioactive elements-radium and palladium. The awarding of the Nobel prize in physics Marie Curie for their work with x-rays.

    презентация (484,4 K)
  • The story of Madam Tussaud. The Chamber of horrors. The Spirit of London. The Wax models of the famous and infamous, both living and dead. The Great characters of history and art. Madam Tussaud’s is the most popular waxworks museum in the world.

    статья (12,7 K)
  • Характеристика развития современной деревообрабатывающей отрасли в Китае. Изучение сотрудничества российских компаний с китайскими производителями деревообрабатывающего оборудования. Описание особенностей производства деревообрабатывающей техники.

    доклад (5,8 M)
  • Critical revision of information about the essence, history and content of ancient magic, which Pliny the Elder presents in Books 28 and 30 of his Natural History. Analysis of the reasons of general reconsideration of Pliny the Elder’s concept of magic.

    статья (72,2 K)
  • Distribution of values of magnetic susceptibility of soils of agricultural land of the chernozem zone of the Left Bank of Ukraine, assessment of their informative value for soil organic carbon control at the regional level. Scheme of soil sampling points.

    статья (1,2 M)
  • An analysis of the electrical activity of the heart based on the DATs MCG and perfusion images in difficult to diagnose cases. 3D-reconstruction of the current density on the basis of the inverse problem solution - direction magnetocardiographic data.

    статья (1,3 M)
  • The amyloplasts in higher plants play the important role in gravisensing cells, statocytes. Effect of high-gradient magnetic field on the roots leads to bends, as in a gravity stimulation. Induction of curvature by the HGMF in root of Pisum sativum.

    статья (1,2 M)
  • Analysis of the study of trade and investment indicators since the diplomatic normalization of relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Korea. Increasing Korea's direct investment in Russia and diversifying it in various sectors.

    статья (202,6 K)
  • The unsatisfactory environmental situation in Ukraine, and especially in its industrialized regions, related to household waste, has long since become a national catastrophe. The volume of waste accumulation in Ukraine reaches about 30 billion tons.

    статья (21,3 K)