Aesthetic and artistic experience of contemporaries in the processes of symbolic production and exchange. The relationship between the degree of aesthetic experience, artistic tastes of man, as well as significant public interest in the quasi-aesthetic.
The prediction of the climate of our planet with the use of artificial intelligence AIDOS-X. The semantic models, demonstrating the presence of similarity between the motion of the lunar orbit and the displacement of the instantaneous pole of the Earth.
Investigated inverse kinematic model approaches. There were analyzed pseudoinverse method, transpose of Jacobian method, damped least squares method as an optimization method. The results of the simulations show the advantages of optimization method.
Development of a simulation model for the functioning of road transport. Optimal planning of economic indicators of transport activity. Evaluation of the effectiveness of logistics, which allows you to manage the volume and study the model in dynamics.
Thе computer prognostic modeling of the beech forests dynamics in the Carpathians and Roztocze using Forkome model. The conducted in the polish Bieszczady, ukrainian Beskidy (nadsanski park) and in polish Roztocze (Roztoczanski national park) regions.
- 396. Simulation of dynamic modes of asynchronous machines with regard to thermal transition processes
The study of dynamic processes in an asynchronous machine. Changes in the ohmic resistance of windings and the energy characteristics of the entire car. Analysis of the unsaturation of the main magnetic flux path and the absence of damping circuits.
The use of "simulation of gnosis" as an intriguing factor and the basis of the plot and composition of "Mary's Keys", which emphasizes the genre specificity of the novel as a detective-adventure. Elements of gnosis replicated at the subculture level.
The scalar model of the gluon condensate, in which bubbles are formed - glue balls. The mass of the known hadrons and as nuclei exited states are described with the acceptable accuracy by the integral of the condensate density in terms of the glueball.
The results of the knowledge test are described, before and after learning using online tutorials. The usefulness of online tutorials is shown and it is shown that learning will have a positive impact on the entire educational process in the future.
Chemical and mechanical processes of the buried concrete elements breakage, filtration through the damaged concrete into enclosing soil. Reconstruction of hydraulic objects in the mine Colliery Group "Pokrovskoye". Fragment of the finite-element scheme.
The emergence stages of deformation and strain of concrete at loading over the entire height section. Taking into account previous stresses in the armature, which are at the phase of making. Destruction of columns and determine their carrying capacity.
The use of any mobile or wireless device for learning on the move. Mobile learning systems. Mobile learning, as a novel educational approach. Canceling the time, place, age, gender, or member of a specific group to participate in learning opportunities.
Анализ основных свойств, определяющих качество протеза. Знакомство с simulink-моделью биоэлектрического управления протезом нижней конечности. Общая характеристика наиболее распространенных видов протезов: косметические, тяговые, биоэлектрические.
Development of a new approach to the simultaneous determination of two reducing agents, which is based on the dependence of the rate of their reaction. Automation of the method using a typical device of the method of sequential injection analysis.
Дослідження подій в сюжетах романів "Жизнь и похождения Петра Степанова сына Столбикова, помещика в трех наместничествах. Рукопись XVIII века" письменника Г. Квітки-Основ’яненка та "The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club" романіста Ч. Діккенса.
Огляд концепцій для створення вебзастосунків, аналіз переваг і недоліків сучасних технологій для прогнозування погодних умов. Представлено сучасні клієнт-серверні технології. Докладно розглянуто концепцію Single Page Application та інші технології.
Analyzes aspects of the single point of entry bank resolution strategy in the US and seeks to determine the viability of legally adopting this approach in the RF. The single point of entry strategy provides an alternative to "bailing out" bank groups.
The data analysis showed that both the FPTP electoral system and the parliamentary government system have contributed substantially to the existing single-party dominance in Ethiopia. The parliamentary government system has also promoted single-party.
A technique for singular value decomposition of blocks of a cover matrix. Possible results of singular value decomposition operation. Mean values of separatenesses belonging to blocks singular values, received as a result of computing experiment.
Cultivation of the Cossacks and Ukrainian identity as conductors of the national spirit in the works of D. Dontsova. Displaying the ideological attitudes and demands of modernity in the work of the writer. Assessing the self-consciousness of Ukrainians.
Категорія числа як лексико-граматична ознака формування мови. Порівняльний аналіз категорії числа мов різних лінгвістично-історичних груп. Приклади створення однини і множини (singulus та plures) в українській, турецькій, німецькій, китайській мовах.
The history of the emergence of Islam in China. Expert opinions of scientists on the evolution of Chinese Islam on the example of the Hui and Uyghur Chinese Muslim ethnic groups. The Chineseization of Islam through the prism of historical development.
Study of the perception of the image of Russia and China among the population of countries and the world. Classification of Sino-Russian communication barriers. Cross-cultural analysis of communication components and aboriginal concepts of interaction.
Priorities of Russian-Chinese cooperation in the gas sector, identification of problems and prospects in the development of relations between China and the Russian Federation in the energy market in the context of the theory of TRANS-regional interaction.
Каталітична активність та поверхневі властивості нанесених на силікагель оксидних каталізаторів Cu—Co—Fe реакції окиснення СО. Термодесорбційні дослідження впливу на активність оксидних каталізаторів кількості низькотемпературної альфа-3-форми СО2.
- 416. Sir John Tenniel
Participation in the competition Tenniel design wall decoration of the new Palace of Westminster. Mural in the Upper Hall of the expectations in the House of Lords. Illustrating the book "Alice in Wonderland" and the subsequent editions of Lewis Carroll.
Russian critical thought of Scott does not speak of the novel as it should since The Antiquary (1816) is the novel which demonstrates the movement of the writer’s artistic method towards more complex and realistic depiction of characters and circumstances
Приналежність ресурсу до альтернативних медій за критерієм концептуалізації ворога. Реалізація критерію толерантності лексем на номінативи та дескриптиви. Розподіл виявів образу ворога за бінарними концептами комунікації в опозиції "свій-чужий".
Детермінування приналежності інтернет-ресурсу до альтернативних медій за критерієм концептуалізації ворога. Здійснення розподілу виокремлених виявів образу ворога за бінарними концептами комунікації в опозиції "свій-чужий"; виявлення лексем.
The role of paradoxes in the novels by Ilf and Petrov "The Golden Calf" and "The Twelve Chairs". The paradoxical nature of the evaluative characteristics, which can manifest itself not only in a horizontal context, but also in a vertical, diachronic one.