The essence of harmonious finance and the stages of its transformation in EU countries. The ecological vector of the regulation of banks’ activities. step- by-step implementation of the NBU’s "environmental" regulatory initiatives in Ukrainian banks.
"Международная конвергенция измерения капитала и стандартов капитала" - Базель I. Методология расчета показателя достаточности банковского капитала в зависимости от качества и степени риска банковских активов. Разделение банковского капитала на уровни.
Стандарти Базельського комітету з банківського нагляду, їх запровадження в банківських системах. Основні аспекти "Базеля ІІІ", методичні рекомендації щодо оцінки його ефективності для вітчизняної банківської системи та етапи впровадження в Україні.
Правові основи банківської діяльності, економічні основи банківської безпеки. Злочинні посягання в банківській сфері. Захист кредитної діяльності банку, безпека електронних банківських розрахунків. Підвищення безпеки при міжнародних банківських операціях
Бык и медведь - самые известные символы фондового рынка и прекрасный элемент привлечения внимания. Животные в жаргоне фондового рынка: волк, заяц, кабан, овца, лось, олень. Поведение игроков биржи с прозвищами животных, анализ их личностных качеств.
Огляд світового ринку "зеленого кредитування", що є ефективним інструментом фінансування проектів з альтернативної енергетики, підвищення енергоефективності та ресурсозбереження. Традиційні підходи до визначення сутності ринку кредитування і його функцій.
Рассмотрен один из главных инструментов "зеленого" финансирования – "зеленый" кредит. Это кредит, предназначенный для экологических проектов, связанных с сельским хозяйством, возобновляемыми источниками энергии, экологически чистой промышленностью.
Дослідження зарубіжної та вітчизняної практики виведення з ринку проблемних банків. Розгляд проблем банківського сектору в Україні внаслідок масштабного виведення банків з ринку. Аналіз рекомендацій щодо поліпшення ситуації в банківській системі.
Изучение истории страхования частей тела началась с 20-х годов прошлого века. Анализ полисов, объектом страхования которых является часть тела. Характеристика основных причин распространения страхования частей тела на зарубежных страховых рынках.
Проведение исследования финансовой устойчивости коммерческого банка в долгосрочной перспективе. Анализ обеспечения непрерывного процесса осуществления экономической деятельности кредитного учреждения путем эффективного использования денежных средств.
Особенности внедрения новых финансовых технологий на рынке банковских услуг. Анализ рисков внедрения технологий в финансовую сферу в части киберрисков и рисков непредсказуемого влияния электронных средств платежа на существующую денежную систему.
The concept of the bank as a financial institution and intermediary that accepts deposits and provides loans. History and mandatory bill details as a written financial obligation, giving the note holder the right to receive money from the debtor.
The four-level model of the choice of strategy changes in the consolidation perimeter. Strategy for the financial condition of the banking group, participant of the banking group. Indicators of the financial condition of participant of the banking group.
A study of the cost increase of competitors in the winning units at the time of trading. Estimate their allocative efficiency and preferences. A description of the types of auction: in the form of rising price - watch, combinatorial and Vickrey auction.
- 15. A Russian Bank in the Khanate of Khiva of Novo-Urgench Branch of the Russo-Asiatic Commercial Bank
Functioning of the Novo-Urgench branch of the Russo-Asian commercial bank on the basis of the material from Russian State Historical Archive: successful operations, organizational structure, interaction with clients, its influence on the regional market.
The documentation as a basic elements of a method of accounting in private bank. "On payment" as obligations which are available for the enterprise before workers and employees in connection with charge of a salary by it. The main enterprise debts.
Main approaches to building up a system for management of financial risks faced by banks. Identification of risk sources, assessment and minimization of the effects of the risks, in order to reduce their adverse impact on the commercial bank performance.
Studying the features of the formation of the principles of state and supranational regulation of financial markets to create the optimal mechanism for the functioning of the stock market based on international experience and national characteristics.
Dividend policy as one of the important factors in determining the investment attractiveness of companies' securities and making a decision to buy or sell them. The role of dividend policy in the value of the company on the example of PAO Severstal.
Comparison of the performance of commercial, state and cooperative banks in Germany for 2014-2018 using the interest margin. Assessment of return on equity, cost-benefit ratio as indicators of economic efficiency. Improving the quality of services.
Comprehensive analysis of trends in the formation of analytical and information support for the activities of stock market participants based on a logistic approach. The principles that form the basis of information provision of exchange activity.
Analyze financial innovation: API and the opportunities of the technology and experience of corporate and institutional clients who face API in daily business conduction in foreign and Russian banks. Experience in the development of the BaaS-service Alfa.
Determining the importance of customers as a valuable asset in the competitive struggle of banks in the modern financial market. Consideration and characterization of the features of the process innovate banking business and expand to new markets.
Research of international literacy for the adequacy of factors and indicators in rating assessments. Determination of the ratios of financial indicators. Review of methodologies for assessing the credit rating of banks. Investments in securities.
Improving the efficiency of the process of managing a bank's corporate loan portfolio. Developing a methodical approach to assessing the resistance of the bank's industrial loan portfolio to the effects of the dynamic macroeconomic environment.
Assessment of insurance efficiency, economic context: risk reduction, application processing speed, customer satisfaction, financial stability of insurance companies. Development of proposals as ways to improve the effectiveness of the insurance sector.
The article presents one fixed-effect and two random-effect regression models detailing the directions and strength of influence of independent variables on dependent variables (INFLATION, UN- EMPL, GINI - indicators of macroeconomic stability).
Evaluation of the practical experience of the initial public offering of shares on the example of the Bank of Astana, which can be a pilot project for expanding the practice of equity financial instruments on the national stock market of Kazakhstan.
Theoretical basis of formation and management of second tier banks’ resources. The concept, structure and management of the bank’s capital. Essence, classification and role of deposits. Bonds and syndicated loans as the main sources of non-deposit funds.
The concept and the main causes of bad loans, an assessment of their prevalence in modern banking system of Ukraine. Their financial rationale and ways to solve this problem. The process of checking the quality of a bank loan, requirements to it.