• Study and characteristic of an alternative understanding of the subject-matter, method and data for linguistic research which would be grounded on human experience observable in films. Focuses on the problem of research methodology in linguistics.

    статья (33,2 K)
  • The concept of "motivation" and "linguistic picture of the world" is interpreted through the prism ofpresent-day realities in the study of English as a background, which is implemented identically to the universe in the realization of a foreign language.

    статья (17,1 K)
  • Comparative analysis of the basic criteria of behaviourism and humanism theories. Communication and motivation for learning plays. Critical Analysis of Attribution Theory. Critical evaluation of humanistic psychology. Attributive theory of motivation.

    реферат (59,1 K)
  • Investigation of motivation as a process of mental regulation of specific types of activity. Analysis of the manifestation of demands and instincts as sources of activity. The main characteristic of substantive and procedural theories of inducement.

    статья (15,5 K)
  • Analysis of lexical and grammatical means in political discourse. The purpose of this study is to analyze the linguistic forms that are noted in the speech of the President of the United States of America Donald Trump and his predecessor Barack Obama.

    статья (31,6 K)
  • Analysis of the short story titled "Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel coat" written by British author Roald Dahl. Genre of the work, especially the construction of the plot. Characteristics of the characters of the story, their characters, external conflicts.

    анализ книги (14,8 K)
  • Multilingualism is a widespread phenomenon in modern societies. Researchers studying the phenomenon of multilingualism. Contacts between people speaking different languages. Acquisition of multilingual competence as the ability to speak several languages.

    статья (12,9 K)
  • Geosemiotic characteristics of the signs, announcements on epidemiological restrictions, warnings published in public places in Berehove. A study of how official language policy and planning and popular attitudes shape the Covid-19 linguistic landscape.

    статья (2,9 M)
  • An analysis of selected works by Philip Larkin. Features of the representation of the concept "love" in Larkin's poetry. Expression of the concept in originals and translations of works into German. Lexico-semantic units embodying the concept of "love".

    статья (22,2 K)
  • Elucidation of the concept of the multimedia corpus "Everybody has his own war", the features of its marking using the ELAN software. Creating an annotation system that explicitly represents speech phenomena. Format of transcript of oral speech.

    статья (532,2 K)
  • Modern interactive technologies. Characterization of foreign vocabulary and the formation of students' lexical skills through the use of multimedia presentation. Implementation of a communicative approach to mastering all aspects of a foreign language.

    статья (15,9 K)
  • The possibilities of a multimodal approach to the study of specialized texts in technical discourse. Expanding the existing understanding of multimodality in linguistic studies and in modern technical discourse. Principles of the multimodal approach.

    статья (239,5 K)
  • The consideration of the specific distribution of speech and gesture in the multimodal deixis of discourse space construal in narratives. Comparison of the plot contents and viewer engagement as two major coordinates of discourse space in media.

    статья (12,5 M)
  • What's the essence of the term didactic multimodal text? What are the main didactic features of didactic multimodal texts? What are the benefits and challenges the foreign learners face while learning Ukrainian with the usage of didactic multimodal texts?

    статья (24,5 K)
  • Types of commercial narrative. Validation of techniques and tactics for implementing strategies of multimodality, neurocopywriting, which create cognitive integrity of translation, perception of digital information in English-language commercial texts.

    статья (1,4 M)
  • The phonic and graphic means utilized in recreating horror imagery in the text. The translation strategies employed in rendering the multimodal means into. The sentences depicting the characters' inability to act soundly in threatening situations.

    статья (124,0 K)
  • A study of the nature of the comic in political stand-up comedy. Use of words, body language, facial expressions, and gestures in the communication process. Cognitive mechanisms of humor expression. Analysis of means of creating ontological incongruence.

    статья (511,3 K)
  • The theory of multiple intelligences as an integral part of the approach to foreign language teaching in the classroom. Possible methodology for the conduct of the lesson and appropriate lesson planning from the point of view of each type of perception.

    статья (226,5 K)
  • The perfect school as a place, where teachers and pupils feel good. The school cafeteria, where everyone can choose any dishes from all over the world. The description of different teachers: history, mathematics, music, chemistry, physical trainings.

    презентация (1,5 M)
  • The study of childhood and adolescence of Ivan Pyryev. Analysis of his playing in a professional drama troupe. Formation of him as an actor of the theater Meyerhold. Staging director of musical comedies. Making the film "The Legend of the Siberian land."

    статья (14,0 K)
  • Slonim is my hometown. Origin of the name of the city. Improving the infrastructure under Lev Sapega. Industrial enterprises of the modern city. The main attractions of the city are Slonim. Slonim district history museum named after I.I. Stabrovskiy.

    контрольная работа (12,5 K)
  • Studying in AUCA. Travelling with Work and Travel. Celebrities who supported the missions of UNP. My career life. My help to settle international disputes by peaceful means. Contribute to the maintenance of law and order. The program Work and Travel.

    презентация (294,1 K)
  • Peculiarities of the use of mythological images in Latin-language poetry of the Baroque era in Ukraine. Analysis of the phenomenon of contamination of two worldview systems, which was embodied in a whimsical combination of Christian and ancient elements i

    статья (24,4 K)
  • Integral study of language and speech as a linguo-creative phenomenon. Research of semiotic and cognitive features of linguistic units that denote mythological phenomena. Analysis of the basic concept-mythology of the Sun God in modern song discourses.

    статья (27,4 K)
  • Learning the relationship between language and speech. Analysis of the basic concept-the mythologem of the sun God, research of possible scenarios of its implementation in various modern song discourses, in particular in English, Swedish, Slavic.

    статья (29,6 K)
  • Describes a group of kin terms in Landuma which have a non-standard phonological structure: they begin with the consonant cluster NC. It is shown that the properties of these nouns can be explained via their origin: all of them are borrowed from Mande.

    статья (48,3 K)
  • Рассмотрение компонента-союза and и его семантико-синтаксической роли на примере английских N-вершинных фразеологических конструкций с компонентом bread. Функция незнаменательного компонента фразеологизма and. Связь между and и компонентом bread.

    статья (21,6 K)
  • Considering a rather specific sphere of automobile naming. Analysis of the bridal shops naming performed by Natalia Novospasskaya, Olesya Lazareva and Natalia Perlieva on the background of different cultures, namely Russian, English and Serbian.

    статья (21,0 K)
  • The analysis of the narrative of interrogation at the stage of pre-trial investigation from the standpoint of communicative pragmatics helps to optimize international communication, clarifies the speech situation "investigator - interrogated person.

    статья (18,4 K)
  • Measuring the level of emotional intelligence of Iranian female students using oral and written narratives. Using the Emotional Quotient method for young people. Development of effective interventions at school for the formation of students' competencies.

    статья (31,3 K)