Idioms are colorful examples of cross- cultural relations. Traditional methods of teaching idioms focus on rote learning and memorization. Some of the most interesting historical phraseological units and the history of their occurrence are considered.
The use of proverbs in philology to express a certain concept. Analysis of the enhancement of emotional effect in any text using proverbs. Correct definition of the role of structural analysis of English proverbs in an enrichment of the English language.
Research of the functioning and development of the system of providing administrative services by public authorities in Ukraine. Problems and obstacles to the introduction of information technology in the centers of provision of managerial services.
The benefits of information technology as traditional educational institutions, and models of online education. The feature of the use of multimedia presentations, knowledge management software, video conferencing and cloud computing in English lessons.
The impact of culture on the growth of man through the prism of the energy and informational aspects, allowing to explore human culture as a process that governs human development and explains its evolution. The study of the works of Aristotle and Plato.
Study of differences in writing habits by the age and gender. Factors and causes of changing writing habits. Influence of digital tools on people’s writing. The impact of information technology on the writing. Influence of technology on the way we write.
- 2707. The influence of external factors on lexical changes in the English language of the XXI-st century
The actual problems of modern English language of the ХХІ-st century. Separating the most striking external factors which had an influence on lexical changes in the English language. Factors that affected English and its enrichment of new lexical units.
A description of changes in the structure and content of the verbal code of Russian culture and the Russian language picture of the world under the influence of English-language borrowings and the definition of its influence on the change of verbal code.
Analysis of the influence of the phonetic characteristics of surnames on the relative success of various political candidates. A characteristic of phonetic symbolism that has been discussed and explored in speech recordings and controlled experiments.
The literary breakthroughs Zuo Zhuan from narration technique, narration perspective, the author’s role in narration, to its imaginary elements and the shaping of characters. Exploring of the influence of Zuo Zhuan on the conspiracy of Chinese fictions.
English as a global language for maintaining relations between countries in various fields. Analysis of the position of English as a universal language. Benefits of using English as a language of communication in the travel and tourism industry.
Defining the concept of internet-aphorism. The nature of the genre form of text, the dynamics of its life cycle. Part of the cultural, social and individual contexts of aphorisms on the Internet. The specifics of the simulacrum and precedent text.
Study of temporality and time relations in Russian and Kyrgyz languages. Research of the concept "time" in the linguistic picture of the world based on the associative experiment. Reflection of cultural, spiritual and moral values in Kyrgyz culture.
The analysis of the intra-nominal word structure of suffixed nouns in the language of the 15th-18th centuries according to the part-language belonging of the word-form and the semantics of suffixes, their productivity, frequency and regularity of use.
The nature of the phoneme from the perspective of the three dimensions. Features and functions of English phonemes. Characteristics of the English vowels and consonants. The differences in the articulation of English, Russian and Kazakh languages.
Realization of directions of organizational support of jury activity. Recommendations on the Council of the Jury Circuit Court as one of the forms of self-organization of citizens with the status of an advisory body under the chairman of the court.
Stylistic embodiment and attributive characteristics of language images "maple" and "apple tree" in the works of Ukrainian poet V. Holoborodko. Demonstration of the linguopoetic picture of the world and explication of florolexems in the author's poetry.
Study of the frame as a structure of organization of knowledge in the mind, which can be formally presented through a fixed set of content components determined by it. Review of the palette of knowledge about a stereotypical situation using language.
Characteristics of loanwords in the terminology of finance. Analysis of translation techniques and the phenomenon of alternate use of Russian and English, i.e. language strategy aimed at identifying the speaker as a member of the professional community.
Analysis of linguistic features of the style of modern english scientific and technical literature, which significantly affect the specificity of its translation into the ukrainian language. Study of the language structures and methods of translation.
Characteristics of terminology as a factor in the formation of military terminology and discourse. Study of cognitive-pragmatic features and characteristics of the concept military terminology based on the material of the Persian and Ukrainian languages.
Analysis of the features of translation of lexical units from a foreign language. The approaches to translation of texts are considered: cognitive, global and special. The task of translation is to transfer ideas and meaning from one language to another.
Analysis of the study of the lexical approach to teaching English as a foreign language. The phrase hypothesis as the theoretical basis of the lexical approach and the typology of lexical units developed within the framework of the studied approach.
Characteristics of the lexical component of aviation English. The defines the notion of aviation English and disclose the peculiarities of its vocabulary. Investigation of the lexical domains distinguished within Aviation English subset of the language.
Inseparability of two concepts - "culture" and "slang phenomenon" in English. Disclosure of the concept of "culturally significant component" when using slang. The influence of cultural information of language units on the mentality of native speakers.
Peculiarity of the entrepreneurial activity with the purpose of profit. Analysis of the protection of entrepreneurs' rights by legislation in the process of their licensing. Feature of the study of the performance of license and resolve conditions.
Diachronic, synchronic lexical-semantic meaning of the concept "fighting nation". Its connotative changes caused by the impact of a number of external factors: propaganda activities, forcing and discrediting the concept. Prevalence among Chinese youth.
Investigation of the potential adaptation of authentic texts as a means of teaching English. The analysis of textbooks that are intended for educational purposes, but are considered artificial, because they can not provide linguistic components.
Study of the linguistic status of ideation in startup discourse and its impact on the promotion of innovations in the context of digital marketing. Use of basic technologies for the development of effective professional and marketing communication.
Revealing the semantic content of the German linguocultural concept TORSCHLUSSPANIK. Analysis of the emotional state of middle-aged German citizens. Using corpus linguistic data to build a cognitive picture of the world of the inhabitants of Germany.