Focuses on psycholinguistic analysis of cinematic female archetype verbal portrayal. Based on Jung's idea of the archetype as a recurring image of the collective unconscious, characteristic for different nations, regardless of their culture and language.
Political scientists consider it (vocabulary) as words that characterize the political and economic image of the state, linguists consider these words as means of journalistic style, therefore, an object of linguistics. Socio-political vocabulary.
Identification of the main factors influencing the formation of Hungarian-Slovak bilingualism in the conditions of the socio-cultural context of modern Slovakia. Development of the education system aimed at the formation of early childhood bilingualism.
The study briefly describes the bilingual language situation of Hungarian minority communities living outside Hungary. It deals with the fact that for the Hungarian communities discussed, the Hungarian language is the primary identity-forming factor.
Features of the use of translation transformations in the translation of comparative phraseological units during the reproduction of the German novel by E.M. Remarque in Ukrainian. Analysis of the main methods of applying translation transformations.
English and Turkmen have direct and indirect word order. Most of the grammatical forms of the English language are formed analytically with the help of different structural words, in Turkmen they are mostly formed synthetically - by means of in flections.
Dеvotеd to principlеs of linguistic аnd prаgmаtic аnаlysis of lеgаl discoursе. The debatable question of the existence of the linguopragmatic method is described and the expediency of using discursive and types of analysis in legal discourse is proven.
Study of examples of accompanying documents. Consideration of some features of automation of the process of translating technical documentation. Comprehensive use of linguistic software products to ensure the greatest efficiency of translation work.
The consideration of means of manifestation of linguistic personality, which is defined as an instrument of cognitive activity of a person. The verbal semantic level is analyzed. The functional division of the system of the linguistic personality.
Consideration of the manipulative potential of stylistic devices in modern media discourse. Study of stylistic devices used in media discourse for the purpose of manipulating information. The object is articles in English-language newspaper editions.
Empirical methods in signed language research. Methodology for multimodality: One way of working with speech and gesture data. Experimental methods for simulation semantics, studying the mental representation of language. Speaking for the wordless.
In the original poem "Contra spem spero!" Lesya Ukrainka's concept of life, features of her artistic outlook, rebellion and opposition to the logic of life circumstances were multifaceted. All this can be felt in the translation of the work in Turkish.
- 2743. The meaning of the word
Rules for constructing words in English. The elements of the semantic structure. Lexical meaning of word. The main sources of homonyms. Phonetic change and borrowing. Synonyms - words different in sound-form, but identical or similar in meaning.
The German language is a category that can be viewed through different units of speech and language: plural forms of notional parts of speech, indefinite article and its substitutions, intensifiers, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns and phraseological units.
The concept of image in media discourse is defined, the main lexical, phraseological, syntactic and stylistic means of forming media images of political leaders, show business stars and advertising goods in English-language texts of media discourse.
The main characteristic of gradation relations within the basic conceptual field "heart", which is represented by the concept of "container". Research of tendencies of use of nouns heart, heart in function of a metonymic designation of the person.
The functions of the meta-language of linguistics and literary studies in the works of Barth and Pelevin, their relatively description. Metatext game in the form of fractal patterns of concentric circles and a spiral as a tool to assess of works.
Combining several theories in one study in linguistics. Combining a traditional syntactic platform with proven methods of descriptive analysis and distribution. The principle of neutrality when choosing points of view when using the term "mixed syntax".
Determination of the growth rate of fixed assets, depending on a number of technical and economic parameters. Estimation of investment decisions by means of discounting of cash flows of capital reproduction. Impact of lending rates on practical dynamics.
The use of associative exercises to work with illustrative material of peep books in English language lessons in elementary school. The role of non-verbal component in self-expression. The selling of the principles of the concept of personal development.
Integral technical evaluation brick buildings as deformation of their bases in the geotechnical conditions of the old centre. The main elements providing spatial rigidity residential houses. Definition joint analysis of defects and damage structures.
The pragmatic potential of the military language which serves as a means of verbalization of the concept "Woman" which was revealed within P. Zagrebelniy's discourse. Their expressive capacity in respect of postulates of gender linguistics was analyzed.
Analysis of counteraction to crimes against morality associated with the conceptual apparatus. Improvement of the principles of combating crime, in the context of processes of decriminalization of activities related to the provision of sexual services.
The concept of derivation and its main issues, the possible ways of solving them, and value. General characteristics of word formation. The morphemic structure of English language: prefixes, suffixes, compound words. Minor types of word formation.
The word formation linguistic disciplines and subject of it research. The concept of derivation and its main issues. General characteristics of word formation. The morphemic structure of English Language. Compound words in Modern English Language.
Outline of the possibilities of applying the corpus methodology to the analysis of the artistic motif of pain in the works of American and British modernism. New perspectives on the analysis of artistic text. The status of lexical items as keywords.
The point of departure of all mystical linguistic theories. Three themes attaching to an argument. Israel Saruk as a platonizing Kabbalist of the Lurianic school. The conception of the Torah as the language of God. The symbolism of the ten Sefiroth.
Description of neologisms: definition, diachronic analysis, cultural acceptance factor. Major word building types. Analyzed and according to their source and time of appearance, sphere of usage, ability to create new forms, notion appearance.
Study of the nominative space of neologisms in modern English mass media. Demonstrate productivity of all methods of the lexical units formation, but the morphological neologisms are the nucleus of the whole corpus of the allocated lexical innovations.
Analysis of the Old Ukrainian lexicon of the 15th century Ukrainian letters in the format of the lexical-semantic and functional direction of the linguistic algorithm. The content of letters, which can be classified according to the territorial feature.