• The analyze and distinguish the means of verbalization of concepts in the political speeches of American politicians. To define and describe the main functions of political speech; identify and classify cognitive metaphors in the speeches of politicians.

    статья (17,7 K)
  • The definition of the term neologism. The analyse neologisms of 2016-2017 representing the universal concept of time as lexical units having identified their part of speech, type (according to Newmark) and word formation process they had to undergo.

    статья (435,4 K)
  • Analysis of German youth slang from the point of view of its classification. New youth lexical and phraseological units. Vocabulary elements of colloquial and literary styles of the German language. Means of verbal communication of young people.

    статья (36,7 K)
  • Disclosure of the concept of interference as a linguistic phenomenon arising in the process of translation. The role of interference in the translation of texts into English and Ukrainian. Methods used by interpreters when faced with interference.

    статья (20,9 K)
  • The role of interference as a linguistic phenomenon that arises in the process of translation between Ukrainian and English. Classification of interference by the method of influencing language. The emergence of the phonetic type of interference.

    статья (42,1 K)
  • Modern Chinese sociolinguistic studies of language conflicts distinguish four types of conflicts: conflict between different languages, conflict between dialect and standard language, conflict between written vernacular Chinese and classical Chinese.

    статья (25,1 K)
  • Lexical and grammatical means of politeness as a phenomenon in language that expresses the attitude of the speaker to the interlocutors in social communication; types of politeness. Analysis of the use of modal verbs and expressions to express politeness.

    статья (23,3 K)
  • Characteristics of the concept of changes in the logistics system as one of the major economic complexes in the world literature on economics. The peculiarity of business transformation and the essence of increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise.

    статья (23,2 K)
  • Words of gratitude in the English language. The different ways of expressing gratitude in English and intonation patterns which are used if we want to thank someone in English. The typical intonation of phrase "Thank you" and "Thank you very much".

    статья (13,8 K)
  • English films and their impact on people. Review of movie title translation strategies. Methods of harmonious and perfect transmission of information from one language to another. Study the plenty of famous and classical English movie titles translation.

    статья (23,9 K)
  • Analysis of the morphological categories of verbs in contrasting languages. Study categories of time, aspect, taxi, voice and mood. Characterization of non-finite forms of the verb. Presentation of verbs with the infinitive, participle and eucharist.

    реферат (285,8 K)
  • The concepts of causation and causative construction. The show how the problem of translation of causative constructions can be solved in line with "the cognitive-heuristic translation model which is based on the key principles of cognitive semantics".

    статья (27,2 K)
  • Characteristics of the grammatical synonymy of verb-temporal forms in Spanish and Russian. Revealing the typology of convergence and divergence of denotative and connotative semantics of Spanish and Russian verbs in intramodal and intermodal meanings.

    статья (26,2 K)
  • Необходимость изучения слов-индексов на современном этапе развития общества. Задача установления закономерностей функционирования языка в высших слоях общества. Переход отдельных слов из разряда U-words в разряд non-U words (pudding) или наоборот.

    статья (35,9 K)
  • Сутність поняття "антиконцепт". Загальна характеристика антиконцепту UGLINESS як доповнюючого елементу холістичного відображення естетичної оцінки у свідомості носіїв англійської мови, аналіз ознак. Знайомство з етапами розвитку когнітивної лінгвістики.

    статья (130,7 K)
  • This research of Czech urbanonyms is based on the register of streets RUIAN, which is administered by the Czech Land Surveying and Cadastral Office. A number of street names in Czechia were motivated by Ukrainian toponyms or by the name of this state.

    статья (37,2 K)
  • Attention is being focused upon the phenomena of self-organization and self-control i.e. the evolution, function and modification. The complex research items are being objectified by the modern linguistic tendencies and topically textocentric approach.

    статья (11,1 K)
  • The design as a separate branch started to exist from the moment when the schools, their teaching methods, the circle of teachers who could outline the limits of their profession were formed. The periods of the Ukrainian design terminology formation.

    статья (12,5 K)
  • The analysis reflects the important ethno- and sensory-linguistic characteristics of Saskatchewan econyms of Ukrainian origin. The peculiarities of toponym meaning are identified and explained. The sensory-linguistic aspects of Saskatchewan econyms.

    статья (19,5 K)
  • Ukrainian language as the state language in the creation and further development of the Ukrainian state. Perception of the language through its state-forming role, on the of meeting the requirements for ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language.

    статья (23,7 K)
  • In the framework of the study, New York is the prism of revealing the Ukrainian national identity in the context of historical events important for the Ukrainian nation in a diachronic perspective. Translation methods and strategies are highlighted.

    статья (25,2 K)
  • The large number of verbal EF as an appropriate metaphor for rethinking AC phrases. The classification of verbs with post verbs to a particular semantic group. The metaphorical nature of revolutions with comparing the components EF verb with same words.

    статья (12,8 K)
  • Ефективність зорової пам’яті в утримуванні об’єктів протягом тривалого часу. У статті робиться акцент на асоціаціях, які люди роблять, запам’ятовуючи різні речі. Кольорові картки з перекладом слів та полегшення процесу створення асоціацій у студентів.

    статья (26,1 K)
  • Semiotic approach to text interpretation as a language phenomenon that conveys socio-semantic information - knowledge. A system of semiotic signs, rules for replacing one sign with another, known to both the addresser and the addressee for communication.

    статья (16,5 K)
  • Analysis of understanding of impoliteness at the household level. Definition of two binary opposing social identities - polite and impolite citizen. Discourse by impolite people from the point of view of van Dijk's ideological discourse analysis.

    статья (49,7 K)
  • Ideas of unification, disunity in the inaugural speeches of Presidents Obama and Trump. Ceremonialism, appeal to past, present and future events and high literary style of utterance. Semantically verbs, statements of factors of the surrounding reality.

    статья (45,5 K)
  • Analyze nomination of power relations representing unity and division of the nation in 2013 Obama’s and 2017 Trump’s inaugurals with the application of the conceptual relations for force. Verbs with the meaning of protection activate blockage relations.

    статья (19,7 K)
  • Resultados del trabajo sobre el Atlas de la Lengua Vasca realizado en la Academia Bilbao / Bayona. Analisis de variantes del euskera, los procesos de creacion de un estandar linguistico unificado. Razones para elegir el idioma subyacente al estandar.

    статья (2,6 M)
  • The creation of a restrictive account for syntactic phases under some crucial assumptions of the last years such as Reverse Agree and Universal DP. Boskovic's position on phase impenetrability constraint. Boskovic’s arguments against Universal DP.

    статья (49,0 K)
  • Harvard University, sometimes simply refer to as Harvard, is a private university in Massachusetts. Charter creating Collegiate School. Leland Stanford, the university's founder. The Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources.

    презентация (45,0 M)